Poll: Who strated the war in Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
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Who started the war in S.Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
Russia Russia did this and we will be sure in this after some time, when there will be researches, of course after Russians give this oppertunity to international observers, to study the situation, till this time they can't go inside conflict area, what does it mean can u answer?? it means russia itself cleans the facts they did withing Tskhinvali, after deleting the trace they'll let observers go in !! thats the true..

Quote:Now, look at few of our co-users from Russia. how many times do we have to repeat, there are no evidences of 1000s of Killed Civilians. Yet we still read it repeatedly in our Russian users' posts.

Actually, I dont care so much about number of dead - for me even one human death is too much.

Quote:Now, you read those posts again and you will make sure, we converse with near-robot thinking here, and thus, they dont think the rest of the world is stupid, but they are sure the rest of the world is Enemy!

My friend, I was professionaly study the phenomen of brainwashing in destructive cults. So, I can tell you main quality of brainwashed person. It is "black-white" thinking. I can say, that all georgians too, brainwashed, same as russians.
But, when I will tell you main second quality of brainwashed person - you will find out, that georgians more brainwashed,then rusians.Second quality of brainwashed person - information control. In Russia we didnot restrict TV and internet, but saakashvily did it. So, you guys are more brainwashed, really

Brainwashed means Brainwashed no matter more or less !!! the point is that inRussia Putan done this in 8 years so much that even nowadays they cant get free from it !!! in Georgia people have the sense to rationalize the on going things what i can't say about russians: they get the information withour check up. For me i try to find informations from every sie and after this make my own disicion. russians watch only one side of a coin and forget that it has another one too...

Quote:Brainwashed means Brainwashed no matter more or less !!! the point is that inRussia Putan done this in 8 years so much that even nowadays they cant get free from it !!! in Georgia people have the sense to rationalize the on going things what i can't say about russians: they get the information withour check up. For me i try to find informations from every sie and after this make my own disicion. russians watch only one side of a coin and forget that it has another one too...

No. I see both sides. Russian and georgian governments - both bullshit. But I preffer to be with more stronger and more organized bullshit - russian government.

Lenus Wrote:
Karl.in.eu Wrote:What I am interested in, is how you people manage to be sure about such things? I sthe rest of the world stupid?


That is the question they never properly ask in Russia, never mind properly answering it.

I've spent quite a time with Russians discussing politics with real, normal-life, middle-class people.

They are amazingly easy to be hypnotised if the issue concenrns the topic "Russia vs Enemy"

An absolute majority of Common Russians are stuck with the theory of hidden world coalition against Russia, Whether its called by them Zionism, or Free-Masonry or any other hidden threat which is directed at Russia without no doubt.

You should have seen my round eyes, when I was told Saakashili is Jewish, and so is nearly every member of Georgian govenment, and they are leading Georgians, Russians fellow Orthodox Christians into a Zionist-Free-masonry Slavery! And the only hope Georgia apparetly has (and this is without realising it by ourselves) is Russia. And Russia WILL NOT LET US TO SUCh ZIONIST SLAVERY!

Therefore, as Russians are convinced there is a hidden agenda and hidden battle against them, they will, despite of EVIDENCES and FACTS continue defending Rulling Party of FSB, because... Its not about facts and logics, and common sense, its about That very hidden agenda!

Now, look at few of our co-users from Russia. how many times do we have to repeat, there are no evidences of 1000s of Killed Civilians. Yet we still read it repeatedly in our Russian users' posts.

Now, let's think about it a little. why would anyone continue to use such "bankrupt" argument? Why would you bring in something which you don't have any prooves of? Because, in their minds such people try to "save Georgia from Zionism" and no amount of lie and deceipt is too much for achieving such a noble target.

Now, you read those posts again and you will make sure, we converse with near-robot thinking here, and thus, they dont think the rest of the world is stupid, but they are sure the rest of the world is Enemy!

Our enemy is not hidden. It is open and has its name. NATO. There is no mistery in that, and in his agenda its places military instalations with folse pretext. It is aimed at us and we answer.

