Poll: Who strated the war in Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
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Who started the war in S.Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
Yeah, Sid, it is very DEMOCRATIC, when you president killed two of his opponennts before the elections. It's a pity that Georgians elected the murderer! Well, it was your own choice....and the choice of America, of course! Smile

Ann from Russia Wrote:Eka wrote:
Soon process in your country will show you that economical growth and totalitarizm... Totalitarizm in Russia?! Girl are you living in the present times or stayed in 40-50-s???? Totalitarizm is in Georgia!
I am far from idea that In Georgia democraty is blooming but we are on the way and support of other democratic world toward Goergia clearly represents this. In Russia unfortunatly Putin declered that you dont need this type of governig and e.g. russian999 supposes that he is right. The idea is that huge countries on they way to economical growth and prosperity dont need this type of governing, it will be diffcult to manage with problems in this case ( Russia, China). But world is supporting us dont Russia. You can call us idealists and other what you can wish, but ower choise is more close to them than Russians.Russian govermant is now supportes only by outsiders of world( Nikaragua, Cuba etc)as you probably know this are countries with non democratic type of governing. The rest of the wotd patly or totally, openly or without showing to everyone is supporting Georias teritorial integrity and Sarkozis last vizit to Moscow and later to Tbilisi represents this. So problem is for Russians that Georgia is now supported by democratic part of the world and Russian govermant is supported by dictators and terorists. THis is thing you must analize and think about.

Economical growth in your counrty and CHina will destory regimes there. It is acsioma, which can not be discused. Soon or late even CHina will change.

Eka, Russia is supported by Asian countries too, such as: China, India, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Pakistan, Iran and other countries of Shanhanian organisation. Czech Republic, Belorussia, Turkey, Ukraine (I mean its' citizens, not Goverment) support us too. You shouldn't think that we are alone.

Eka Wrote:
Ann from Russia Wrote:Eka wrote:
Soon process in your country will show you that economical growth and totalitarizm... Totalitarizm in Russia?! Girl are you living in the present times or stayed in 40-50-s???? Totalitarizm is in Georgia!
I am far from idea that In Georgia democraty is blooming but we are on the way and support of other democratic world toward Goergia clearly represents this. In Russia unfortunatly Putin declered that you dont need this type of governig and e.g. russian999 supposes that he is right. The idea is that huge countries on they way to economical growth and prosperity dont need this type of governing, it will be diffcult to manage with problems in this case ( Russia, China). But world is supporting us dont Russia. You can call us idealists and other what you can wish, but ower choise is more close to them than Russians.Russian govermant is now supportes only by outsiders of world( Nikaragua, Cuba etc)as you probably know this are countries with non democratic type of governing. The rest of the wotd patly or totally, openly or without showing to everyone is supporting Georias teritorial integrity and Sarkozis last vizit to Moscow and later to Tbilisi represents this. So problem is for Russians that Georgia is now supported by democratic part of the world and Russian govermant is supported by dictators and terorists. THis is thing you must analize and think about.

Economical growth in your counrty and CHina will destory regimes there. It is acsioma, which can not be discused. Soon or late even CHina will change.

The democracy is an illision and Utopia like communism. The richest men just use it in their interest and manupulate people by supporting this illusion

EU1 Wrote:
Eka Wrote:
Ann from Russia Wrote:Eka wrote:
Soon process in your country will show you that economical growth and totalitarizm... Totalitarizm in Russia?! Girl are you living in the present times or stayed in 40-50-s???? Totalitarizm is in Georgia!
I am far from idea that In Georgia democraty is blooming but we are on the way and support of other democratic world toward Goergia clearly represents this. In Russia unfortunatly Putin declered that you dont need this type of governig and e.g. russian999 supposes that he is right. The idea is that huge countries on they way to economical growth and prosperity dont need this type of governing, it will be diffcult to manage with problems in this case ( Russia, China). But world is supporting us dont Russia. You can call us idealists and other what you can wish, but ower choise is more close to them than Russians.Russian govermant is now supportes only by outsiders of world( Nikaragua, Cuba etc)as you probably know this are countries with non democratic type of governing. The rest of the wotd patly or totally, openly or without showing to everyone is supporting Georias teritorial integrity and Sarkozis last vizit to Moscow and later to Tbilisi represents this. So problem is for Russians that Georgia is now supported by democratic part of the world and Russian govermant is supported by dictators and terorists. THis is thing you must analize and think about.

Economical growth in your counrty and CHina will destory regimes there. It is acsioma, which can not be discused. Soon or late even CHina will change.

