09-11-2008, 08:48 AM
Hakan G Wrote:Why would USA need to start a war with Russia?1 Territory
2. minerals, oil, natural gas etc.
3. possibility to do anything on international scene they want
Russia: The Awakening
09-11-2008, 08:48 AM
Hakan G Wrote:Why would USA need to start a war with Russia?1 Territory 2. minerals, oil, natural gas etc. 3. possibility to do anything on international scene they want
09-11-2008, 09:57 AM
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:Salomo Wrote:As for Poland: a rebellion grew in Warsaw in 1944 and was first quite successful. The rebels wanted to install a Polish government in the city before the Red Army antered the city. The Soviet troops were very close to Warsaw, on the other side of the river! They could have helped the Poles to be freed from fascists. Instead, they did nothing! They just stayed on their side of the river and let the Germans massacre the Jews. Clearly, they did not want any Polish people to free themselves, it was against their interest to have Polish heroes, they wanted to enter Warsaw themselves as "liberators".My grandma is Pole. She lived on the suburb of Warsaw. All you have wrote here is rubbish. thouthand and thousand soviet people were killed trying to break the german defence and free Warsaw. SU payd a lot of lifes to provide weapon to pole rebels Read this article: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Uprising">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Uprising</a><!-- m --> and especially the following lines: "By 16 September 1944, Soviet forces had reached a point a few hundred metres from the city, across the Vistula River, but they made no further headway during the Uprising; leading to allegations that Joseph Stalin had wanted the insurrection to fail." "According to many historians, a major cause of the eventual failure of the uprising was the almost complete lack of outside support and the late arrival of the support which did arrive.[2][6] The only support operation which ran continuously for the duration of the Uprising were night supply drops by long-range planes of the Royal Air Force, other British Commonwealth air forces, and units of the Polish Air Force, which had to use distant airfields in Italy and so had very limited effect." "The role of the Red Army during the Warsaw Uprising remains controversial and is still disputed by some historians.[6] One of the reasons given as to why the Warsaw uprising failed, was the failure of the Soviet Red Army to aid the Resistance. The Uprising started when the Red Army appeared on the city's doorstep, and the Poles in Warsaw were counting on Soviet aid coming in a matter of days. This basic scenario of an uprising against the Germans launched a few days before the arrival of Allied forces played out successfully in a number of European capitals, notably Paris and Prague. However, the Red Army did not extend effective aid to the desperate city despite standing less than 10 km from Warsaw's city center for about 40 days, and then moving even closer to the right bank of the Vistula river a few hundred meters away from the main battle of the uprising during its last two weeks. Some Western historians, as well as the official line of the Communist regime in Poland before 1989, claimed that the Red Army, exhausted by its long advance on its way to Warsaw, lacked sufficient fighting power to overcome the German forces around Warsaw and extend effective aid to the Uprising. However, it is also speculated that Stalin did not want to aid the Home Army, made up of likely opponents of the Soviet regime in Poland after the war.[6]" Your grandma, sorry to say, had after the war probably only access to Soviet propaganda, which probably said the Red Army had done everything possible. Or then she knows only about those who provided weapons, but why did the powerful Red Army not fight the Germans itself? This would have been the most efficient aid to the Poles.
09-11-2008, 10:10 AM
Salomo, what can i say... go to the topic "Is western media truthful? "
I belive to witnesses, not to Quote:Some Western historianswho think that WW2 was won by USA and Great Britain. In belarus every 1 of 3 people had been killed during WW2. Many of them were partisans and (i don't know haw to say) underground fighters. But i dodn't blame russians that they didn't free Belarus in 1941. They did all they can i'm sure.
09-11-2008, 10:22 AM
Salomo wrote today 11 hours:
-- This is one thing I always wonder, while listening to Russian people: do you really think that you "freed" the people in Eastern Europe?! Don't you see the other side? -- Salomo! Yes, I'm Russian. I cannot totally agree with you: some of us really don't see the other side, but not everybody. I see the other side. That's what I see: We REALLY freed them from n-a-z-i tyranny, it's so, we (actually not "we", but "soviet soldiers") saved them from being killed by facists. For example, Estonia. Before the WW2 and after it they was in USSR. That WAS THE MISTAKE of Soviet Union: they really was not right. But why estonians wanna avendge us? Today's Russia? What we did? We DON'T OCCUPATE THEM!! Russia changed! We don't occupate everybody! We freed Ossetia from tyranny (Georgia excuse me - but that's the fact) and gave them the FREEDOM, not ANTHER TYRANNY!! You know, we SEE another side. But that doesnt mean that we are not right.
