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Georgia vs Russia
tiko-papuka Wrote:russia -this is neighbour republic who wants teritories of our country ,and this war began long time ago,not only in cxinvali ,this place was just a reason of begining a war so evidently once again,
do you realy believe that this steps from russia was a help towards the osetians ?and they have no their personal interesties??no its absurdity.
and for help ''poor osetians'' they use their techniques,their fighter aircrafts, fire arms,and even spend fuel all for disinterested??no it isn't looks like russians character.
so this fact wasn't the kind intention to south ossetia,but armed attack!
for shame PUTIN,you are blame in front of each georgian and it requites according to your desert for this bloody battle ,
best regards to you.............

Even if what you say is true - so what? Why is it bad that new government is to be set in Georgia? You say your nation is suffering from an unjust assault. I say your president is a retarded idiot. It is a stated fact now that it was him who started the war. Would you argue? Yes, the Russian answer is "disproportionate". Well, that's life, man. You make mistakes - you pay, and that's that.

just listen!
now it isn't time to critique someone who start the war,but settle and decide how to stop the way cxinvali is our teritory do tou know that? and anyone who intrude into it is already aggressor.we were keeping to our defences.
but today morning they bombed tbilisi ,capital of georgia,and many of other cities in spite of they're several kilomatres far from epicentre of south you know what does it mean???
great number of innocent people are dying .is this normal???
russia has no justification at all.
for the end ,
russia ,''do for other what you want them to do for you''
so stop the war .

Is it normal to kill people in tshinvali?
My country is defending its citizens.
How many people were killed in Tbilisi?
Sorry for my english

Now, what I want to say in short:
Yes, Georgia isn't a big country, but Georgia has a great history. Georgia comes from the very anncient times, it has 20 centuries history. And all that period our ancestors had fought for their homeland, and so we preserved our nationality.
And still, we all stand together, with hope of future and strong power of will. GEORGIA IS FREE AND DEMOCRATIC NATION! And we shall procet our country for any cost!
And at last, to those, who thinks that GOD is dead: sooner or later, you will realise the truth and let it bee not too late for you!

This is about mass media influence.. I've watched news on our channel (Russia) and everyone in Russia is now aware that Saakashvili (I use his name instead of saying Georgia, cause it's not about the country, it's about the marasmus of Saakashvili) started the war. No, in fact, at first he declared that he stands for peace in the region (btw in reply to previous posts, those people didn't live happily and peacefully all the time, rather they had conflicts during the whole history) and then he starts attacks. At night. Without warning. Like Hitler. FYI i watched an interview with osetian refugees and one woman said that Saakashvili went far beyond in comparison with Hitler's initiated horror and genocide.
So. This is what every Russian sees in the news.
Then I swith to Euronews, BBC and reading international press. And what i see is that everyone in this world is sure that Russia started the war because *why on Earth Georgia would do that*! How that could happen? We have a video in the news where Saakashvili comments on Georgia's attacks over the Osetia. What do other countries have? An interview where Saakashvili asks for help because small and innocent Georgia was hurt?!
And i agree with what was said - that's oil.
And also, it was evident that the response would be on the Georgian side. Because, obviously, Russia's bigger and stronger..and that would be illogical for Georgia to start the war. That's the reaction Saakashvili expected. And now we can say he was right. He predicted it and he won in this media-game.
It has nothing to do with Georgia's aspiration to enter NATO. It's all about Georgia's reverence for the US in general.

Anyway, what's happening now.. would it be a Georgian or a Russian killed, it's death. And it's horrible.

Firstly ,it cannot be even doubted that Georgia is pro-american country and only its president needs this war for he has got a round sum, I believe. Secondly , Bush and its government hasn’t learnt, obviously, the lesson in Iraq and it is very easy to make Mr Saakashwili(whatever his name) do all the work. As far as I know, Georgia’s mass media don’t even inform people about the conflict. In the end, concerning American mass media i'd like to note that it is ridiculous to discuss the conflict for Americans where there are so many other problems to solve and where the majority of population even don’t know where Georgia and RF are situated.

Obs Wrote:Firstly ,it cannot be even doubted that Georgia is pro-american country and only its president needs this war for he has got a round sum, I believe. Secondly , Bush and its government hasn’t learnt, obviously, the lesson in Iraq and it is very easy to make Mr Saakashwili(whatever his name) do all the work. As far as I know, Georgia’s mass media don’t even inform people about the conflict. In the end, concerning American mass media i'd like to note that it is ridiculous to discuss the conflict for Americans where there are so many other problems to solve and where the majority of population even don’t know where Georgia and RF are situated.