"The democracy is an illision and Utopia like communism. The richest men just use it in their interest and manupulate people by supporting this illusion

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
Sir Winston Churchill, Hansard, November 11, 1947
British politician (1874 - 1965)

Eka Wrote:ANN
I am far from idea that In Georgia democraty is blooming but we are on the way and support of other democratic world toward Goergia clearly represents this. In Russia unfortunatly Putin declered that you dont need this type of governig and e.g. russian999 supposes that he is right. The idea is that huge countries on they way to economical growth and prosperity dont need this type of governing, it will be diffcult to manage with problems in this case ( Russia, China). But world is supporting us dont Russia. You can call us idealists and other what you can wish, but ower choise is more close to them than Russians.Russian govermant is now supportes only by outsiders of world( Nikaragua, Cuba etc)as you probably know this are countries with non democratic type of governing. The rest of the wotd patly or totally, openly or without showing to everyone is supporting Georias teritorial integrity and Sarkozis last vizit to Moscow and later to Tbilisi represents this. So problem is for Russians that Georgia is now supported by democratic part of the world and Russian govermant is supported by dictators and terorists. THis is thing you must analize and think about.

Economical growth in your counrty and CHina will destory regimes there. It is acsioma, which can not be discused. Soon or late even CHina will change.
Outsiders of world? Smile . What is that means? thier place in differnet world or parhaps you want to tell they do not need to exist? Smile .
You are not supported by world, world has much more than 27 countries. And if you will see corectly this support is humanitarian and moral. Wake up!!! EU garanteed that you WONT ATTACK S OSETIA and ABKCHAZIA do you understand what does it mean?
No one asks you, Sarkozy comes to Moscow and Saakashvili only signs what real players desided.

Parhaps Russia will change some day parhaps China, parhaps world will change. Anyway it is matter of future not present.

30 minutes movie how georgians attacked Tskhinval <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgSvYtjzZt8">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgSvYtjzZt8</a><!-- m -->

1) You all tell that Russia is not democratic state. that it's totalitarian. But it's just a cliche from your newspapers. They do not analize the system. it's not there task. their task is to lead information war. What is the difference between "democratic" uSA or Georgia and "totalitarian" Russia? tell me
2) As regards to conflict. You support Georgia. Question: how can you support Saakashvili who orderd to open fire on peaceful city? who ordered tanks to enter into Tshinval and to shoot citizence (i hope you saw those shots on your TV). Western leaders tell that the russian answer was "out of proportion"... I do understand why. Couse you watch it on TV. Tomorrow a conference of moscow journalists took place. I'm sure you don't know about it. Russian cameramans have shown us pictures of ruined Tshinval they have made. And than fragments of CNN news with the same pictures as if it were Gori))) Funny? And were is CNN reports from Tshinval? Why fox news haven't let to speak Osetian girl and her mother who tried to tell what did really happend?

and one more detail. Russian peacemakers. the peecemaker as you know has only submachine gun. They are not suppose to fight. they must deter both sides by the fact of their presence. 3 of russian peacemakers who's post was near the georgian's one was killed from behind by georgian peacemakers. How about that? Other russian peacemakers were surrounded by georgian tanks and battered. It is the first time in the history when peacemakers were killed like that

Eugene from Belarus Wrote:and one more detail. Russian peacemakers. the peecemaker as you know has only submachine gun. They are not suppose to fight. they must deter both sides by the fact of their presence. 3 of russian peacemakers who's post was near the georgian's one was killed from behind by georgian peacemakers. How about that? Other russian peacemakers were surrounded by georgian tanks and battered. It is the first time in the history when peacemakers were killed like that

No one knows exactly who was killed first but Russian are not able to be peacekeepers fact. Russian is part in this conflict from 1990s.

Eugene from Belarus Wrote:1) You all tell that Russia is not democratic state. that it's totalitarian. But it's just a cliche from your newspapers. They do not analize the system. it's not there task. their task is to lead information war. What is the difference between "democratic" uSA or Georgia and "totalitarian" Russia? tell me
2) As regards to conflict. You support Georgia. Question: how can you support Saakashvili who orderd to open fire on peaceful city? who ordered tanks to enter into Tshinval and to shoot citizence (i hope you saw those shots on your TV). Western leaders tell that the russian answer was "out of proportion"... I do understand why. Couse you watch it on TV. Tomorrow a conference of moscow journalists took place. I'm sure you don't know about it. Russian cameramans have shown us pictures of ruined Tshinval they have made. And than fragments of CNN news with the same pictures as if it were Gori))) Funny? And were is CNN reports from Tshinval? Why fox news haven't let to speak Osetian girl and her mother who tried to tell what did really happend?

Question: how can you support Russian aggressor who is trying Georgia invasion agein!
advice please see sometimes not only russion TV or web site if you find some historical fact from 1801 you will know who is who.
just info not from russion <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sosgeorgia.org/">http://sosgeorgia.org/</a><!-- m -->

Giorgi, please give us the facts that Russia is going to invade Georgia again! Не будь голословным на этот счет! Наши войска уже давно выведены. Остались только миротворцы!

...Которые уже выводятся с территории Грузии на места бывшей дислокации и вскоре будут размащены на границах Абхазии и Осетии.

