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Georgia and South Ossetia at war
qwest, the wra in Serbia was totally diff then this, this is a war of ocupation, like Germany attack Russia in WWII, you guys want to see it the way you want to, and spin the thruth, keep spinning, again Georgia did not invade Russia, why don't you invaded lets say Latvia or Estonia? you Hitler and Mendedivil won't dare to do that, You guy are the militarize one, for over 70 year you you fathers and gradfathers, where raise in a militarize totalitarian state, did i think you guys have change? LMAO, not in a million years, it is time to stop the expansion of Russia, it is your people choice, either by talking or by war, but this can not stand. You guys can try to spinn the truth as much as you can, like in Soviet times, those time are long gone.
You Russian people and your leathers should start behaving like civilize people and respect, every other former SSU sovereignity, but i see it is too much to ask for you people. Nothing make agression to be justified nothing, Ossettia is not a recognize state, it is still part of Georgia, do not spinn this, i know your are acostun to believe what you pupet master of the Kremlin tell you, thats the way it was for over 70 years, at leats we know now, Russia won't and want no change. So every US citizens get ready we will have to go to war with "mother Russia" sooner or later, like gen Patton said we should have taking care of this at the end of WWII.

Car_Dusan, You are right! A problem that on telechannels of the Europe and the USA do not show the truth. Show only speeches of patient Saakashvili which in arrangement to Bush have decided to press Russia and to expose Russia a world aggressor. In territory of Georgia the Russian telechannels are closed. Georgia shoots at backs of the Russian peacemakers! Georgia presses tanks of old women! Georgia cuts a throat to children! The American militarians participate in the Georgian army! Georgia сynicism the statements in the United Nations! To Russia ran almost half of population of South Ossetia!

Inhabitants of South Ossetia ask the help from Russia! Refugees never run on the party of the Aggressor, refugees always run to the defender!

Saakashvili speaks that has disengaged armies from territory of South Ossetia, but the Georgian armies till now fire at peace citizens of Tskhinvali! In the first day of attack Georgia has destroyed a waterpipe supplying with water of Tskhinvali, has destroyed a unique bakery, fires at rescuers and doctors to that does not give an opportunity to the Russian doctors to help wounded.

Georgia speaks that has opened a humanitarian corridor but why who fires at any on it tries to be rescueed? Georgia should stop bombardment of peace citizens and peacemakers! Saakashvili should be punished - unfortunately at us the death penalty is cancelled! It is hated by Ossets. I believe the same situation was and from Kosovo though in the United Nations it deny. And comparison with the Chechen Republic bad as in the Chechen Republic terrorists destroyed citizens.

Very painfully for that political and economic questions are solved at some politicians destruction of people. The god it the judge.

I am sorry for bad English.

For me is obvious, that the given conflict between Russia and Georgia is financed and prepared by the USA. In my opinion of the USA pursues the following purposes: 1) the Most important is check of resoluteness of actions of Russian government 2) check of American tactics of conducting fight on russian armies, using thus the Georgian militarians 3) analysis of Russian tactics of conducting operations 4) checking of effectiveness of modern Russian and the USA weapons

Also will suffice to look CNN, they speak not the truth! You should have an own opinion on an event!

aranar63 Wrote:hey peace keeper, afraid of Russia, please, you and all Russian sob can come and pass by we will be waitinf for you here in sunny Florida, come and defend your people, afraid of you, who are you kidding, and what did you think you guys are, i tell you an paper dragon, come on people there is Russia who has always being afraid of the west, remember what will it happend if the west no longer buy your oil and gas? to your economy, paper tiger, come on little people, This the one who think is big to take on the small, is always the weakest one. Letm me know when are the Russis invading Florida, we will be waiting, ha ha ha, keep dreaming you POS

Well, Americans haven't been producing anything really except guns, pop-ideology and green paper with numbers on it since the late 1980's. So what? You know, baby, these arguments of yours are no good. There are issues to discuss about Russian economy, that's true, but dollar lost half of its might during last 5 years - due to the new EU currency. And will lose more. USA is quickly progressing in becoming a third-rate country - which it was in 19th century. You are not in a position to dictate anything to anybody anymore. Markets, political realities etc. are changing quickly. Maybe - even very likely - that Russia is a regime not sustainable economically and politically in the long run. But, you know, neither is America. One cannot help recognizing it.

Once again, for you, my friend...

