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Current Food Crisis : Divine Attribute - THE PROVIDER
Peace be upon you and everyone in EU and world!

Agricultre part of the crop is used by human and rest is consumed by other creature. This is one among numerous sustenance systems of world.

As I believe, God Almighty has holy attibutes. Al-Razzaq is one of the attributes. It means: The One Who grants in this world or in Hereafter ----- Who grant food, sustenance, provision, nourishment and rainfall ----- Who grant everything which is beneficial.

It is revealed in holy Quran:
And there is no creature that moves on the earth but it is for Allah to provide it with sustenance. And He knows its place of temporary settlement and permanent abode. All this is recorded in clear Book. (chapter # 11 HUD : verse # 7)

God is kind Provider. His grants provisions for mankind. Provision includes the sustenance for the Hereafater. Basis for that sustenance is spirituality and good works. The reward for this is granted in this world while it is fully bestowed in the Hereafter.

To spread spiritual nourishment, system which God made is system of sending Prophets. According to this humble's believe, God sent the time bounded spiritual nourishments through prophets and the everlasting best spiritual nourishment is sent through holy Quran and the holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him and all prophets) which continues in its pure peaceful form as Ahmadiyya refomation now.

Today world including super powers face food shortage and inflation despite wonderful progress in agriculture in some countries.If the nations actually provide for themselves then why there is so much outcry among them of shortage?

Allah enlarges (the means of) sustenance for such of His servants as (He pleases), and straitens (them) for whom He pleases. Surely, Allah has full knowledge of all things. (29:63)

May humanity come back to God for peaceful life here in this world and in Hereafter. amen

but you are wrong! We now live in a period when hunger is reduced to minimum! There are very few countries in the world (in Africa) that face the given problem. They permanently receive support from the UNO.
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2008 The Year Of Global Food Crisis (from Sunday Herald)June 25, 2008 Est 1999 Scotland's award-winning independent newspaper .... The prospect of global food shortages is now Malthusian, he suggests. ...
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Experts: Global Food Shortages Could ‘Continue for Decades' :: The ...Experts: Global Food Shortages Could ‘Continue for Decades'. Commodities / Agricultural Commodities Feb 22, 2008 - 01:36 PM. By: Joseph_Dancy ...
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