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Divine Attribute The-Friend (Al-Rafiq).
Peace be on you!
1= One attribute of God is Rafiq. It connotes The One Who is friend, gentle, kind, companion, a sympathizer, Who brings benefit and Who do not bring loss.
2= In 1903, during the time of widespread bubonic plague, a prayer which include the divine attribute Rafiq --- O! The Protector, O! The Mighty, O! The-Friend [ Ya Hafiz, Ya Aziz , Ya Rafiq ] --- was taught to the blessed reformining promised messiah by Almighty God as a protection.
3= People continue getting benefit from this divine attribute The-Friend (Rafiq)… But there are people with purity of heart who focus on their Most High Friend instead of this world.…Among them the best example was of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him and all pious). The time when his soul was departing from this world he called onto Allah with words – The Most Highest Friend ( Rafiq-e-Aala)…..He is described as the-mercy-for-all-people ( 21:108). He commanded to be kind to the parents, the weak and the servants.
4= One needs to turn for help to The-Friend God as some adversaries of Islam are these days doing lowly acts…A Dutch politician has come up with a defaming film. Sofar major TV channels have refused to put it on air…He tried to raise objection on (47:5) without seeing that verse is clearly anwering the objection itself and is for very special situation… Islam is a balanced religion; it is based on kindness and it asks to take care the feelings of others. It also explains the other side of education. Its teaching is not too harsh neither too lenient. It tells, if correction can be done by forgiveness then that is better option.
5= In this air of blasphemy, it is best to invoke salutations and blessings (called Durud) on the blessed holy prophet … Community of holy caliph ( is very regular in saying Durud and seeks spiritual benefits through it and they seek help from God to tell the world about peaceful religion.
6= One must not take the law in one’s own hand but trying to imbibe in divine attributes one can peacefully advice for corrections. One presents one’s grief to Omnipotent God. Matter is with Him now….May the world see the truth with fair mind.

Indeed, education and literacy rates are used to evaluate economies and nation states.                 
Therefore, educators should be valued, treated, and paid accordingly.  We can begin by saying thank you for your service to every educator.  In addition, paying educators, specifically teachers, should be at minimum a living wage.


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