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Georgia and South Ossetia at war
SiD Wrote:Well hard to debate about that. And i have admitted that there are our geopolitical interests involved.

So I believe we can all agree that we share partly the same vision:
This is not what we wanted to happen - and we hope that tensions releases - and we
can all live happily in a little bit reasonable world ?

independent Wrote:So I believe we can all agree that we share partly the same vision:
This is not what we wanted to happen - and we hope that tensions releases - and we
can all live happily in a little bit reasonable world ?

Undoubtly. But it is kind of utopy. Distrust, discord, rivalry will remain. And this world will be like it is.
It is kinda human nature. Parhaps it will be changed one day but not tommorow for sure.

SiD Wrote:Undoubtly. But it is kind of utopy. Distrust, discord, rivalry will remain. And this world will be like it is.
It is kinda human nature. Parhaps it will be changed one day but not tommorow for sure.

I agree - but I hope that some day people get so tired of politics that they must change
their behavior - And I mean it globally.

independent Wrote:
SiD Wrote:Undoubtly. But it is kind of utopy. Distrust, discord, rivalry will remain. And this world will be like it is.
It is kinda human nature. Parhaps it will be changed one day but not tommorow for sure.

I agree - but I hope that some day people get so tired of politics that they must change
their behavior - And I mean it globally.

People havent tired of politics for tousands of years why should they in the future?
More likely it will be some kind of MEGA Nation who will stand all mankind in line.

SiD Wrote:Eka please remind me question you want me to answer.

AlexanderBB your forces ENTERED Tzchinvali do you think they expected no resistance? Artilery was used by georgian troops as preparation for attack on city it is FACT, seen by whole Russia in night. I wasnt sleeping when it all hapened and was shoked. Do you count Russian peacekeepers as terrorists? It was agreement about peace talks hours before the attack but even our negotietors were shocked and confused by your attack.(They were on TV too). You were talking about peace right before the attack FACT. So do not talk that your military just responded.
Do you ever heard about war without civilian casulties?
You have interesting view on referendum. Number of displaced "refugies" could not be trully trusted.
Sorry maybe I dont number them or dont underline?
1. I agree with referendum , but with all people who lived there before dispalcemet and you?
2. I agree with indepandance for those two regions, if you agree that Chechnia have same right to be independant. YOu agree?
3. I agree with ethnic clinsing if you agree that Russians performed thnic clinsings and are performin it to nowadays in GEorgia. YOu agree?
4. Are Russia and Georgia countries with same rights or no?
NOw answer on your qestion - Do I count Rus. Peacekeepers as terrirists? My answer is clear - YES.
WAY? 1. They were not responding when ethnicaly Georgian villages were shooted during month.
2. They dont collaborate with another peacekeepers ( OBSE)
3. They were robbing with separatists Georgian villages during last month. ( withnessis are present)
4. They were taking part in drug traffic thry my country ( it is proofed by our police )
So they were no peacekeepers but terrorist supporters so terrorists by themselfs.

Number of " refugees" can be truly trasted, because it is countes by many trustfull international agencies.

We have very good system of statistics so you can be calm.

ANd last but not leest question - How can 2000 victims turn to 123?
Who count them befor and who after?
How do you think how many time Russian side can be in such comik situation in future?

Eka Wrote:Sorry maybe I dont number them or dont underline?
1. I agree with referendum , but with all people who lived there before dispalcemet and you?
2. I agree with indepandance for those two regions, if you agree that Chechnia have same right to be independant. YOu agree?
3. I agree with ethnic clinsing if you agree that Russians performed thnic clinsings and are performin it to nowadays in GEorgia. YOu agree?
4. Are Russia and Georgia countries with same rights or no?
NOw answer on your qestion - Do I count Rus. Peacekeepers as terrirists? My answer is clear - YES.
WAY? 1. They were not responding when ethnicaly Georgian villages were shooted during month.
2. They dont collaborate with another peacekeepers ( OBSE)
3. They were robbing with separatists Georgian villages during last month. ( withnessis are present)
4. They were taking part in drug traffic thry my country ( it is proofed by our police )
So they were no peacekeepers but terrorist supporters so terrorists by themselfs.