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aranar63 Wrote:hey peace keeper, afraid of Russia, please, you and all Russian sob can come and pass by we will be waitinf for you here in sunny Florida, come and defend your people, afraid of you, who are you kidding, and what did you think you guys are, i tell you an paper dragon, come on people there is Russia who has always being afraid of the west, remember what will it happend if the west no longer buy your oil and gas? to your economy, paper tiger, come on little people, This the one who think is big to take on the small, is always the weakest one. Letm me know when are the Russis invading Florida, we will be waiting, ha ha ha, keep dreaming you POS

Some videos for you, me friend... CNN would never show anything like this...

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well, Americans haven't been producing anything really except guns, pop-ideology and green paper with numbers on it since the late 1980's. So what? You know, baby, these arguments of yours are no good. There are issues to discuss about Russian economy, that's true, but dollar lost half of its might during last 5 years - due to the new EU currency. And will lose more. USA is quickly progressing in becoming a third-rate country - which it was in 19th century. You are not in a position to dictate anything to anybody anymore. Markets, political realities etc. are changing quickly. Maybe - even very likely - that Russia is a regime not sustainable economically and politically in the long run. But, you know, neither is America. One cannot help recognizing it.[/color][/color]
No we don't, we used our money to lift China out of poverty, remember we still are the only 13 trillion dollars economy in the world and probably will be for the next 10 years, what is Russia? !/5 i do not even know if it has become a industrialize nation yet. Now you want to bet on that, we would neber let it go that far, and if we became a 3 rated nation, what will be Russia etc become, it is americas consumerism fulling your economies, did you get that, look at the euro falling it was 1.59 it is 1.48, and as far as to dictate, remember we spend 4 times more on our defense budget then 25 Russian put together, and it is just 3% of our GDP, 43,000 USD a year is the median income here what is in Russia, 3000 ? 4000?
yes we have problems, nothing that we can not solve on our own, but as our economie goes so does the world
and that means Russia. I bet you that you know this, if Russia will be so beautiful, why are so many of your countryman in my country and not the other way around? Americans don't emigrate and if we do not to Russia for sure, if i go to Miami or any other US citie, i ill find Russian who just emigrate it to the states in the last 10 yeasr, go around Moskow and look for americans .
mother Russia has problems bigger then ours,but one thing it won't do is touch a NATO member state.
It will play its game with weaker nations but thats is.
By the way,what did Russia produce, did you womens don't like the Chevys, Cadillacs, etc etc oh i forgot is not in Moskow the biggest FORD dealerdhip in the world, we are still a producing country and our products are sold all over the world, and to tell you the truth i have seeing Americas mede products in Russia, but so far no Russian made in the States, besides Girls married to US citizens, it is this your greatest export.
You guys have problems if it is.

aranar63 Wrote:qwest, the wra in Serbia was totally diff then this, this is a war of ocupation, like Germany attack Russia in WWII, you guys want to see it the way you want to, and spin the thruth, keep spinning, again Georgia did not invade Russia, why don't you invaded lets say Latvia or Estonia? you Hitler and Mendedivil won't dare to do that, You guy are the militarize one, for over 70 year you you fathers and gradfathers, where raise in a militarize totalitarian state, did i think you guys have change? LMAO, not in a million years, it is time to stop the expansion of Russia, it is your people choice, either by talking or by war, but this can not stand. You guys can try to spinn the truth as much as you can, like in Soviet times, those time are long gone.
You Russian people and your leathers should start behaving like civilize people and respect, every other former SSU sovereignity, but i see it is too much to ask for you people. Nothing make agression to be justified nothing, Ossettia is not a recognize state, it is still part of Georgia, do not spinn this, i know your are acostun to believe what you pupet master of the Kremlin tell you, thats the way it was for over 70 years, at leats we know now, Russia won't and want no change. So every US citizens get ready we will have to go to war with "mother Russia" sooner or later, like gen Patton said we should have taking care of this at the end of WWII.

Why do you want to change someone and do not want to think of changing yourself? It's time now. Russia went too far in this conflict. That's not even a question. But Georgia has made a mistake in assaulting Ossetia and is continuing doing stupid things. This is absolutely clear that EU and USA involvement is not possible. Saakashvili recognizes that he miscalculated - but he would not stop and ready to sacrifice more lives for his stubbornness. This is clear that USA is thinking of new president for Georgians. What's bad about it is that Georgians will naturally elect him (actually, her, for I think it will be Nino Burjanidze) thinking that it was their choice. Well, this is Georgian democracy at its best. This is all very sad. Criminals on both sides - Russian and Georgian.