09-11-2008, 10:25 AM
Eugene from Belarus: I hope you really think so! And excuse us if your years with USSR was bad)
09-11-2008, 11:12 AM
RusNeko Wrote:But why estonians wanna avendge us? Today's Russia? What we did? We DON'T OCCUPATE THEM!! Russia changed! We don't occupate everybody! Except concerning this war in Georgia (occupied zones outside South Ossetia, in proper Georgia), and your "internal affair" with Chechnya, you are indeed right. But your "bad reputation" persists among the people occupied by USSR. And why? Because you have not made any repentance about the crimes of the USSR. On the contrary: your president thinks the fall of USSR was a very bad thing, and he orders schoolbooks to be renewed rehabilitating Stalin etc. While Germans are ashamed of the Nazi period, you Russians still think USSR was not a so bad thing. I would wish a public confession, a public repentance done by the Russian government, asking pardon for Soviet crimes, including occupation of other countries. This would diminish the number of your enemies and make you look more reliable.
09-11-2008, 11:22 AM
I 'm tired to say: there're no our forces, except peacekeepers in proper Georgia!! And we are ready for dialog ith Chechnya.
SALOMO: I PUT MY HAND ON MY HEART. I'M SORRY FOR SOVIET CRIMES. AND OTHERS TOO. But this is not easy question. Do you know, how many people died to destroy nacism? In our country nobody wants to rehabilitate Stalin. He has his positives (winner in WW2) and negatives (occupation of Baltic and others, tyranny) We measure this period of our history properly. I'm glad that Germans understood what they did, os the war was started by them.
09-11-2008, 11:31 AM
RusNeko Wrote:Eugene from Belarus: I hope you really think so! And excuse us if your years with USSR was bad)you don't have to excuse. Soviet Union was formed not by russian people
09-11-2008, 11:36 AM
How could I forget??!)))
09-11-2008, 07:02 PM
RusNeko Wrote:I 'm tired to say: there're no our forces, except peacekeepers in proper Georgia!! Now maybe, but some weeks ago there still was... RusNeko Wrote:And we are ready for dialog ith Chechnya. Too late, you do not need, every non-pro-Russian leader has already been killed... ![]() RusNeko Wrote:SALOMO: Good ![]() ![]() RusNeko Wrote:But this is not easy question. Do you know, how many people died to destroy nacism? Yes, yes, millions from USSR, and people could be thankful. But the Soviet crimes committed afterwards turned everything in "balance" again, meaning negative things came back. And Russian leaders behave like Soviet occupation would not have meant anything negative for the occupied nations. The Statue crisis in Estonia showed how different Russians and other nations look at the "Great Patriotic War" and its memorials. RusNeko Wrote:In our country nobody wants to rehabilitate Stalin. He has his positives (winner in WW2) and negatives (occupation of Baltic and others, tyranny) We measure this period of our history properly. Hem, look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/article_details.php?id=10356">http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/arti ... p?id=10356</a><!-- m --> Also Hitler had his "goods and bads". For example, he did well fighting against unemployment, with all the big construction projects, motorways and more. However, nobody even tries to look at him in a "neutral" way. But that new schoolbook tries partly to rehabilitate Stalin.
09-11-2008, 09:35 PM
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:Hakan G Wrote:Why would USA need to start a war with Russia?1 Territory USA has it all, especially after Iraq. It doesn't need to attack Russia.
09-12-2008, 08:01 AM
Hakan G Wrote:not at all.Eugene from Belarus Wrote:Hakan G Wrote:Why would USA need to start a war with Russia?1 Territory 1. the territiry will be the big problem for the Wesr in the nearest future. 2. they have to develope their strategic oilfields to solve the petrol problems. After Latin america started to chose socialists the oil price started to grow heavily. There' not much oil in Iraq - USA need Iran at least. More over in the nearest future USA an Russia will argue about Arctic resorces. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/243957.html">http://www.inosmi.ru/translation/243957.html</a><!-- m --> 3. Russia becomes the second polar on international scene. USA do not like it at all. More over Russia have bought some interests in american companies - that could be the problem for USA.