Number of " refugees" can be truly trasted, because it is countes by many trustfull international agencies.

We have very good system of statistics so you can be calm.

Look Eka i am no politic and i dont make desigions.
But i agree with Makiaveli that politic should not be moralist.
I am think if Georgia will continue its way in NATO it will be wery hard to tell about S Osetia and Abkchazia being part of Georgia. Look i do not say it is right i just think that it will be so. It is politics. Our government wish to hold Georgia from joining NATO or at least have some buffer zone if they cant.
Officialy claimed that it is more then 1400 victims.

SiD Wrote:
Eka Wrote:Sorry maybe I dont number them or dont underline?
1. I agree with referendum , but with all people who lived there before dispalcemet and you?
2. I agree with indepandance for those two regions, if you agree that Chechnia have same right to be independant. YOu agree?
3. I agree with ethnic clinsing if you agree that Russians performed thnic clinsings and are performin it to nowadays in GEorgia. YOu agree?
4. Are Russia and Georgia countries with same rights or no?
NOw answer on your qestion - Do I count Rus. Peacekeepers as terrirists? My answer is clear - YES.
WAY? 1. They were not responding when ethnicaly Georgian villages were shooted during month.
2. They dont collaborate with another peacekeepers ( OBSE)
3. They were robbing with separatists Georgian villages during last month. ( withnessis are present)
4. They were taking part in drug traffic thry my country ( it is proofed by our police )
So they were no peacekeepers but terrorist supporters so terrorists by themselfs.

Number of " refugees" can be truly trasted, because it is countes by many trustfull international agencies.

We have very good system of statistics so you can be calm.

Look Eka i am no politic and i dont make desigions.
But i agree with Makiaveli that politic should not be moralist.
I am think if Georgia will continue its way in NATO it will be wery hard to tell about S Osetia and Abkchazia being part of Georgia. Look i do not say it is right i just think that it will be so. It is politics. Our government wish to hold Georgia from joining NATO or at least have some buffer zone if they cant.
Officialy claimed that it is more then 1400 victims.

Dear Sid

Once again I want to explain you main things:
1. Military targets in Gori were distanced from city on some 10 km. It is another bank of river and totally different direction, so if Russian pilots were mistaken, it’s a huge shame for Russia she must have better pilots.
2. Military targets in Tskinvali were on O m distance from civil buildings, and it was done by Ossetia separatists and Russian Army advisors.
3. We, Georgians and our government respects your territorial integrity and so MUST be done from your side. It means that we understand that Chechnya is part of Russia and you MUST understand that Abxazia and Sida KArtli are parts of Georgia.
4. I am sorry to once more emphasize victims. Figures are very important, because on second day of war Russias second president says: In Osthethia there are huge victims – 2000 civilians and we send troops there. So figures were not try and president II was lying as usually.
5. War was inspirited by Russian for reasons you mentioned yourself ” Our government wish to hold Georgia from joining NATO or at least have some buffer zone if they cant.”
6. “Look i do not say it is right i just think that it will be so” – this words give me hope that at last you understand something, but because you are under serious pressure of your media and you truly believe that presidents of Russia are “Heroes” who gave Russia opportunity to stand up from ruins I can come to conclusion that our debates are over.
And now last – one of Russian here on forum wrote to me in PM: you Georgians are so united – she said. We are more that united now. We are - ONE.
PS. You don’t answer my questions.
Smile Smile

Georgia really started this war!Saaksshvilli is a real wacko!he started this genocide with the help of american stupid president J.Bush and with fucking Condomlisa Raise!Georgia had tried to destroy S.Ossetia in 1920 and in 1991.We must stop it!

People, please notice that I have opened a new topic, in which we should discuss more about Abkhazia, while we have in this topic concentrated on South Ossetia, Gori etc.

Go to the link <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1806</a><!-- l -->

or simply go to “Hot Topics” main page and from there to Abkhazia in the Georgian-Russian war 2008

Thank you!

In august south ossetia provocation result Georgian militariest return action.For ones part, this return action became a reason of russian aggression-as in territory of south ossetia, also in non military operetion zones of georgia. From Abkhazia Russian troops came in to other Georgian territories and from day to day are raiding , sacking Georgian cities and villagies.
Part of that territories are not military unit and Russian armour technics entrance reason in this zones is incomprehensible.

