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People Who Deny Global Warming are Idiots
How do you think we could get more people interesed in global warming?
i think people should get into it, because its our fault its happening
i really think that if we all changed our way of life some- we could be able to save the planet we are on.

if we dont, things are going to happen that us human beings arent able to prevent
no evidence? are you for real?
hello its January and it hasn't even snowed
and i live in New York!

people who deni global warming are idiots!

If you all can quit talking about it, I might care. I'm just so sick of hearing this all the time. Geesh.

Unforunately, the oil industry, with deep pockets into the Republican party, have been successful at causing so much controversy over global warming that those who want to hear what they want to believe won't change thier minds until it's too late.

Seems like more public awareness about it is happening..

Join a church and get close to the peolple in there and explain the promblems to them and get there help.

You are right. We are leaving our future children in a pickle so to speak as the planet heat sup with rising seas, warmer seas, hotter land areas.
It's possible our future generations will virtually boil away in a vast greenhouse to hot for life on this planet.

Sorry, but there is absolutely no evidence of Global Warming. There is as much scientific "fact" to prove it as there is scientific "fact" to disprove it.

Try telling Albuquerque, New Mexico that there is Global Warming when they just got SNOW. On the other hand, here in the North East we haven't had snow yet!

What we do have is cyclical weather patterns. They occur about every 10 years and are perfectly normal. Overall, the average temperature on the Earth has not changed in CENTURIES. Also, sea levels are actually LOWER than centuries ago, not higher. So rest easy, Global Warming is a myth.

Now, that does not mean that we cannot reduce our use of fossil fuels, lower emissions, burn cleaner fuel, recycle, waste less resources, etc...

But please don't lump all of these common sense items under the Chicken Little cry of Global Warming.

Bring this top to most of the schools - elementary, middle school to let all children know the situation is how serious. That's because it will be the world they will face decades later. I found most young children do not care about re-cycling or care about the environment. - at least I can see this in the school of my son.
Secondary, there are not enough film talking about the hurt of global warming. as I know, only few we can count - "An inconvenient truth", and few from Geographic.
And the worst case is - there are some silly guys still not believe Global Warming is really happening. They are still in dreaming.
You can feel it, not by just listening! They still not feel it?

If there were a way to convince people that this is not a political issue but an environmental one, there might be more interest.

Unfortunately, the neocons have made it an Al Gore thing, and since he's a liberal, he must be wrong.

And of course, kja (above) is wrong. Global warming does not mean that every place is going to get hotter; it means climate change, which results in warming some places and cold in others.

I think that "we" are only interested on making our lives better, and sometimes we tend to forget that we live on such a planet that's handy for once, and deadly on the other way round. Though the fact, of the global warming; there's nothing we can do about it. Nowadays, "we" have the new techonology of all kinds, for some use it's useful but there again... "a coin has two sides" isnt it right? So, apperantly it's "how" we use that nowadays and modern tenchnology into the "handy" and "righteous" way that cant destroy our lives and planet in one. But yet, it's all up to us.

It all most come from indivuals and nothing can be done without public support

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We need new laws that will steer our nation toward the most important solutions to global warming -- cleaner cars and cleaner power plants. Send a message to your elected officials, letting them know that you will hold them accountable for what they do -- or fail to do -- about global warming.

Using better cars and when possible, choose alternatives to driving (public transit, biking, walking, carpooling), and bundle your errands together so you'll make fewer trips.

U can replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. While compact fluorescents are initially more expensive than the incandescent bulbs most people use, they last 10 times as long. What's more, a compact fluorescent will lower your energy bills by about $15 a year, and by more than $60 during its life. It will also keep half a ton of carbon dioxide out of the air.

Weatherize your home or apartment. For a very small investment, you can cut your heating and cooling expenses and reduce the burning of fossil fuels. Use weatherstripping to seal drafts around windows and doors. If a draft comes through electrical outlets or switches on outside walls, install foam draft blockers behind the cover plates. Use covers (inside or outside) on air conditioners during cold months. And make sure your home has adequate insulation. Many older homes don't have enough, especially in the attic. You can check the insulation yourself or have it done as part of an energy audit, provided by many utility companies. Call your company to see if it offers this service.

Choose renewable energy. If you live in a state where you can choose your electricity supplier, pick a company that generates at least half its power from wind, solar energy and other clean sources. Even if you don't have the option to select a supplier, you may still be able to support renewable energy through an option on your electricity bill.

Buy clean energy certificates. Another way to help spur the renewable energy market and cut global warming pollution is to buy "wind certificates" or "green tags," which represent clean power you can add to the nation's energy grid in place of electricity from fossil fuels.

We can help secure the changes that will stop global warming by joining any effective environmental groups . By combining our voices,fellowing the last steps...we may save the rest of our world.

hello, i'm happy because there's stiil a human who concerns our future!
u know if human keep doing things like this, the earth will destroy and human race will vanished. I have heard some news that this year will be the warmest in history!

but as u know the effect of global warming cannot be reversed, it's just stop. Global warming is accumulating every day, there was a way to stop the global warming, that was kyoto protocol. but US is give up because its too hard to do!

Coming years, maybe because of the global warming the ice in north/south pole will melt and earth will be flood. or human will be death because of high temperature, dehidration, etc.

I can say there just one thing we can do, and that start from ourselves, every human who read this. Concern our future!

We cannot stop the global warming because we are just ordinary people, we are not George W Bush. So stop from polluting the earth with greenhouse gases!!!

sory if my english is not good, i'm a foreigner.

Global warming and cooling on Earth is caused by Solar radiation from our Sun. Nothing that you do is going to have any effect on stopping that natural cycle. While driving your car to the ice cream store will contribute pollutants to our air, it is not going to change the ambient temperature of the world.
You need to take some Science courses so you can learn to see through all the politically correct hype of 'Global Warming'.
Remember, 1000 years ago Greenland was lush grazing land, now it is covered with ice and snow.

We have to get the media to talk about it. Anyone watching channel five news in the UK this evening found themselves listening to considerable time given to the consequences of Global Warming. The vulnerability of London to flooding how it will cost billions of pounds to keep London safe via the Thames Barrier. Then the vulnerability of the Maldives Island and how visitors are being asked to go home and do all they can to tell people what a serious problem this is. Well done Channel five news. More of those kind of newscasts and we would get somewhere.

I would suggest looking at an article about the "Coming Global Ice Age" in Newsweek in the 70's. Good thing we didn't listen to those scientists then.
They had just so much evidence that the world was cooling...hmmmm, do you think its possible that the planet warms and cools in cycles?
What causes more global warming:
a) Cows
b) SUVs
c) The sun

If you answered anything but ©, you are a moron.

I would say the best thing you can do to stop global warming is to kill yourself.

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