Some videos for you, me friend... CNN would never show anything like this...

peacekeeper, just aswer me this, since when is south Ossetia par of Russia? may be i miss the anexation.
or how many embassies in South Ossetia? oh imean foreing not Russia's.
By the way Direct Tv not only gets you CNN but Russian and Europeans channels to, did you have the same acces? and if e want we got to our laptops and surf and find the truth, but we do not believe what Washington tell us, this is not the Soviet Union, or mother Russia.
I have lieve in Europe for over 8 years and being in Russia also, have you ever being in the US, i doubt it.
My friend Putin=Hitler and Mended evil+ Goehring

Why do you want to change someone and do not want to think of changing yourself? It's time now. Russia went too far in this conflict. That's not even a question. But Georgia has made a mistake in assaulting Ossetia and is continuing doing stupid things. This is absolutely clear that EU and USA involvement is not possible. Saakashvili recognizes that he miscalculated - but he would not stop and ready to sacrifice more lives for his stubbornness. This is clear that USA is thinking of new president for Georgians. What's bad about it is that Georgians will naturally elect him (actually, her, for I think it will be Nino Burjanidze) thinking that it was their choice. Well, this is Georgian democracy at its best. This is all very sad. Criminals on both sides - Russian and Georgian.

I do not wish to change anybody, Georgia assaulting South Ossetia is like Houston under US military control, when did South Ossetia became part of Russia? please post a link so i can read it, South Ossetia is not a country and it is not a part of Russia, you are the agressor (Russia) who is next Ukraine? Kazakhastan?
We know it won't touch the Baltic States or Poland.
and by the way what will happen to russia if the EU will stop buying oil and gas from Russia by lets say 30%, intervention is always posible, look at your Stockmarket. But my point was, your people will never change their militaristic ways, personally i don't give a D if you guy change or not, it is sad that a country with so much culture, behave like neanderthals in the 21 century

Mr Saakashvilli is a mean liar and war criminal. He juggles with facts as it is more profitable for him. I understand him, now when everybody understand who he is and what he had done, he has nothing to do but to lie by any means just to save his own future. Did Russia need this conflict? Of course not! The only interested side was Georgia and particularly Mr Saakhashvilli, who promised that by the end of his term he would resolve all the territorial conflicts in Georgia by any means - to drag his country into NATO. He militarized his country spending a lot of money for that, amarican instructors trained his soldiers, western countries provided Georgia with military technics. I think there is no need any more to explain why all of it was need and for what day he had been preparing ? He expected that Russia wouldn't dare to interfere in, and began a sudden war expecting to capture Osetia for a few hours, but Russia dared. He didn't expect that all of his crimes in Osetia would be revealed: the tanks sheling at people's houses and running civilians over, georgian soldiers aiming at and shooting civilians, cutting their throats and throwing them with granades....he didn't expect. He expected only either to kill all the osetians or to drive them away from their motherland using fear and violance. But Russia interfered and his mean army had to retreat. And now he speaks that Russia bombs his military objects lying also that they bomb civilian objects ( even if Russian bombs get some civilian objects - it is not their aim, unlike georgian's), he juggles the facts, saying that it was Russia that attacked first..... well it is his last chance to emerge unscathed.
And in conclusion I just want to say that I believe that at the end all the truth will be revealed and that this war criminal will be imprisoned!

aranar63 Wrote:Well, Americans haven't been producing anything really except guns, pop-ideology and green paper with numbers on it since the late 1980's. So what? You know, baby, these arguments of yours are no good. There are issues to discuss about Russian economy, that's true, but dollar lost half of its might during last 5 years - due to the new EU currency. And will lose more. USA is quickly progressing in becoming a third-rate country - which it was in 19th century. You are not in a position to dictate anything to anybody anymore. Markets, political realities etc. are changing quickly. Maybe - even very likely - that Russia is a regime not sustainable economically and politically in the long run. But, you know, neither is America. One cannot help recognizing it.