Maybe this can help to clarify something.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.permnews.ru/story.asp?kt=2912&n=453">http://www.permnews.ru/story.asp?kt=2912&n=453</a><!-- m -->
Пермские солдаты оказались в эпицентре войны
Новобранцев из Прикамья, отслуживших всего три месяца, отправили в Южную Осетию. Родителям удалось вырвать их из пекла
Утром 10 августа в доме одной из матерей, отправившей меньше трех месяцев назад своего сына в Аланию, раздался звонок. – Мама, я только что из Цхинвали. – Как из Цхинвали?! Там же война! Вас не должны были туда отправлять!

В нашей газете за 1 июля этого года была опубликована корреспонденция под названием «Владикавказ больше – не «горячая точка?» В ней говорилось о поездке родителей пермских новобранцев в Северную Осетию – Аланию, где с середины мая в 19-й дивизии 58-й армии служат их сыновья. Тревоги, обуревавшие отцов и матерей за своих восемнадцатилетних мальчишек, отправленных на Северный Кавказ, после этой поездки улеглись. Но, увы, ненадолго.
У меня очень мало времени, – продолжал мальчишка. – Слушай: мы там с 7 августа. Ну, вся наша 58-я армия. Ты же, наверное, смотришь по телику, что там происходит? Сегодня мы пробились из Цхинвала во Владикавказ за вооружением. Сейчас будем обратно пробиваться. Всё, зовут. Передавай всем привет. Целую…
Ещё звонивший успел сообщить, что колонна, в которой они двигались к Цхинвали, попала в засаду. Многие были убиты и ранены. Среди раненых оказался командующий 58-й армии генерал Анатолий Хрулёв.
Этот звонок прозвучал как гром среди ясного неба. Тут же о тревожной вести узнали остальные родители пермских новобранцев. Они, конечно, и до того жили как на иголках. И всё же надеялись, что заверения командования 19-й дивизии, так радушно принимавшего пермскую делегацию в конце мая, о том, что их дети не попадут в «горячие точки», были не просто успокоительной пилюлей… Теперь они поняли, почему у сыновей с 7 августа замолчали «мобильники».
Они знали: на излёте Чеченкой войны главнококомандующим был отдан приказ, согласно которому в «горячие точки» можно направлять только воинов-контрактников, а заключать контракт можно только с тем солдатом, который отслужил по призыву не меньше полугода. Кто может сказать, что Южная Осетия сегодня не «горячая точка», даже если она официально не названа таковой?
Любой командир воинской части подтвердит, что за неполных три месяца новобранцев невозможно научить воевать. Бросить их в пекло войны против обученных натовскими спецами грузинских солдат – значит, просто превратить восемнадцатилетних мальчишек в пушечное мясо.
Родители пытались добиться от краевого военкомата запросов в Министерство обороны о судьбе пермских новобранцев. Но, поняв, что это бесполезно, начали действовать единственно возможным для них в этой ситуации способом – звонить командованию 19-й дивизии и от имени родительского комитета требовать, чтобы сыновей немедленно вернули туда, где они еще несколько месяцев должны продолжать проходить военную подготовку – во Владикавказ.
10 августа вечером тот же солдатик, что звонил маме утром, сообщил по телефону:
– Нас, призванных этой весной, вернули во Владикавказ.
А потом начали звонить другие мальчишки. Лейтмотив каждого звонка: «Мы уже не воюем!»
Родители сделали, казалось бы, невозможное – вырвали сыновей из пекла войны. Надеюсь, ничей язык не повернется назвать их антипатриотами. Сберегая мальчишек от гибели в этой безумной войне, они, по-моему, совершают самое разумное действо, в то время как другие теряют головы от ультрапатриотизма.
Но не только судьба своих собственных сыновей тревожит этих родителей. В воюющей сейчас 58-й армии служат пермские парни, призванные и осенью 2006-го (двухгодичники), и весной 2007-го (полуторагодичнки). Те и другие должны демобилизоваться нынешней осенью. Неизвестно, сколько из них вернется живыми.
Думая о них и о тысячах других мальчишек в солдатских шинелях, брошенных в так называемую кампанию по принуждению к миру (звучит-то как издевательски), пермские родители составили обращение на имя российского президента, председателя правительства, министра обороны и председателя комитета по обороне Госдумы. Приведу абзац из этого обращения:
«Господин Путин В. В. поставил перед россиянами задачу – повысить рождаемость. Для чего, позвольте Вас спросить? Начавшаяся с Грузией война дает полный ответ – Вам, господа, нужно много пушечного мяса солдат из провинций. На этой войне 18-летние мальчишки, которые прослужили всего 2,5 месяца. Кто отдал этот преступный приказ направить их на неминуемую смерть? Выходит, Путин призывал нас исправлять демографию страны для новых войн, а не для созидания».
Поняв, что вместе они представляют некую силу, с которой не могут не считаться власть предержащие, родители пермских новобранцев смогли подняться над своими личными проблемами и задуматься над проблемами всех россиян, чьи дети сегодня ввергнуты в пучину войны. Вот чем заканчивают они свое обращение:
«Вы, власть имущие, сначала разрушаете, а затем валите без меры гуманитарную помощь в пострадавшие от военных действий районы, восстанавливаете экономику разрушенных республик. Сейчас Вы назвали это гуманитарной катастрофой. Скажите, а кто вернет родителям погибших и изуродованных войной детей? Кто предотвратит катастрофу семьи? Как насмешка над всеми нами – война идет в Год семьи… Мы требуем прекратить войну с Грузией и восстановить мир!»
Письмо от имени Совета родителей военнослужащих Прикамья подписала Александра Вракина, от имени родительского комитета «Особый резерв» – Сергей Тарантин.
Родители военнослужащих, призванных из Пермского края в 2006–2008 годах и проходящих службу в Республике Северная Осетия – Алания в в/ч 20634, расположенной в пос. Спутник под Владикавказом, могут узнать о судьбе своих сыновей по горячей линии 8 (8672) 58-02-88, в Моздоке – 8 (8673) 62-33-49, в Прохладном – 8 (8663) 14-62-43.
Командовать 58-й армией вместо раненного генерала Анатолия Хрулёва назначен генерал Василий Лунев. Напомним, что в 2007 году он 4 месяца отработал военным комиссаром Пермского края. А после этого полгода являлся министром обороны Республики Южная Осетия.
>> послесловие
Информационная служба 19-й дивизии отказалась сообщить Совету родителей военослужащих Прикамья имена погибших и раненных пермских солдат. Пока известны имена двух раненых: пермяка Алексея Батуева (ранение в голову) и уроженца Гайнского района Сергея Адушкина (осколочное ранение в плечо).

