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Georgia vs Russia
It's again the conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia has filmed an action of how Russian troops are deploying heavy military hardware in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Officials in Tbilisi said that the video proved the Russians were a fighting force, not just peacekeepers. Moscow strongly denies the claim. Again issues of independence and sovereignty...
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Georgia is a former soviet republic, it's a bad thing it has such bad relations with Russia, they depend on it a lot.

the whole Georgian economy is a Russian one. Russian factories are everywhere in Georgia, and a part of the country's population understands that, and the other doesn't. The latter is the new generation.
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if they are left to leave without Russian support, I think in a little time they will want to reestablish the relations themselves

An other front of the cold war. Georgia needs support from NATO and Russia doesn't want American influence here.
Do you know that Stalin was Georgian :quoi

yes I knew that. His face is a typical Georgian one. Actually not only he was Georgian on the Russian political stage. Today there are a lot of deputies in Duma who are Russians. But, this is only nationality, they forgot about that and serve Russian interests already.
...oh, a photo of stalin :geek:

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several years ago, when Russia obviously began to conflict with Georgia, the most of the casinos from Moscow (which mostly are owned by Georgians) were closed. Since those times, Georgian businessmen finance antirussian movements cause they are mad on Russians
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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why would they fight against Russians. If I were them, I would finance pro-Russian movements, so that the casinos are opened again
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recently four Russian peacemakers were arrested by Georgians. The Russian defense minister said if this repeats, Russians will attack Georgians, and the latter will assume the whole responsibility for that.
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the Georgian President said he will ask Russia to back off its peacemaking forces these days. It's all about formalities, he asked them to do that so many times and it was resultless

In my opinion, Georgians are very proud, but can't understand why. Yes, many years ago it conflicted with Russia, but now it should be over and they should establish peace!
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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no, the Georgians are patriots, they love Georgia and will never forget how Russia influenced their history.
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As long as Russia maintains its forces in Georgia, the latter will always be using its veto on excluding Russia from the WTO.

On the 8th of July the president of Georgia, Saakashvili, said that his country is prepared for a war. Earlier four members of the Georgian military service personnel were arrested. He called this arrest a kidnapping and blamed Russia in conflict escalation. Georgia requested support from the USA.
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Georgian people should know that Russia was their savior, without Russia, Georgian people would be Turks.
Why Georgian people like Amerika? If you take in consideration West and East Germany you will find the diferent feelig towared USA, after Berlin Wall was removed,for East Germans Amerika become savior but for the west aggressor,why just for East Germans?
Well, comunisam was programed by the Weat money to meke people suffer just, like in Russia and in former East republics, so when Amerika need them as East germany or Georgians,USA would make them think, that owner of communism,is to be blamed for their suffer, that the reason why Russian Ex republics will run in to the ,,trap" long time prepared by the Zionist organization.

Your thoughts are right Sindjelich, but not entirely. Western Germans don't consider America an agressor. It is all due to the so-called "unreimburasble loans" offered by America to Germany so it could recover it's loses after the WWII
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I was in W.Germany,99% of them hated USA and NATO forces stationed in their land,the point I am making between W.and E.G.after USA on Berin Wall pull the plug supporting life of communism,including E.G.who were thinking in W.G.flow milk & honey, for all ex communst countries; Amerika become hero # 1...good for them;bad for the US tax payers...

in this case why did America offered Germany the billions of dollars after the WWII?
“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.”
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Sovijet communism for the USA was gold Mine.On your questin!,- why USA offer to W.G.billions of US dollars, answer is (i guess), instead to go after gold mine i Sovijet Union, for Russian Zionist organization, Russian gold ,,mine" become a bargain chip for the money USA offer to the W.G...this is the main reason why 1945 Westerna Allies(before chasing O.Bin Lade) didin't invade Sovijet Union.

so you mean the USA financed Germany for making it an ally?
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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The question is not only money,when Germany lost the war,(instead waiting 60 years)why USA didn't invade Sovijet Union and Yugoslavija to get rid off communism?

USA simply couldn't do that. They would certainly lose that war. I mean Europe knew that fascism was removed mostly due to the USSR warriors and it would help it fight against the USA.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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Is that the seme reason, why 1945 they didin't enter in Yugoslavia to help proWest forces fighting fascist and communist criminal activity in Yugoslavia?
The fact of the matter is however, that the fascist war was created NOT only to destroy Monarchy in Yugoslavia,or in the othere countries where monarchy were main forces on the way:expention of the Zionist forces socalled communism,but as today, to strenghten Zionist movement to overpower entire world.
The is the true reason why US allies let Sovijet forces remain in former Yugoslavia as well in 'none' mention nations of Eastern Europe, and after the Berlin Wall was removed, why, in this days communist leader, getaway bening chrge for the atrocity they committed agaist own people.

are there communists at present? :quoi

Community yes, the word of communism which USA Zionist were using in Russia and other countries in East Europe revolution ,never was and never will be as such, the social justice however; people were and are seeking, could come only trough the faith of our God and Savior ,,Jesus Christ",otherwise,the wars will continue until our planet Mother Earth destruction...

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