No we don't, we used our money to lift China out of poverty, remember we still are the only 13 trillion dollars economy in the world and probably will be for the next 10 years, what is Russia? !/5 i do not even know if it has become a industrialize nation yet. Now you want to bet on that, we would neber let it go that far, and if we became a 3 rated nation, what will be Russia etc become, it is americas consumerism fulling your economies, did you get that, look at the euro falling it was 1.59 it is 1.48, and as far as to dictate, remember we spend 4 times more on our defense budget then 25 Russian put together, and it is just 3% of our GDP, 43,000 USD a year is the median income here what is in Russia, 3000 ? 4000?
yes we have problems, nothing that we can not solve on our own, but as our economie goes so does the world
and that means Russia. I bet you that you know this, if Russia will be so beautiful, why are so many of your countryman in my country and not the other way around? Americans don't emigrate and if we do not to Russia for sure, if i go to Miami or any other US citie, i ill find Russian who just emigrate it to the states in the last 10 yeasr, go around Moskow and look for americans .
mother Russia has problems bigger then ours,but one thing it won't do is touch a NATO member state.
It will play its game with weaker nations but thats is.
By the way,what did Russia produce, did you womens don't like the Chevys, Cadillacs, etc etc oh i forgot is not in Moskow the biggest FORD dealerdhip in the world, we are still a producing country and our products are sold all over the world, and to tell you the truth i have seeing Americas mede products in Russia, but so far no Russian made in the States, besides Girls married to US citizens, it is this your greatest export.
You guys have problems if it is.

Well, step by step.

1. "No we don't, we used our money to lift China out of poverty" - China amassed an incredibly large amount of US government stock. It is hard even to imagine what will happen if they decide to sell the whole lot. They obviously don't need any help.

2. "remember we still are the only 13 trillion dollars economy in the world and probably will be for the next 10 years". This is true. And 10 years sounds realistically. I fully share this pessimism of yours as to the US.

3. "it is americas consumerism fulling your economies". No, this is not true. The list of stock-market indexes which define the financial status quo has changed dramatically over last 5 years. No one pays big attention to such exponents as the real estate sales in the US any more. Which - to my humble opinion - means that you are slowly getting towards the situation when you actually lose recourses which you consume. It has been a reverse before (the more you've been consuming the more you were getting) - if you know what I mean. I can't explain it better, but it seems to quite simple anyway.

4. "look at the euro falling it was 1.59 it is 1.48" - My opinion is that this tendency will stop quite soon.

5. "and as far as to dictate, remember we spend 4 times more on our defense budget then 25 Russian put together, and it is just 3% of our GDP" - Well, this is exactly what will hurt you in the future, I think. Besides, all of your military actions during last years were generally unsuccessful - which meant that you lost your yearly 3% yearly for nothing, and this is a hell of a lot of money. Besides, economically, there's no such thing as "American budget", in a classical sense, as you probably know. Federal Reserve System, unlike central banks in other countries, actually does not own anything (I hope you know this). All this money is actually borrowed. Which means that system works as far as you don't loose international credibility. This is the peculiarity of your system.

6. As to median income in Russia - it is relatively bad in provinces and disproportionally good in big cities ($40-50,000 a year is considered more or less "OK" for Moscow and St. Petersburg - the two biggest ones). I live in a big city, so I'm totally fine.

7. "I bet you that you know this, if Russia will be so beautiful, why are so many of your countryman in my country and not the other way around?" - Who says Russia is beautiful in all respects? I'm myself pretty critical to what's going on here.

"go around Moskow and look for americans" - You cannot even imagine how many of them there, working for different companies (Moscow isn't that bad place, but of course they are there because of money - they often have a chance to get paid way more in Moscow that at home). This is actually why a lot of Russians hate Moscow and St. Pete - because of this disproportion. My family income is around 2,500,000 rub (around $100,000) - and I'm "bad" because of this. This situation has to be changed, of course. I hope it will be changed.

8. "By the way,what did Russia produce, did you womens don't like the Chevys, Cadillacs, etc etc oh i forgot is not in Moskow the biggest FORD dealerdhip in the world, we are still a producing country and our products are sold all over the world". Most popular brands in Russia at the moment are from German and Japan. I reckon, it's the same in the US. Chevy, Cadillac etc. are not bad, but they are quite unreliable. Ford sales are good here (not the best, though), but only because "Ford Focus" is one of the cheapest on the market. But, in spite of a good price, Ford is extremely unreliable. It is a shitty car, comparing to Bimmer, WV and Audi. The only American car that I personally like is Pontiac Vibe. It is quite noisy inside when you drive, nothing special in terms of comfort, but I like how it looks like.

aranar63 Wrote:Why do you want to change someone and do not want to think of changing yourself? It's time now. Russia went too far in this conflict. That's not even a question. But Georgia has made a mistake in assaulting Ossetia and is continuing doing stupid things. This is absolutely clear that EU and USA involvement is not possible. Saakashvili recognizes that he miscalculated - but he would not stop and ready to sacrifice more lives for his stubbornness. This is clear that USA is thinking of new president for Georgians. What's bad about it is that Georgians will naturally elect him (actually, her, for I think it will be Nino Burjanidze) thinking that it was their choice. Well, this is Georgian democracy at its best. This is all very sad. Criminals on both sides - Russian and Georgian.