I suppose someone from FSB must look after this newspapre. In totalitarian country its too much!Many truth!You must close it or jail the jornalist at last. Smile Smile Smile

SO its one of Russian sources wich confirms who and when starsted the war.

Can somebody explain me what is written here? I know Russian, but just a little. :-(
"I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex." Smile

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The New York Times has been investigating the beginning of this war:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/16/world/europe/16georgia.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=world">http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/16/world ... &ref=world</a><!-- m -->

Steven it is about new recruts in russian army who was called on the war against Georgians. It is so terriable,Putin is killer ect. Perhapes the author is from Georgia Smile My friends took the part in this war. As thay said we needed only 5 days to make Georgians withdraw all over the frontline. The Georgians was the first who started, they tried to make this in the 1992 and in the 2004, and 2008. So they don't knew that it doesn't matter, have you a M-16 or AK-74m in your hands if you don't know how it use.
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Newrussian town Wrote:Steven it is about new recruts in russian army who was called on the war against Georgians. It is so terriable,Putin is killer ect. Perhapes the author is from Georgia Smile My friends took the part in this war. As thay said we needed only 5 days to make Georgians withdraw all over the frontline. The Georgians was the first who started, they tried to make this in the 1992 and in the 2004, and 2008. So they don't knew that it doesn't matter, have you a M-16 or AK-74m in your hands if you don't know how it use.