Georgia’s mass media DOES inform people about the conflict!

Besides that, Georgian people are well aware of the conflict because they are the witness of the Russian agresy.
Russians were bombarding Georgia's territory, so Georgians have the exact information about conflict(we saw it with our own eyes) - not Russian citizens - who are only told the things that their government prompts to Russian mass media.

K,if fellow Georgian Orthodox Chiristian were thakful to the Russian people protecting them from Muslim invadors, why would Russia bomb them?...isn't fair to say, that Georgian leaders were more enchant to get Western materialism, then being thakful to the brother of Russia, who were their protectors for 5 century?
As far as COMMON SENSE, and who is to be blamed for the bloodshed in Georgia, if (8) years ago,relect your nind, you might see the way, in behalf of the Albanian terrorist, with the deplete uranium bombs US-NATO were for 78 days bombing Serbia, then you might consider whether Russians or US-NATO are to be blamed for thesOrder on the Balkans peninsula or in former republics of Russia including Georgia...

tiko-papuka Wrote:russia -this is neighbour republic who wants teritories of our country ,and this war began long time ago,not only in cxinvali ,this place was just a reason of begining a war so evidently once again,
do you realy believe that this steps from russia was a help towards the osetians ?and they have no their personal interesties??no its absurdity.
and for help ''poor osetians'' they use their techniques,their fighter aircrafts, fire arms,and even spend fuel all for disinterested??no it isn't looks like russians character.
so this fact wasn't the kind intention to south ossetia,but armed attack!
for shame PUTIN,you are blame in front of each georgian and it requites according to your desert for this bloody battle ,
best regards to you.............

Don't be funny with all that "Russian character" stuff &c. Better give some facts. Who's been training Georgian army for years, selling jets, tanks, automatic guns? That's one question. Another one is: Do you know since when S. Ossetia has became a part of Georgia? Do you know anything of what happened in 1992 - after USSR collapsed? Do you know Russian Constitution stipulations, violated by Georgia then? Come back here with your remarks when you get sufficiently informed on that issues and try to say something reasonable, not this pathetic bullshit.

every one thinks people in Georgia like Bush. we DO NOT LIKE BUSH NOR PUTIN, these two presidet and their governments are doing averything what they want, there are is nothing they re afraid of. I'm just trying two tell that Russia is doing the same thing here as USA in kosovo in iraq and in former yugoslavia!Now Russian troops are standing 60 km away from our capital, and all night they were bobing our city!!!So don't blame us for ganocide and other fuckiking thigs.If this war ever stops u can coe tio Gerogia and see how friendly we are.And 'Guest" u don't know anyting in the world and u think you're very clever!If u want facts come and see them!!!

Guest Wrote:Don't be funny with all that "Russian character" stuff &c. Better give some facts. Who's been training Georgian army for years, selling jets, tanks, automatic guns? That's one question. Another one is: Do you know since when S. Ossetia has became a part of Georgia? Do you know anything of what happened in 1992 - after USSR collapsed? Do you know Russian Constitution stipulations, violated by Georgia then? Come back here with your remarks when you get sufficiently informed on that issues and try to say something reasonable, not this pathetic bullshit.

I’m pretty much familiar with the situation in S. Ossetia, even back at the collapse of the USSR.
And I can tell that you are from S.Ossetia, and more important a Russian. Because of people like you, who wanted to separate from the sovereign state and stay with the good, old communism times, thousands of people are already dead.
Oh, and be careful with your language, you might get banned by the admin, or at least keep a moral respect to the members of this forum.

Benn Wrote:It's again the conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia has filmed an action of how Russian troops are deploying heavy military hardware in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Officials in Tbilisi said that the video proved the Russians were a fighting force, not just peacekeepers. Moscow strongly denies the claim. Again issues of independence and sovereignty...

Too late now. I think Burjanidze is your new president.

Hakan G Wrote:
Guest Wrote:Don't be funny with all that "Russian character" stuff &c. Better give some facts. Who's been training Georgian army for years, selling jets, tanks, automatic guns? That's one question. Another one is: Do you know since when S. Ossetia has became a part of Georgia? Do you know anything of what happened in 1992 - after USSR collapsed? Do you know Russian Constitution stipulations, violated by Georgia then? Come back here with your remarks when you get sufficiently informed on that issues and try to say something reasonable, not this pathetic bullshit.

I’m pretty much familiar with the situation in S. Ossetia, even back at the collapse of the USSR.
And I can tell that you are from S.Ossetia, and more important a Russian. Because of people like you, who wanted to separate from the sovereign state and stay with the good, old communism times, thousands of people are already dead.
Oh, and be careful with your language, you might get banned by the admin, or at least keep a moral respect to the members of this forum.