I do not wish to change anybody, Georgia assaulting South Ossetia is like Houston under US military control, when did South Ossetia became part of Russia? please post a link so i can read it, South Ossetia is not a country and it is not a part of Russia, you are the agressor (Russia) who is next Ukraine? Kazakhastan?
We know it won't touch the Baltic States or Poland.
and by the way what will happen to russia if the EU will stop buying oil and gas from Russia by lets say 30%, intervention is always posible, look at your Stockmarket. But my point was, your people will never change their militaristic ways, personally i don't give a D if you guy change or not, it is sad that a country with so much culture, behave like neanderthals in the 21 century

Look you "protector of weak and defender of the oppressed" wasnt Kosovo part of Serbia?! Was Iraq BIG LOOK AT THE MAP IF YOU HAVE ONE!!! Have you found any WMD there?!!! Havent you granted independance to kosovo against all international laws?!! And you dare condamn us!!! More than that there were treats! Ha stupid janki, you cowboy dont know what you talking about! If no one buys our oil and resources that could be tragedy but unlike you some people have at laest half of thier brain and know that unstable big contry with nuclear arsenal and capability to sell nuclear technologies is greave treat to the world, that is why every educated man knows that Russia must remain stable and strong. So think about that ! If you can of course.
Beacon of democracy, bastion of freedom ha. Read previus replics and you will understand why Russian troops are there i dont want to repeat myself.

aranar63 Wrote:Why do you want to change someone and do not want to think of changing yourself? It's time now. Russia went too far in this conflict. That's not even a question. But Georgia has made a mistake in assaulting Ossetia and is continuing doing stupid things. This is absolutely clear that EU and USA involvement is not possible. Saakashvili recognizes that he miscalculated - but he would not stop and ready to sacrifice more lives for his stubbornness. This is clear that USA is thinking of new president for Georgians. What's bad about it is that Georgians will naturally elect him (actually, her, for I think it will be Nino Burjanidze) thinking that it was their choice. Well, this is Georgian democracy at its best. This is all very sad. Criminals on both sides - Russian and Georgian.

I do not wish to change anybody, Georgia assaulting South Ossetia is like Houston under US military control, when did South Ossetia became part of Russia? please post a link so i can read it, South Ossetia is not a country and it is not a part of Russia, you are the agressor (Russia) who is next Ukraine? Kazakhastan?
We know it won't touch the Baltic States or Poland.
and by the way what will happen to russia if the EU will stop buying oil and gas from Russia by lets say 30%, intervention is always posible, look at your Stockmarket. But my point was, your people will never change their militaristic ways, personally i don't give a D if you guy change or not, it is sad that a country with so much culture, behave like neanderthals in the 21 century

I cannot think of any links now. But if you search the web, you'll find sufficient amount of reliable historical information on the subject. In short, S. Ossetia became a part of Georgia under Stalin in mid-1920's. Ossetins ethnically are completely different from Georgians. In the USSR S. Ossettia had a special status of independent land affiliated with Georgia administratively. After the USSR collapsed, according to the new constitution, Ossettia received the right for independence. When it tried to declare it, In 1992, Georgia made an assault and initiated what then was called "civil war". Etc., you can learn about it on your own.

As to EU stop buying oil. Well, that sounds a bit childish to me, you know. What's the point of all this "ifs". Better look at the situation as it really is. The EU doesn't seem to stop buying it in the future distant enough. And so much for that.

As to the stock market, look at the news. Euro to rubble rate is down 3% again, most of Russian stocks are + 2-3% again. They failed two days ago because most of Western investors panicked. Now they are buying again. See, you Europeans are very pragmatic. Say one thing on TV, do quite the opposite on the market - that is, support our economy. Funny, isn't it?