answer to question: who started? is who is occupant! are Geaorgian in russian territory of course NO. like in 1801, 1921. if you know better history about 1992 <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.svobodnaya-gruzia.com/politic/?p=65-66/01">http://www.svobodnaya-gruzia.com/politic/?p=65-66/01</a><!-- m -->
You will know Russia was & unfortunately is OCCUPANT & AGGRESSOR

1801 Georg pact, Georgia tried to save itself from Persians. The choise was-died or be the part of RE. you choose the secound one, we don't occupied you. 1921 perhapes, but georgian begun to cut ossetians killed over 18000 people the red army had stoped them. But we don't resist your independence in 1991 ( if I remember the date) but you didn't do the same for A and SO. This war is a mess, we don't want it, but your actions in SO. We didn't have a choise. Our naighbors are Georgians, we had spoke with them, and tried to explane this situation, they wasn't glad, but they understood that Saakashwily is the criminal
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Newrussian town Wrote:1801 Georg pact, Georgia tried to save itself from Persians. The choise was-died or be the part of RE. you choose the secound one, we don't occupied you. 1921 perhapes, but georgian begun to cut ossetians killed over 18000 people the red army had stoped them. But we don't resist your independence in 1991 ( if I remember the date) but you didn't do the same for A and SO. This war is a mess, we don't want it, but your actions in SO. We didn't have a choise. Our naighbors are Georgians, we had spoke with them, and tried to explane this situation, they wasn't glad, but they understood that Saakashwily is the criminal

No if u find out even in USSR hestory book u will know 1801 georgia was occupation before in 1783 was georgievsk agreement wchich russian break. ossetians autonomy was created after 1921 no reason to war Smile. Putin is apeacekeeper to kill chachen, georgian and Saakashwily to save Georgian independence is criminal this is Denikin way of thought Wink

Perhapes you know this story much better than I. Perhapes there more false that we all think. Every one has it's own truth. I can't say that we are saint, or Georgians or Americans. Do you know that even history is different for all of us. But I prefer to be on my own side of the truth Smile .
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

I prefer to be on my own side of the truth

Well, there is Sergey Kovalev, a representative of human rights group, who has said regarding the Russian invasion of Georgia - 'There are Russian national interests and the truth, and I support the latter'. It's not a quote but this is a content of what he said. And it's on Youtube. Worth to think about it

Lenus Wrote:
Karl.in.eu Wrote:What I am interested in, is how you people manage to be sure about such things? I sthe rest of the world stupid?


That is the question they never properly ask in Russia, never mind properly answering it.

I've spent quite a time with Russians discussing politics with real, normal-life, middle-class people.

They are amazingly easy to be hypnotised if the issue concenrns the topic "Russia vs Enemy"

An absolute majority of Common Russians are stuck with the theory of hidden world coalition against Russia, Whether its called by them Zionism, or Free-Masonry or any other hidden threat which is directed at Russia without no doubt.

I agree with you. It seems that both USA and Russia are always concerned of a potential enemy: USA with its ant missile problem, and Russia invading other countries.

INteresting article - about who started the war.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/16/world/europe/16georgia.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss">http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/16/world ... yt&emc=rss</a><!-- m -->

Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann - new UN General Assembly president clearly told, that Georgia violated UN constitution by invading south ossetia. So, guys - NATO is not the whole world yet, there some others countrys.

Georgia violated UN constitution

He must have said it differently as UN doesn't have any constitution. UN chapter says that member countries must respect each other's sovereignity and territorial integrity, something that Russia no doubt has blatantly violated.
A German proposal about the investigation sounds good. The Europeans are most unbiased and they may find out who's guilty in what capacity

russian999 Wrote:Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann - new UN General Assembly president clearly told, that Georgia violated UN constitution by invading south ossetia. So, guys - NATO is not the whole world yet, there some others countrys.
"D'Escoto has long been a supporter of Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, who once allied himself with Fidel Castro and the Soviet Union and won re-election as Nicaragua's president in 2006.