After military opereition georgia had lost its 215 citizenes.there are wounded more then 1199 georgian militaristies.133 of them are deid. there are more then 180 000 persecuted people from CKHinvali, Gori and other villagies.
Noumber of persecuted and killed people is a tragedy for such a small country as a georgia .

Questions for Pro-Russians:

1. The president Medvedev signed cease-fire agreement which is not being fullfiled by millitaries. It seems like the President of Russia (despite his title) is uselles and his word does not mean anything even for his own citizens (army). Why should anybody respect Medvedev and Russia? Correct me if I am wrong, he has been promising to pull out soldiers for almost a week and nothing happend so far.
2. Why Pro-Russian keep ignoring the numbers proviced by Huma Rights Watch?
3. How many of Pro-Russian have raised their voices against genocide in Chenchya? As I know far more than 2000 chechens died for their independence (like south ossetians)
3. why is it so difficult to realize that Russia has invaded Georgian territories? Poti, Senaki, Sachkhere are not even close to Tskhinvali

Thank you for your cooperation

russian is testing wests patiens. in spite of that world leaders and diplomatistes repeatly request president Medvedev to stop shooting and remove Russian troops from georgia territories , Moscow does nothing . on the contrery they occupied other georgian territories: poti port, gori, sachkhere and other.

In reaiity russian increase its aggression in georgia.
18th of august russian troops burnt georgian "ganmukhuri" patriotic camp.
19th of august they enter in potiy port territory , as well from potiy port they took away persecuted peoples humanitarian goods and american hummers.
Russian army is sacking non military operation zone.
19th of august russian army approached to Sachkhere city and 25 military technices took there position not far from it.

To ALL PRO-Russians on this forum.
I have few concrete questions and I would like to get answers on them:
1. Why does anybody talks here about the events that preceded the conflict. Namely, Heavy russian military presense near the borders of Georgia, deployment of russian raylway forces in Abkhazia and subsequent transfer by newly reconstructed raylway lines of Russian tanks and armoured vechicles in Abkhazia, issuing of Russian passports in a hastily manner and in very large amounts to South Ossetian residents, military trainings Kavkaz 2008 near Russian- Georgian Border, full battle readiness of russian Black Sea Fleet.
Don`t you think that these were the signs of planned military actions from russia?
2. Why does any of pro russians here expresses its concern about heavy Georgian civialian casualties?
3. How it turned out that initaiallly declared number of 2000 civilian casualties in Ossetians decreased to 133(human rights watch confirms only 44)? Do you think it is moral to get into the race of numbers of deaths?
4. Do you know how manu civilians were killed in Chechnia?
5.Why Russian troops have not opened humanitarian corridor so far? Don`t you think they are falsificating some facts in Tskhinvali, aiming to use body's of Georgians to increase the number of civilian casualties to initially declared number?
6. Why did russians used prohibited claster bombs in their attacks on Gori residential districts? (Dutch journalist fall victim of such bomb.)
7. Why Russia is not fullfiling its commitment to withdraw forces, occupying the areas far away from the conflict zones?
8. Why none of you is concerned over the huge number of Georgian refugees, humanitarian catstrophe in Georgia, absolutely destroyed civilian infrastructure?
9. Why Russian soldiers are still looting and why did they let in ossetian and north Caucasian militias to rob and kill Georgian civilians?
10.Don`t you think that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are now absolutely ethnically cleansed regions, where not a single Georgian resides?
11. Why russians are destroying eco system of Georgia, bombing with fire bombs unique bio reserve, which is under fire now and will impose eco catastrophe in the whole region?
12. What is so special about Chechens that they have no right to demand anything and can be killed without any justification?
13. Don`t you think that the future status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could be determined only with the participation of all the residents of this regions, including Georgians who fleed out of their homes?
14. Don`t you think that the fate of Ossetians is of no concern of Russia and their aim is to control Georgia?
Please give me concrete answers on these concrete questions.
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Felice-Rosso Wrote:2Mariam-GEORGIAN
" Why do you think that the outcome from this situation is the war? Becouse you are commited to the war. You have it in genetics. Seems u are desparitly in a need to kill the people. You seem are too thursty of new blood"
Look who is talking! Somebody who commited genocide of Ossetian people! For you it's ok to kill peaceful citizens, for us it's not ok to destroy your killing machines? Stop acting as if you are an offended little country being occupated by Russian troops. You should have paid for your barbarities in Ossetia. BTW isn't it comparable: you attacked ossetians, we attacked you.