Still ain't have no answer from you, dood. Except that I'm bad because I'm Russian (or Ossetian) by your guess. Well, that's disputable, my young fellow. Who cares about ethnicity here? Besides, you're dead wrong in your supposition, for I'm neither of those two. Also, I have an unstable changing IP - noone can ban me, for if it happens, I get in with another address - that's all. Now back to the business. I did not get any arguments from you - except that you are "pretty much familiar with the situation in S. Ossetia".

For one thing, Ossetia became a part of Georgia in 1924 under Stalin. Ossetians ethnically completely different from Georgians. This land is hell not yours initially. Secondly, when the USSR collapsed, under new constitution Ossetins had their full right to separate. But Georgian invasion initiated a civil war. Thirdly, your president, Shvili Saaka, was first to attack - it has been finally recognised even by CNN (which has previously been telling white lies). Just go to their site and read latest stuff there - on Shvili Saaka's miscalculations.

Guest as i see, u have no idea what u are talking about! South Ossetia was as a teritorial unit was formed really in 1924 by order of Stalin on the teritory of Gerogia, In fact this is the historical region of georgia- Shida Qartli, the center of Georgian State for 2000 years!!!In 1924 in so called South Ossetia lived only 3 families of Ossetians.Than by order of Stalin the ossetians from north begun to settle down in Shida Qartli.SSo I don't know if u are ossetian or russian, one thing i know that u are informed wrong!and this is also the part of Russian plan.u schoul learn more f u don't want to be a pupet in the heands of Death machine-Russia.
P.S. Ossetians have more in common with georgia than with Russian, Both Ossetian and Georgians are very old Cacucasian nations, with similar tradiditions. they have one lanlguage group, folks music and dance and other traditions...and there are a lot of other ossetians living in other parts of Georgia peacefully with us.They have enaugh intelect not to follow Russians provocation!

Benn Wrote:It's again the conflict between Georgia and Russia. Georgia has filmed an action of how Russian troops are deploying heavy military hardware in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Officials in Tbilisi said that the video proved the Russians were a fighting force, not just peacekeepers. Moscow strongly denies the claim. Again issues of independence and sovereignty...

Are you ttrying to say that Brits in Iraq are a "peace keeping force" with light arms only.. or if, say, tanks are Russian - they are heavy arms of an agressor, but if they are e.g. British - they are "light arms"

Besides, Russia is trying to defend her citizens in Ossetia, while I don't think there are too many British citizens in Iraq, exept for troops and journalists, of course. So, some people should better mind their own business, I guess.

Hakan G Wrote:
Guest Wrote:Don't be funny with all that "Russian character" stuff &c. Better give some facts. Who's been training Georgian army for years, selling jets, tanks, automatic guns? That's one question. Another one is: Do you know since when S. Ossetia has became a part of Georgia? Do you know anything of what happened in 1992 - after USSR collapsed? Do you know Russian Constitution stipulations, violated by Georgia then? Come back here with your remarks when you get sufficiently informed on that issues and try to say something reasonable, not this pathetic bullshit.

I’m pretty much familiar with the situation in S. Ossetia, even back at the collapse of the USSR.
And I can tell that you are from S.Ossetia, and more important a Russian. Because of people like you, who wanted to separate from the sovereign state and stay with the good, old communism times, thousands of people are already dead.
Oh, and be careful with your language, you might get banned by the admin, or at least keep a moral respect to the members of this forum.

What's wrong with the language? No obscene words or curses, as far as I'm concerned... If you have no facts to produce here, maybe it should be you to... stay silent and listen to those who are able to prove their points of view.

And in the meantime, please advise what were the legitimate reasons for a number of countries to attack Yugoslavia in 1999? And (if there were any) how they differ from what we are witnessing noe in South Ossetia? If Milosevic was tried in Haague, why Saakashvili should not be? You are very welcome!

simply_a_person Wrote:
Obs Wrote:Firstly ,it cannot be even doubted that Georgia is pro-american country and only its president needs this war for he has got a round sum, I believe. Secondly , Bush and its government hasn’t learnt, obviously, the lesson in Iraq and it is very easy to make Mr Saakashwili(whatever his name) do all the work. As far as I know, Georgia’s mass media don’t even inform people about the conflict. In the end, concerning American mass media i'd like to note that it is ridiculous to discuss the conflict for Americans where there are so many other problems to solve and where the majority of population even don’t know where Georgia and RF are situated.

Georgia’s mass media DOES inform people about the conflict!