D'Escoto was foreign minister of Nicaragua for the leftist Sandinistas during the 1980s. Last September, he addressed the General Assembly on climate change as a presidential adviser to Ortega. "

SO what he says is not so important and relaiable.

And I can not find theinformation you provide here.Please give source. If found only this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/detail/10251.html">http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/ ... 10251.html</a><!-- m --> but there is no the information you put here. So please from those person its not strange to heare support of communists and agressors but can you provide source? I am really interested.

"Мигель д'Эското Брокман - бывший министр иностранных дел Никарагуа, католический священник, лауреат Ленинской премии Smile Smile Smile . Он был избран председателем Генассамблеи ООН сроком на год в качестве представителя Латинской Америки и стран Карибского бассейна, которые, согласно очереди, с сентября 2008 года возглавляют Генассамблею ООН на время проведения ее 63 сессии.

Никарагуа - пока единственное помимо России государство, признавшее независимость Абхазии и Южной Осетии. Многие страны, например, Армения, Белоруссия и Венесуэла выступили с поддержкой решения РФ о признании независимости республик, но сами пока их не признали. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.lenta.ru/news/2008/09/17/nicaragua/">http://www.lenta.ru/news/2008/09/17/nicaragua/</a><!-- m -->


Quote:"D'Escoto has long been a supporter of Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega, who once allied himself with Fidel Castro and the Soviet Union and won re-election as Nicaragua's president in 2006.

D'Escoto was foreign minister of Nicaragua for the leftist Sandinistas during the 1980s. Last September, he addressed the General Assembly on climate change as a presidential adviser to Ortega. "

SO what he says is not so important and relaiable.

And I can not find theinformation you provide here.Please give source. If found only this <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/">http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/unifeed/</a><!-- m --> ... 10251.html but there is no the information you put here. So please from those person its not strange to heare support of communists and agressors but can you provide source? I am really interested.

"Мигель д'Эското Брокман - бывший министр иностранных дел Никарагуа, католический священник, лауреат Ленинской премии . Он был избран председателем Генассамблеи ООН сроком на год в качестве представителя Латинской Америки и стран Карибского бассейна, которые, согласно очереди, с сентября 2008 года возглавляют Генассамблею ООН на время проведения ее 63 сессии.

Никарагуа - пока единственное помимо России государство, признавшее независимость Абхазии и Южной Осетии. Многие страны, например, Армения, Белоруссия и Венесуэла выступили с поддержкой решения РФ о признании независимости республик, но сами пока их не признали. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.lenta.ru/news/2008/09/17/nicaragua/">http://www.lenta.ru/news/2008/09/17/nicaragua/</a><!-- m -->

Guys - you dont care about opinios wich is differs from yours. That is really undemocratic. So, donot be surprized, if Russia will not care about opinions of Georgia. You will get same things from others, if you treat others not attentivly

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.russia.ru/report/osetia/?863">http://www.russia.ru/report/osetia/?863</a><!-- m -->
see video how georgia restor its country

Eugene from Belarus Wrote:http://www.russia.ru/report/osetia/?863
see video how georgia restor its country

Again .ru propagand, try to see the world not from .ru view not be .ru addict you wll find today russian is supported only by hamas Smile

Russia is supported by China,India, whole Middle Asia, 1\2 South America, and several another countries and regions. It is more than 1\3 of world population and over 1\3 of Earth lands. And nobody likes USA so I can say that USA's servants do not in a favor too Smile
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Newrussian town Wrote:Russia is supported by China,India, whole Middle Asia, 1\2 South America, and several another countries and regions. It is more than 1\3 of world population and over 1\3 of Earth lands. And nobody likes USA so I can say that USA's servants do not in a favor too Smile
Can you show me this support?IN offical documents, resolutions and some another documents?

No problem Eka. Try to visit SCO site, in the last session they signed some documents about it. In this documents they said that Georgia started the war and Russia made everything right. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. But there is not much information about results of this meetings. So may be in the co-links you may find the final and last resolution about this crysis. If you wounder to read this docs.. I have simply seen this press-conference by TV. Smile And see... if I can't find it directly it doesn't meance that this docs. was not signed Smile
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

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