"but don't forget we are more!!!!And Idon"t care do you and your shity citizens and government like saakashvili or not. " Of course now when you have been bought by US government you'll get some awards from it like becoming a member of nato and eu. But remember: you'll never be an independent country like us, you'll always stay just a puppet in US's dirty hands!

"We don't like your putin-medvedev duet, but that was the will of your nation and please enjoy the HELL!!!" the same we can say about your bung holing two-timing Saakashvily.
Sorry, but are you insane? I am really shocked that I see such expression as "shity citizens" on the EU forum. Please, be more cautios about your expressions. I now that your Government is not too cautios about its actions, but please try to be a bit better then Chechens best friend Mr. Putin is. And answer me on some concrete questions, which I have already posted to other pro-russians:
1. Why does anybody talks here about the events that preceded the conflict. Namely, Heavy russian military presense near the borders of Georgia, deployment of russian raylway forces in Abkhazia and subsequent transfer by newly reconstructed raylway lines of Russian tanks and armoured vechicles in Abkhazia, issuing of Russian passports in a hastily manner and in very large amounts to South Ossetian residents, military trainings Kavkaz 2008 near Russian- Georgian Border, full battle readiness of russian Black Sea Fleet.
Don`t you think that these were the signs of planned military actions from russia?
2. Why does any of pro russians here expresses its concern about heavy Georgian civialian casualties?
3. How it turned out that initaiallly declared number of 2000 civilian casualties in Ossetians decreased to 133(human rights watch confirms only 44)? Do you think it is moral to get into the race of numbers of deaths?
4. Do you know how many civilians were killed in Chechnya?
5.Why Russian troops have not opened humanitarian corridor so far? Don`t you think they are falsificating some facts in Tskhinvali, aiming to use bodys of Georgians to increase the number of civilian casualties to initially declared number?
6. Why did russians used prohibited claster bombs in their attacks on Gori residential districts? (Dutch journalist fall victim of such bomb.)
7. Why Russia is not fullfiling its commitment to withdraw forces, occupying the areas far away from the conflict zones?
8. Why none of you is concerned over the huge number of Georgian refugees, humanitarian catstrophe in Georgia, absolutely destroyed civilian infrastructure?
9. Why Russian soldiers are still looting and why did they let in ossetian and north Caucasian militias to rob and kill Georgian civilians?
10.Don`t you think that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are now absolutely ethnically cleansed regions, where not a single Georgian resides?
11. Why russians are destroying eco system of Georgia, bombing with fire bombs unique bio reserve, which is under fire now and will impose eco catastrophe in the whole region?
12. What is so special about Checnia that they have no right to demand anything and be killed without any justification?
13. Don`t you think that the future status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could be determined only with the participation of all the residents of this regions, including Georgians who fleed out of their homes?
Please give me concrete answers on these concrete questions.
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I want to say that I don't have anything bad against georgian sitizens, but why do you try to protect Saakhashvili, who decided to attack South Osetia???
People, what do you think Russia should do in this case?????