Look you "protector of weak and defender of the oppressed" wasnt Kosovo part of Serbia?! Was Iraq BIG LOOK AT THE MAP IF YOU HAVE ONE!!! Have you found any WMD there?!!! Havent you granted independance to kosovo against all international laws?!! And you dare condamn us!!! More than that there were treats! Ha stupid janki, you cowboy dont know what you talking about! If no one buys our oil and resources that could be tragedy but unlike you some people have at laest half of thier brain and know that unstable big contry with nuclear arsenal and capability to sell nuclear technologies is greave treat to the world, that is why every educated man knows that Russia must remain stable and strong. So think about that ! If you can of course.
Beacon of democracy, bastion of freedom ha. Read previus replics and you will understand why Russian troops are there i dont want to repeat myself.

Yes it was, when we went there we had international madate to do this and to Iraq too, it is our money rebuilding that country, and yes we are cowboys with a lot of money and a lot of guns , the best money can buy, not like you decrepid army with 20 years old tanks and planes, as far as nuclear weapons, did you think we care, we have more the you do, yes we can destroy the world 100 times over our delivery systems are the best in the world, the size of our military budget is the size of you entire GDP, but it is only a 3% of our GDP.
why did the invasion stop, was it because your country does not have the guts to try and see their oil revenue go down by 20 to 30%, this will wreck your economy, yes we have problems in the US, and yes our debdt is 9.5 trillions dollars, did you guys know what is the extent of our wealth as a country?
We use the natural ressources of other countries, like yours, we don't use ours, we have the most extensive ressources untap in the industrialize world.
South Ossetia has being part of Georgia since Stalin times, what now will you try to reconquer Alaska?
you guys know this won't happend, Putin and Meded-eveil don't have the guts to do this.
Did we care as far as what happend to Russia, probably we do, can we live without it, yes for ove 70 years
we did so yes. can Russia live without the west No, did your country wants to do commerc in the WTO yes, cab they get there on their own NO, so please, revise your history

aranar63 Wrote:Some videos for you, me friend... CNN would never show anything like this...

peacekeeper, just aswer me this, since when is south Ossetia par of Russia? may be i miss the anexation.
or how many embassies in South Ossetia? oh imean foreing not Russia's.
By the way Direct Tv not only gets you CNN but Russian and Europeans channels to, did you have the same acces? and if e want we got to our laptops and surf and find the truth, but we do not believe what Washington tell us, this is not the Soviet Union, or mother Russia.
I have lieve in Europe for over 8 years and being in Russia also, have you ever being in the US, i doubt it.
My friend Putin=Hitler and Mended evil+ Goehring

Dear aranar63,

1. Just for your information: It is all about another "Georgia", not that one being a US state ))) So you can be calm about Miami and all that stuff. Our troops are not going there. However, american military instructors are staying in "Georgia", the one which is near our borders.

2. North and South Ossetia have been a part of Russia for hundreds of years. Even at the times when Indians were the only poulation of North America. Both Ossetias have been a part of Russian Empire along with Georgia itself (not a US state - if you've already forgot). Those territories were never conquered by Russia, however their people (including Georgia) asked to become a part of Russian Empire being afraid of Turkish genocide.
However, at the times of Soviet Union one our "wise" leaders divided the osetian nation and granted the southern part to Soviet Sotialistic Republic of Georgia (one of 15 USSR republics). Nobody could ever imagine even in a nightmare at that time that the USSR would collapse and a CIA-raised leader would come to Georgia. However, a formal border was outlined then. And North (not South) Ossetia is still a part of Russian Federation, being the same nation with the southern. The same shit happened to Crimia, which now belongs to Ukraine, but still have 90% Russian population. Khruschev presented Crimia to Soviet Ukraine in 1963.

3. I've been to North Carolina in 2002. Can you imagine South Carolina belonging to another state (say, to Mexico) somewhen in 2020 and Mexico trying to kill all its people in order to bring mexicans there? What would you feel and do, my friend?

4. Soviet Union lost 27 million people in the war with Hitler (I'm sure you have not been told of that at your High School). Please don't compare our president with Hitler.