The Pentagon recognised Saakashvili as the instigator of war on Caucasus (Пентагон признал Саакашвили зачинщиком войны на Кавказе) <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news187637">http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news187637</a><!-- m -->

Georgia defenetily, It is internationally recognized. Please notice that 1 000 000 georgians are comfortably living in Russia because of poverty of Georgia.

alex01 Wrote:Пентагон признал Саакашвили зачинщиком войны на Кавказе <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news187637">http://www.izvestia.ru/news/news187637</a><!-- m -->
Хахахахаха!!! Америка: "А мы типа тут и не при чем. Это все грузины!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

He-h, Georgians, America kicked you (((( It's unamazing...but very funny :twisted:

Better late than never
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.vz.ru/top/">http://www.vz.ru/top/</a><!-- m -->


Giorgi Wrote:
Eugene from Belarus Wrote:and one more detail. Russian peacemakers. the peecemaker as you know has only submachine gun. They are not suppose to fight. they must deter both sides by the fact of their presence. 3 of russian peacemakers who's post was near the georgian's one was killed from behind by georgian peacemakers. How about that? Other russian peacemakers were surrounded by georgian tanks and battered. It is the first time in the history when peacemakers were killed like that

No one knows exactly who was killed first but Russian are not able to be peacekeepers fact. Russian is part in this conflict from 1990s.
Georgia itself have given up mandate to russia to be peacemakers. More over (if you don't know): after Soveit Union have fallen to separate state, each state (according to existing legislation) had to lead referendum in it's autonomies on the following issue: whether such autonomi want to be independent or a part of new independent state. Georgia denied such right to S.Osetia, Abhazia and Adjaria. That was illegal. Autonomies didn't want to be part of Georgia). Instead of referendum, Georgian prezident Gamsahurdia send his tanks and killed a great number of civilians. that's why present conflict took place

Ann from Russia Wrote:...Которые уже выводятся с территории Грузии на места бывшей дислокации и вскоре будут размащены на границах Абхазии и Осетии.
Ann, do you know that the region of Georgia, called Akhalgory, that was before the armed attack the part of Georgia, but bordered S.Osetia is NOW occupied by Russians and they forced the people living there (Georgians) to take Russian pasports, otherwise they had to leave there own houses and in Akhalgory now you can only find Russians and Osetians living there.All Georgians left the boroug and villages because they didnot wanted to be citizens of Russia. If Russia is helping the "INDIPENDENT" S.Osetia then lets just help them to have there own pasports and not the Russian ones. So,"helping" and "defending" there own cotizens is farce... Confusedlurp

russian999 Wrote:
Quote:Referendum IN Abxazeti and Sida Kartli with all IDPs from there will show what is really the will of majority. And this will happen soon or late. And now you russians can chew this piece of pie antil it will not be as a bone in throat.

And then let as see who is romatic and who is pragmatic.

Soon process in your country will show you that economical growth and totalitarizm together are impossible and that we will see who will laigh at last.

Eka, welcome back! I noted, that georgians mostly talk about present crisis in future terms. For example -
will show,And then let as see, we will see etc... But russians talk in present terms - we doing, we fight etc...
Its clearly shows - who is dreamer and romantic, and who is pragmatic.

Hi colleague. You are Wright. Georgians are acting and thinking about future, Russians (sorry government) is acting without any analyze. Last events are representing this clearly. They are acting as hooligans – we are doing this and that’s the truth, and let’s see what you can do – and you can do nothing. Its reality whole world is observing this now. So maybe you will think about this – maybe the events were more scrupulously planed then your presidents are declaring, maybe far results are more important then close ones. So sometimes to think – what will be if I will do this or that is not a bad thing at all.

"Georgians are acting and thinking about future, Russians (sorry government) is acting without any analyze".

Don't laugh me!!!! Georgia is thinking?! Your President is thinking without your help. And he thinks about destroyng his "neighbours". I think mush better acting without any analyze, than to be a "progmatic" and kille innocent people! Well, that's Georgia analizing! Smile

Ann from Russia Wrote:Eka:
"Georgians are acting and thinking about future, Russians (sorry government) is acting without any analyze".

Don't laugh me!!!! Georgia is thinking?! Your President is thinking without your help. And he thinks about destroyng his "neighbours". I think mush better acting without any analyze, than to be a "progmatic" and kille innocent people! Well, that's Georgia analizing! Smile

Ann, so simple, so impressed....... :banghead :banghead :banghead

Ann from Russia Wrote:Eka:
"Georgians are acting and thinking about future, Russians (sorry government) is acting without any analyze".

Don't laugh me!!!! Georgia is thinking?! Your President is thinking without your help. And he thinks about destroyng his "neighbours". I think mush better acting without any analyze, than to be a "progmatic" and kille innocent people! Well, that's Georgia analizing! Smile
Dear Ann
It is true that our president is thinking without our help, because THATS WHY ARE PRESIDENTS ELECTED to think WITHOUT OTHERS HELP, but i understand that it is too strange for you, because your president dont even think himself (not to speak about making decisions)..Our president is for thinking and we are for controlling the decisions, if we dont like them we can protest (take considerations the number of protest actions during this 4 years in Georgia)!!!
and about destroing "neighbours"- neighbours are we- Russians and Georgians... S.Osetia is a part of Georgia, so , it cant be our neighbours..(I dont like correcting mistakes but this is the semanticly awful mistake, sorry Ann)..

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