Julia Wrote:I want to say that I don't have anything bad against georgian sitizens, but why do you try to protect Saakhashvili, who decided to attack South Osetia???
People, what do you think Russia should do in this case?????
Of course Putin did. Why does anybody talks here about the events that preceded the conflict. Namely, Heavy russian military presense near the borders of Georgia, deployment of russian raylway forces in Abkhazia and subsequent transfer by newly reconstructed raylway lines of Russian tanks and armoured vechicles in Abkhazia, issuing of Russian passports in a hastily manner and in very large amounts to South Ossetian residents, military trainings Kavkaz 2008 near Russian- Georgian Border, full battle readiness of russian Black Sea Fleet.
Don`t you think that these were the signs of planned military actions from russia?
I have just now found the peace of information on a russian internet site : Как стало известно изданию, в телефонном разговоре с президентом США Джорджем Бушем 13 августа президент Франции Николя Саркози, встречавшийся с российскими лидерами, сообщил, что Путин с раздражением говорил о действиях Тбилиси в ходе конфликта вокруг Южной Осетии. По словам Саркози, российский премьер показал такую антипатию по отношению к властям Грузии, что казалось, будто решение о начале Россией военной операции было продиктовано личными мотивами.
I will try to translate it: In his telephone conversation with President Bush, president Sarkozy, who has met with Russian leaders, informed Mr. Bush that Putin was talking about the actions of Tbilisi with great irritation. According to Mr. Sarkozy, Russian premier has showed such a great antipathy towards the autorities of Georgia, as if russia`s decision to start military operation has been detrmined by his personal motivations.

Mr. putin hates Saakashvili and Georgian people, it is really personal. I will provide you with some interesting facts concerning his motives soon.

SiD, no matter how may arguments we had i MUST admit that you are the only Russian in here that is worth conversation, because you read and THINK about what other people say. At least you can see the geopolitical reasons behind the conflict. You can see Russia's EXTRA interests. And that's where we disagree. I don't think that Russia should decide on Georgia's future. This is up to them.

You just don't brag about Georgia's being fascist nor South Ossetia attack like a poem learn by heard from TV.
What most people should understand is that they should look BEYOND this media. Media is what we are supposed to see. It's made for the masses. EVERY country has Secret Intelligence Agencies that know and can predict what will happen in the next months, or even years and every political decision or action is well thought and planned in advance. There aren't many spontaneous ones.

Of course, to UNDERSTAND what is truly going on, or to be able to look BEYOND the conflict and find real interests and reasons, you need to have considerable IQ. This is something that most people seem to lack in.

Somehow Independent is right that NO mater how much we talk on this forum, we are just TOO small to change a thing, because UNFORTUNATELY Superpowers control the world.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

1. The president Medvedev signed cease-fire agreement which is not being fullfiled by millitaries. It seems like the President of Russia (despite his title) is uselles and his word does not mean anything even for his own citizens (army). Why should anybody respect Medvedev and Russia? Correct me if I am wrong, he has been promising to pull out soldiers for almost a week and nothing happend so far.

No deadline has been set by the ceasefire agreement.

Also, Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilains haven't fulfilled their obligations under the agreement.

Nobody forces you to "respect" "Medvedev and Russia", you can continue to regard just as you did until now. Yet, there is the price to be paid for it.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

2. Why Pro-Russian keep ignoring the numbers proviced by Huma Rights Watch?

Because HRW is a CIA liaison with zero credibility. Want some links about it?

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:
3. How many of Pro-Russian have raised their voices against genocide in Chenchya? As I know far more than 2000 chechens died for their independence (like south ossetians)

Zero of us, because there was no genocide in Chechnya. Much more of Chechens died, but they were the armed ones, so it doesn't qualify as a genocide.

chena Wrote:3. why is it so difficult to realize that Russia has invaded Georgian territories?

Perhaps because we actually use our brains and don't buy anti-Russian propaganda?

Nobody promised to any invader there will be no retalliation. Russians didn't stop chassing Wermacht at the borders of Russia. They were after them to Berlin. The same applies to Georgia.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

Poti, Senaki, Sachkhere are not even close to Tskhinvali
They are much closer than is Georgia to Atlantic.

Balkaneese Wrote:
chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

1. The president Medvedev signed cease-fire agreement which is not being fullfiled by millitaries. It seems like the President of Russia (despite his title) is uselles and his word does not mean anything even for his own citizens (army). Why should anybody respect Medvedev and Russia? Correct me if I am wrong, he has been promising to pull out soldiers for almost a week and nothing happend so far.

No deadline has been set by the ceasefire agreement.

So russians are going to stay in Georgia for ever? Don`t you think that when promising Mr. Sarkozy that you are going to pull out on Monday, you should do it on Monday?

Also, Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilains haven't fulfilled their obligations under the agreement.

Georgian troops are at their bases. They did not violate the agreement.