Besides that, Georgian people are well aware of the conflict because they are the witness of the Russian agresy.
Russians were bombarding Georgia's territory, so Georgians have the exact information about conflict(we saw it with our own eyes) - not Russian citizens - who are only told the things that their government prompts to Russian mass media.

Judging by the source of the information,i can suppose that u are disinformed.If you have nothing to say about other points, it prooves your wrong position.

to Obs: Huh, let me understand a little thing: How CAN YOU PROOVE the correctness of YOUR INFORMATION?
As long as you are staying in your home, watching TV and beleiving what you are told to. On the other side I am in the conflict region and seeing everything with my own eyes. Thats the DIFFERENCE!

And yet, another thing: Russian army has already occupied Cxinvali, why are they bombing Georgia's other territorys? And killing peaceful people? The innocent people who live in the villages, far away from the conflict region? Yesterday Russian airplanes bombed city Gori again and other villages that were out of conflict region.

Facts do yo want? Open your eyes a bit and you will face a pile of them!

If you are able to explain to the world ,,why US-NATO airforces for 78 days with deplete uranium bombs 1999 bombarde Serbia, now Iraq and Afghanistan" on your "questin" the answer will follow...

S.Sindjelich 2 Wrote:simply_a_person,
If you are able to explain to the world ,,why US-NATO airforces for 78 days with deplete uranium bombs 1999 bombarde Serbia, now Iraq and Afghanistan" on your "questin" the answer will follow...

Let me explain: first of all - one can't stopp evil with doing evil. I don't approve nor bombarding Serbia, nor bombarding Iraq and Afghanistan. It is unfair. Do you think that if once occured an evil thing, - so long it should always happen such evil things? I can see no logic here. I wonder, whether you should think so, if your homeland had been bombarded!?

simply_a_person said:

"And yet, another thing: Russian army has already occupied Cxinvali, why are they bombing Georgia's other territorys? And killing peaceful people? The innocent people who live in the villages, far away from the conflict region? Yesterday Russian airplanes bombed city Gori again and other villages that were out of conflict region."

During Russian bombings of military objects in Georgia died some probably innocent people. But Georgian forces killed about 100 times more civilians without any reason. Then who is criminal? Even west massmedia admits Georgian government`s war crimes. Why it happens? Because Saakashvili`s blunder crashed Bush`s plan he managed for several years to spread influence and get control of region. His so called west friends no longer need him, will not defend him, and that why he is so desperate.

P.S. Gori is in conflict region.

to another_guest:
1: Georgian army had NOT killed any peaceful cityzen, and there are no facts proveing the opposite(which you are trying to blame us).
2: Besides Gori, Russian army had bomarded other cities and towns. For example: Adjara, Racha, Lilo and even the capital city of Georgia - Tbilisi (the airport was bombarded), - are they also conflict regions? Every one, who understands geography a bit and has got a map, can clearly see that those cities are NOT CONFLICT REGIONS.
3: Who gave you the right to judge our President? That right belongs to Georgian people, because we had chosen him. For example I don't discussed here my opinion about Russian's president.

P.S. farewall everybody, I am leaving this forum. I have written here all I wanted to say. There is no more interest and reason for me to waste the time about arguing on these bullshets! The world is on our side because the truth is on our side and it is evident to all. Georgia will carry on this mischief because we, Georgians, stand all together!

long live to Georgia! :ange

how dare to teach us what's conflict region and what isn't in georgia .we are living here and see exactly what really happens and nobody can image and feel what sense of pain we have right now.
besides during these terrible days,here arrived lots of diplomats for suffering and in order to negotiate,and 5 presidents of emity countries ,and i was thinking that their residence here should be the guarantee of our security,but i made mistake,russian army still continued bombing of peaceful was elementary disrespect towards them,russia began very risky game on a world scale and it will represent between their interrelations.everybody saw their cruelty once again and it's ok.
everything will be much better,than you think.

Look man,I was 7, when German army invade Yugoslavia,do you think they care if I was hungry during their occupation of Yugoslavia, no,they didn't...instedad, unrede thier umbrela, million and two hundred thousand Serbs were butcher by the fascist followers namely by the Coatians and Albanian profascist murderess.
As you mantion evil, if evil was then, what kind of evil was, when 1999 in name of the democracy as well in behalf of the Albanian terrorist, with the deplete uranium bombs, Serbia suffer US-NATO aggressive bombardment?
As far as Geprgian conflict is concern, I regrat death and destruction of south Osetia, but, as you say, devil is devil, if Tablisi didn't follow evil deeds, Russia wouldn't act like this...

Here the news: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ussia-2647</a><!-- m -->  Israelis supply weapons to Georgia!

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