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Tattoo and skin cancer
Nowadays a lot of people decide to make tattoos on their body. I think this process of making tattoo has his damage on the health of humanity. For example it make damage the skin and improve a skin cancer. Do you it is possible?

Seen in the past as an act of teribilism, the tattoo is, today, something in fashion, an "accessory" that harmonizes with any style clothing and with every season. And because it became more than a must-have, more and more people (especially the ladies!) appeals to the idea of making a temporary or permanent tattoo. There are, however, some risks faced by those who want to express the way of being, personality, courage, emotions and sensuality with a tattoo.
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Permanent tattoos of any kind presents inherent risks, including infections, allergies and diseases:

Allergic reactions:
Allergic reactions to tattoo pigments are rare but not unmeetable. People who are sensitive or allergic to certain metals may react to pigments in the skin, causing skin negative reactions.
People with allergies should consider carefully the issue of tattoos because of the risk of hypersensitive reactions or of shock that can occur. Some artists make small tests for allergies, injecting a small amount of pigment behind the ears to determine if a person has an allergic reaction to the ink.
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Tattoo infections are very rare in modern clean wards. Potential infections can be about anything, from simple, superficial infections, to complicated infections that can cause heart problems. People who may be susceptible to infection should know about the hazards based on skin infections and should consult a doctor before a tattoo.
Risk of infection can also be avoided if we follow universal precautions such as cleaning shops, sinks with hot water and soap should be available in the bathroom and studio, the artists should have to wash their hands regularly and use protective gloves from Latex, surfaces and floors should be cleaned with disinfectant and sterilization procedures should be followed too strictly.
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How tools used to make tatujele come into contact with blood and body fluids, diseases may be transmitted if instruments are used to more than one person without being sterilized.
The most respected salons uses only new needles, used for each customer and sterilize reusable instruments from client to client. Universal precautions such as washing hands, using protective gloves and thorough cleaning of floors and other surfaces, also reduce the risk of disease transmission.
In addition it is very important that the needles or other instruments not to come into contact with the inks that will be used to other clients. To avoid contamination, small amounts of ink should be placed from larger containers in smaller vessels. They should be used only to a client, and when the session is finished, they should be discarded.
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In general, a tattoo is quite sure, but it depends of who do. There are cases of AIDS-related to tattoos, but the exchange of fluids is very little and chances are too small. What should really worry about is hepatitis, it is the fact and why tattoos are forbidden in many countries, there are also other bacteria that can cause troubles.
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by toxic or infectious agents and presents symptoms such as yellowing of the skin, fever, liver enlargement and abdominal pain. It is very painful and can even be deadly. Along with, are many other bacteria that once exposed to an open wound can cause pain and leave scars. It is vital that the person who made the tattoo to know these things and to take measures against them.
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When you decide to make a tattoo be sure that the artist:
- has washed his hands thoroughly before and uses protective gloves
- uses equipment and materials for a single use (eg each needle and tube are in individual packages, unopened and not expired) and opens them in front of you and throw after use
- has a sterilized device.
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Tattoo care
The first few days and weeks are most important for new tattoo. Make sure you take care properly! Wound healing differs from individual to individual, so it should primarily follow outdated advice from one who did the tattoo.
Tattoo healing generally must follow a few steps, they differ depending on the individual and the room which was made tattoo.
1. Leave the bandage that was placed over the tattoo for a period (generally between two and ten o'clock). The tattoo will leak, this is a normal part of the process of the healing. The bandage does not allow the bacteria from the air or other environmental agents to contaminate the wound
2. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly before removing the bandage
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3. After removing the bandage, clean the tattoo area with soap and water. Do not rub the tattoo with a brush or towel (it should not be done until the tattoo is completely healed). Cleaning tattoo is intended to remove dead cells or ink debris from the surface of tattoo
4. Dry tattoo till then by light buffering with a clean towel and sterile.
5. Let the tattoo to dry completely (sproximativ 10 minutes)
6. Apply a thin layer of ointment gentle antibiotic (or one that contains vitamin A and vitamin D)
7. No need to bandage the tattoo
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8. Repeat these steps in the first 3-4 days, approximately 6 times a day. Antibiotic ointment should not be used for more than 3-4 days (read the directions on its package insert), replace it with an odorless lotion (eg one that contains aloe vera). These presses are designed, not to let it dry the tattoos. Ointment should be applied so that the tattoo to shine. If applied in a layer too thin, the surface can dry and cure can be slow down. Sometimes you have to apply a thin layer or thicker, up to you and the environment (follow instructions on leaflet ointment)
After several days there may notice a slight formation of scabs and peeling. Excessive formation of crust show that the tattoo was done not good, but crust formation is normal. This is the healing period when the tattoo will cause a rash, try to refrain as much as you can from scratching or breaking of the formed crust. Remember, the first weeks of tattoo care is the most important.
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Some tips for the care of tattoo:
Do not swim and did not stay long in warm water.
Do not use alcohol-based solutions or hydrogen peroxide.
Do not scratch or shred the bark.
do not participate in activities that can make you sweaty, until the tattoo does not heal, sweat has an acid effect on the tattoo.
Avoid to sit in the sun until the wound is completely healed, and after healing always apply a beach lotion to protect tattoo from ultraviolet rays, which affects the intensity of tattoo color .
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Methods of removal of tattoos
Removing tattoos is a serious process that should be applied with care. Tattoos are made to be permanent, so removing tattoos is basically trying to reverse a permanent procedure. Thus, many surgeons will say that removing them is almost impossible.
Tattoos are made by injecting pigment into the skin substrate, allowing the ink to remain in the skin and not be removed along with dead skin cells. And that makes the tattoo removal to be quite difficult.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
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There are several methods of tattoo removal, but none of them is perfect. For example curio surgical, this process consist of freezing skin above and around the tattoo before removing it, when excision involves complete cutting of the skin tattooed.
However, the most popular method of tattoo removal today is laser therapy because the risk is relatively small compared with surgical and healing method is also faster.
Another method of tattoo removal is the coverage of old area, the old unwanted tattoos, by this method, are covered with new ones.
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
A really nice forum for Parisians

I know a lot of people who made tattoo on their body but no one who could say that it had skin problems, especially skin cancer. I think that it tattoo maybe can damage skin but only those people's skin who are the most vulnerable to disease.

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