Nobody forces you to "respect" "Medvedev and Russia", you can continue to regard just as you did until now. Yet, there is the price to be paid for it.
Nobody respects Russia, there are some who are afraid of them. But Georgians are not among the intimidated ones.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

2. Why Pro-Russian keep ignoring the numbers proviced by Huma Rights Watch?

Because HRW is a CIA liaison with zero credibility. Want some links about it?
FSB liasion agencies are more credible? Ecen Russian officials can confirm only 133 deats among civilians.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:
3. How many of Pro-Russian have raised their voices against genocide in Chenchya? As I know far more than 2000 chechens died for their independence (like south ossetians)

Zero of us, because there was no genocide in Chechnya. Much more of Chechens died, but they were the armed ones, so it doesn't qualify as a genocide.
Tragic death of 133 civilians can be qualified as genocide then? We know that russian soldiers are really very human and they did not kill any single civilian in Checnya.

chena Wrote:3. why is it so difficult to realize that Russia has invaded Georgian territories?

Perhaps because we actually use our brains and don't buy anti-Russian propaganda?
Are you sure you have brains?

Nobody promised to any invader there will be no retalliation. Russians didn't stop chassing Wermacht at the borders of Russia. They were after them to Berlin. The same applies to Georgia.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

Poti, Senaki, Sachkhere are not even close to Tskhinvali
They are much closer than is Georgia to Atlantic.

Frederic Wrote:To ALL PRO-Russians on this forum.
I have few concrete questions and I would like to get answers on them:
1. Why does anybody talks here about the events that preceded the conflict.
Because there is always a long and boring story preceding any conflict: Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Baaaznia, etc.

Frederic Wrote:2. Why does any of pro russians here expresses its concern about heavy Georgian civialian casualties?


If you meand the concern about civilian casualties, I do express concern for them. BTW, much more civilian casulties were suffered on S. Ossetian side.

Frederic Wrote:3. How it turned out that initaiallly declared number of 2000 civilian casualties in Ossetians decreased to 133(human rights watch confirms only 44)? Do you think it is moral to get into the race of numbers of deaths?

Why did NATO/USA/EU did the same in Baaaznia and Kosovo?

Frederic Wrote:4. Do you know how manu civilians were killed in Chechnia?

Do you know haw many civilians were killed in Yugoslavia?

Frederic Wrote:5.Why Russian troops have not opened humanitarian corridor so far? Don`t you think they are falsificating some facts in Tskhinvali, aiming to use body's of Georgians to increase the number of civilian casualties to initially declared number?

Corridor will be open when it's safe.

Fallacious operations are specialty of NATO/USA/EU. Russkies don't do that.

Frederic Wrote:6. Why did russians used prohibited claster bombs in their attacks on Gori residential districts? (Dutch journalist fall victim of such bomb.)

Perhaps because NATO/USA/EU used them in Baaaaznia against Republika Srpska and in Kosovo against Yugoslavia?

Frederic Wrote:8. Why none of you is concerned over the huge number of Georgian refugees, humanitarian catstrophe in Georgia, absolutely destroyed civilian infrastructure?

Why none of you is concerned over the huge number of efugees, humanitarian catastrophe and absolutely destroyed civilian infrastructure in:
1) Iraq (back in 1990)
2) Republika Srpska Krajina, (now occupied by Croatia)
3) Republika Srpska (now part of Baaaznia)
4) Serbia (incl. Kosovo)
5) Iraq
6) Afghanistan
7) Lebanon

Frederic Wrote:9. Why Russian soldiers are still looting and why did they let in ossetian and north Caucasian militias to rob and kill Georgian civilians?

We don't buy your fairy tales. Russian soldiers don't do that. Volunteers yet may be another story, but Russia did announce she was unable to prevent them entering conflict zone, once Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilain started the war.

Frederic Wrote:10.Don`t you think that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are now absolutely ethnically cleansed regions, where not a single Georgian resides?

So does Kosovo, Republika Srpska Krajina and those parts of Baaznia out of Republika Srpska. All under the auspicies of NATO/USA/EU.

Perhaps Russia is trying to cope with "EU standars"?

Frederic Wrote:11. Why russians are destroying eco system of Georgia, bombing with fire bombs unique bio reserve, which is under fire now and will impose eco catastrophe in the whole region?