5. Russian women are beautiful, that's why americans choose them as wifes ) I don't care about that. Its their choice. We have many beautiful women here.

aranar63 Wrote:Yes it was, when we went there we had international madate to do this and to Iraq too, it is our money rebuilding that country, and yes we are cowboys with a lot of money and a lot of guns , the best money can buy, not like you decrepid army with 20 years old tanks and planes, as far as nuclear weapons, did you think we care, we have more the you do, yes we can destroy the world 100 times over our delivery systems are the best in the world, the size of our military budget is the size of you entire GDP, but it is only a 3% of our GDP.
why did the invasion stop, was it because your country does not have the guts to try and see their oil revenue go down by 20 to 30%, this will wreck your economy, yes we have problems in the US, and yes our debdt is 9.5 trillions dollars, did you guys know what is the extent of our wealth as a country?
We use the natural ressources of other countries, like yours, we don't use ours, we have the most extensive ressources untap in the industrialize world.
South Ossetia has being part of Georgia since Stalin times, what now will you try to reconquer Alaska?
you guys know this won't happend, Putin and Meded-eveil don't have the guts to do this.
Did we care as far as what happend to Russia, probably we do, can we live without it, yes for ove 70 years
we did so yes. can Russia live without the west No, did your country wants to do commerc in the WTO yes, cab they get there on their own NO, so please, revise your history
Look you "protector of weak and defender of the oppressed" wasnt Kosovo part of Serbia?! Was Iraq BIG LOOK AT THE MAP IF YOU HAVE ONE!!! Have you found any WMD there?!!! Havent you granted independance to kosovo against all international laws?!! And you dare condamn us!!! More than that there were treats! Ha stupid janki, you cowboy dont know what you talking about! If no one buys our oil and resources that could be tragedy but unlike you some people have at laest half of thier brain and know that unstable big contry with nuclear arsenal and capability to sell nuclear technologies is greave treat to the world, that is why every educated man knows that Russia must remain stable and strong. So think about that ! If you can of course.
Beacon of democracy, bastion of freedom ha. Read previus replics and you will understand why Russian troops are there i dont want to repeat myself.

Yes it was, when we went there we had international madate to do this and to Iraq too, it is our money rebuilding that country, and yes we are cowboys with a lot of money and a lot of guns , the best money can buy, not like you decrepid army with 20 years old tanks and planes, as far as nuclear weapons, did you think we care, we have more the you do, yes we can destroy the world 100 times over our delivery systems are the best in the world, the size of our military budget is the size of you entire GDP, but it is only a 3% of our GDP.
why did the invasion stop, was it because your country does not have the guts to try and see their oil revenue go down by 20 to 30%, this will wreck your economy, yes we have problems in the US, and yes our debdt is 9.5 trillions dollars, did you guys know what is the extent of our wealth as a country?
We use the natural ressources of other countries, like yours, we don't use ours, we have the most extensive ressources untap in the industrialize world.
South Ossetia has being part of Georgia since Stalin times, what now will you try to reconquer Alaska?
you guys know this won't happend, Putin and Meded-eveil don't have the guts to do this.
Did we care as far as what happend to Russia, probably we do, can we live without it, yes for ove 70 years
we did so yes. can Russia live without the west No, did your country wants to do commerc in the WTO yes, cab they get there on their own NO, so please, revise your history

Were are your GUTS then cowboy? :lol: Georgia has YOUR guns YOUR training and were are they? Running from our 20 years old tanks? your treats are empty and mean nothing to us, you have enough enemies already fool. Forgot 11 september? you are not invincible but someone newer learn.

1. Just for your information: It is all about another "Georgia", not that one being a US state ))) So you can be calm about Miami and all that stuff. Our troops are not going there. However, american military instructors are staying in "Georgia", the one which is near our borders.

2. North and South Ossetia have been a part of Russia for hundreds of years. Even at the times when Indians were the only poulation of North America. Both Ossetias have been a part of Russian Empire along with Georgia itself (not a US state - if you've already forgot). Those territories were never conquered by Russia, however their people (including Georgia) asked to become a part of Russian Empire being afraid of Turkish genocide.
However, at the times of Soviet Union one our "wise" leaders divided the osetian nation and granted the southern part to Soviet Sotialistic Republic of Georgia (one of 15 USSR republics). Nobody could ever imagine even in a nightmare at that time that the USSR would collapse and a CIA-raised leader would come to Georgia. However, a formal border was outlined then. And North (not South) Ossetia is still a part of Russian Federation, being the same nation with the southern. The same shit happened to Crimia, which now belongs to Ukraine, but still have 90% Russian population. Khruschev presented Crimia to Soviet Ukraine in 1963.

3. I've been to North Carolina in 2002. Can you imagine South Carolina belonging to another state (say, to Mexico) somewhen in 2020 and Mexico trying to kill all its people in order to bring mexicans there? What would you feel and do, my friend?