09-12-2008, 03:07 PM
Maybe, when the US leaders will change, the situation will embetter......
09-12-2008, 08:53 PM
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:not at all. What do you mean by: 1. the territiry will be the big problem for the Wesr in the nearest future.
09-16-2008, 07:34 AM
USA indeed has the possibility to do whatever it wants on the international stage, and we can notice that by the fact nobody reproaches it for interfering in world issues and establishing there its interests.
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex."
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09-18-2008, 09:38 PM
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/18/AR2008091801654_pf.html">http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 54_pf.html</a><!-- m -->
Recomended for all Russians here. I can not find yet this information on your news sites, it will be there in morning, but changed and with adition of Russ. propaganda. So from first heand it will be more interesting. She analizes the situation very logicaly I suppose. I will try to find her speach. There is interesting points about Russian hipotetic future. I will put link when I will find it. The speach was very impresiv. ![]()
09-18-2008, 09:52 PM
Eka Wrote:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/con...54_pf.html :haha . Nothing new, we heard it all. Not impressed. Jump from joy new portion of words arived from US i think it helped you much.
09-20-2008, 12:05 PM
and what's with those military flights in Venezuela? Why did she criticize it? She is just envying because USA has bad relations with Venezuela.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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09-26-2008, 02:25 PM
Benn Wrote:and what's with those military flights in Venezuela? Why did she criticize it? She is just envying because USA has bad relations with Venezuela. That is called: intimidation.
10-29-2008, 08:51 AM
The lights are still on in the Hitler bunker
Süddeutsche Zeitung - Germany. The Nazi satire "Gitler Kaput!" is causing a furore in Russia. Sonja Zekri plays down its historic references in the Süddeutsche Zeitung: "It did not come as a complete surprise when the Peterburg communists called for a distribution ban on Veisburg's Nazi revue and appealed to all 'communists, patriots, veterans, youth organisations' and even the Church to mobilise support against "Gitler Kaput!" The filmmakers [above all the producer Sergei Livnev] countered dialectically, pointing out that, to paraphrase Marx, it was precisely laughing that hammered the last nail in the coffin of fascism - and all other ideologies. That is perhaps a bit optimistic. But in a country that uses its past as a kind of box of theatrical props to adorn itself with major Soviet or Tsarist feats and indeed with anything that has the appearance of being big and strong, "Gitler kaput!" is a refreshingly irreverent little film" that has little to do with the past and far more to do with the patriotism of the modern Russian jetset." (28/10/2008)
10-29-2008, 09:35 PM
Yalta1945 Wrote:The lights are still on in the Hitler bunker I saw the movie (true, with English subtitles), and I should say it's a funny one. I doubt the producer had any bad intentions about it, and it's definitely not connected with politics, it's just a comedy.
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11-15-2008, 09:22 AM
Yalta1945 Wrote:The lights are still on in the Hitler bunkerWhoa, whoa, hold on. "Gitler Kaput!" is just a comedy. A comedy that really sucks. I mean, really, and im my humble opinion is one of the worst ever. It has nothing to do with patriotism or anything like that, its a shame that such stupid movie even came out. The only thing why people could like it is...well, Anna Semenovich (google her) ![]()
11-15-2008, 04:25 PM
yes, Semenovich is something. Did some googling, here's what I found
![]() The movie is of worth for being watched.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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11-16-2008, 09:13 AM
Yalta1945 Wrote:The lights are still on in the Hitler bunker Humourous approach to problems is often the most effective one. I just hope that that kind of humour could spread more widely. There are so many too patriotic and/or nationalistic countries.
11-17-2008, 12:00 AM
Humour was used for criticizing the governing, the country's decisions etc. And it really helped. Unfortunately the people (usually men of culture)didn't live for a long time, due to being closed in jails, killed etc. But, of course we are living modern times and everything is cool.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."
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