Just like in:
1) Iraq (back in 1990)?
2) Republika Srpska Krajina, (now occupied by Croatia)?
3) Republika Srpska (now part of Baaaznia)?
4) Serbia (incl. Kosovo)?
5) Iraq?
6) Afghanistan?
7) Lebanon?
Perhaps Russia is trying to cope with "EU standars"?

Frederic Wrote:12. What is so special about Checnia that they have no right to demand anything and be killed without any justification?

Who told you that? Next time they want to put your brain in a wash-machine, don't let them do that.

Frederic Wrote:13. Don`t you think that the future status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could be determined only with the participation of all the residents of this regions, including Georgians who fleed out of their homes?

Ooops. But that way Russia would fail to "cope with EU standards" enacted in

1) Republika Srpska Krajina (now occupied by Croatia)
2) Republika Srpska (now part of occupied Baaaznia)
3) Montenegro
4) Kosovo

So, sorry.

Frederic Wrote:14. Don`t you think that the fate of Ossetians is of no concern of Russia and their aim is to control Georgia?

Don't you think that the fate of small peoples of the Balkans is of no concern of NATO/USA/EU and their aim is to control us?


Could you be more constructive and really try to answer questions - which means think before writing something? And do you really think that "f" words impress someone or are a good arguments?

After reading your response (which could be hardly called answers) I seem to agree with Lor:

"by Lor on Today, 11:31

Of course, to UNDERSTAND what is truly going on, or to be able to look BEYOND the conflict and find real interests and reasons, you need to have considerable IQ. This is something that most people seem to lack in."

marika25 Wrote:
Balkaneese Wrote:
chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

1. The president Medvedev signed cease-fire agreement which is not being fullfiled by millitaries. It seems like the President of Russia (despite his title) is uselles and his word does not mean anything even for his own citizens (army). Why should anybody respect Medvedev and Russia? Correct me if I am wrong, he has been promising to pull out soldiers for almost a week and nothing happend so far.

No deadline has been set by the ceasefire agreement.

So russians are going to stay in Georgia for ever? Don`t you think that when promising Mr. Sarkozy that you are going to pull out on Monday, you should do it on Monday?

Also, Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilains haven't fulfilled their obligations under the agreement.

Georgian troops are at their bases. They did not violate the agreement.

Nobody forces you to "respect" "Medvedev and Russia", you can continue to regard just as you did until now. Yet, there is the price to be paid for it.
Nobody respects Russia, there are some who are afraid of them. But Georgians are not among the intimidated ones.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

2. Why Pro-Russian keep ignoring the numbers proviced by Huma Rights Watch?

Because HRW is a CIA liaison with zero credibility. Want some links about it?
FSB liasion agencies are more credible? Ecen Russian officials can confirm only 133 deats among civilians.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:
3. How many of Pro-Russian have raised their voices against genocide in Chenchya? As I know far more than 2000 chechens died for their independence (like south ossetians)

Zero of us, because there was no genocide in Chechnya. Much more of Chechens died, but they were the armed ones, so it doesn't qualify as a genocide.
Tragic death of 133 civilians can be qualified as genocide then? We know that russian soldiers are really very human and they did not kill any single civilian in Checnya.

chena Wrote:3. why is it so difficult to realize that Russia has invaded Georgian territories?

Perhaps because we actually use our brains and don't buy anti-Russian propaganda?
Are you sure you have brains?

Nobody promised to any invader there will be no retalliation. Russians didn't stop chassing Wermacht at the borders of Russia. They were after them to Berlin. The same applies to Georgia.

chena Wrote:Questions for Pro-Russians:

Poti, Senaki, Sachkhere are not even close to Tskhinvali
They are much closer than is Georgia to Atlantic.
1. When you say will withdarw on Monday you should do it on Monday.
2.Do you think FSB based organizations are more reliable? eVEN rUSSIAN OFFICIALS CAN NOT CONFIRM MORE THEN 133 DEAD CIVILIANS.
nobody respects russia, there are some who are afraid, but Georgians are not among them.
3.You are right. Not a single Chechen was killed by Russians. Do you yourself believe in it?
4.Berlin? Are you insane.

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