Well, I agree with most of the above. Can only add that situation really is very complicated in the region and one should not make decisions too hastily as to who's "bad". Putin is an ass, no doubt about it. But in this case there are quite a lot of excuses. That USA in a way provoked the situation in beyond doubt - by having supported military ambitions of Georgia by means of selling huge amounts of weapons and sending instructors. I repeat, Putin IS an asshole, but Saakashvili looks just insane. He would sell his mother if it helped his personal reputation. He's put his country on a very risky track.

1. Just for your information: It is all about another "Georgia", not that one being a US state ))) So you can be calm about Miami and all that stuff. Our troops are not going there. However, american military instructors are staying in "Georgia", the one which is near our borders.

2. North and South Ossetia have been a part of Russia for hundreds of years. Even at the times when Indians were the only poulation of North America. Both Ossetias have been a part of Russian Empire along with Georgia itself (not a US state - if you've already forgot). Those territories were never conquered by Russia, however their people (including Georgia) asked to become a part of Russian Empire being afraid of Turkish genocide.
However, at the times of Soviet Union one our "wise" leaders divided the osetian nation and granted the southern part to Soviet Sotialistic Republic of Georgia (one of 15 USSR republics). Nobody could ever imagine even in a nightmare at that time that the USSR would collapse and a CIA-raised leader would come to Georgia. However, a formal border was outlined then. And North (not South) Ossetia is still a part of Russian Federation, being the same nation with the southern. The same shit happened to Crimia, which now belongs to Ukraine, but still have 90% Russian population. Khruschev presented Crimia to Soviet Ukraine in 1963.

3. I've been to North Carolina in 2002. Can you imagine South Carolina belonging to another state (say, to Mexico) somewhen in 2020 and Mexico trying to kill all its people in order to bring mexicans there? What would you feel and do, my friend?

Well, I agree with most of the above. Can only add that situation really is very complicated in the region and one should not make decisions too hastily as to who's "bad". Putin is an ass, no doubt about it. But in this case there are quite a lot of excuses. That USA in a way provoked the situation in beyond doubt - by having supported military ambitions of Georgia by means of selling huge amounts of weapons and sending instructors. I repeat, Putin IS an asshole, but Saakashvili looks just insane. He would sell his mother if it helped his personal reputation. He's put his country on a very risky track.

Saakashvili’s attempt to take over South Ossetia was a stupidly reckless gamble which deserved to fail, much as I sympathise in some other respects with Georgia, which, at any rate in the foothils of the Caucasus, struck me as a beautiful country when I was there in 1985. I doubt whether he will be able to get back to anything like as favourable a position as he was in last Thursday.

It is now almost the mirror image of Kosovo – the people of a part of Serbia wanted to be either independent or part of Albania; the Serbs tried to maintain their control; NATO, and in particular the US Air Force, behaved just as the Russians have done in the last four or five days, bombing not only Kosovo but Belgrade, the main bridge across the Danube and other parts of Serbia; and the result is that the internationally agreed boundary of Serbia, which included Kosovo, was changed so that, at any rate in the eyes of the USA and some NATO countries though not Russia, Kosovo ceased to be part of Serbia.

I can see no possible ground on which NATO can criticise the Russians for doing almost exactly what NATO did in 1999 (though at less risk to members of their own forces). The only difference is that Serbia was deliberately provoked by the KLA into taking necessary action to deal with the KLA terrorists, whereas the South Ossetians were not actually doing anything particularly provocative of that kind - Saakashvili's attack on South Ossetia seems to have been timed to coincide with the Olympics when Putin was in China, and not due to any acts on the part of the South Ossetians or the Russian peacekeepers (several of whom were killed by Georgian troops in the initial attack).

As to Western involvement, either the US authorities knew in advance what Saakashvili was intending to do and did nothing to stop him, or they did not know and the CIA is even less efficient than it has appeared to be in some other cases. Either way, the West has yielded the moral high ground to Russia and has now no useful contribution to make.


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qwerty Wrote:Well, I agree with most of the above. Can only add that situation really is very complicated in the region and one should not make decisions too hastily as to who's "bad". Putin is an ass, no doubt about it. But in this case there are quite a lot of excuses. That USA in a way provoked the situation in beyond doubt - by having supported military ambitions of Georgia by means of selling huge amounts of weapons and sending instructors. I repeat, Putin IS an asshole, but Saakashvili looks just insane. He would sell his mother if it helped his personal reputation. He's put his country on a very risky track.

Putin is an ass, as any other big nation leader, with no chance to satisfy everyone on this earth. However, we all here have to admit that without him there should have been several other "Sothern Ossetias" on Russian soil by now .

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