Poll: Do you favor Kosovo's independence? (register to vote)
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Kosovo's independence...
Guest Wrote:
Tito Wrote:Serbian population in Kosovo is being terrorized and is forced to run away from their homes.
How true is this.. can you provide any facts or is it pure speculation?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbia#Medieval_Serb_kingdoms_and_the_Serbian_Empire">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbia#Med ... ian_Empire</a><!-- m -->
If you want the truth you can easily find it...

europa Wrote:The kosovo citizens have decided in a democratic referendum that they want to be a sovereign state.
So, EU must respect the democratic decision of Kosovo.

And I expect that the democratic EU countries will accept this decision. We'll see...
EU should first respect the international laws if they want to be a credible organisation...

Quote:europa wrote:
The kosovo citizens have decided in a democratic referendum that they want to be a sovereign state.
So, EU must respect the democratic decision of Kosovo.

And I expect that the democratic EU countries will accept this decision. We'll see...

There was no bloody referendum!

Yeah evil-serbs invasion in Kosovar property! :nonnon
Car-dushan, go re-educate your self, and stop drinking to much alcohol!

Roki, there is no such thing as "Kosovar". There are Albanians and Serbs...

And i will not consider you serious until you get some documents behind your posts.

And grow up, will you? :banghead :banghead :banghead

Yeah there is the Albanians an the minority-serb deze! :haha :twisted:

Serbs in Kosovo have inaugurated their own assembly set up in defiance of the majority ethnic Albanian government and the United Nations. Smile
[Image: _44788212_assembly_afp226b.jpg]
People from across Serbia converged on Mitrovica to show their support for the new assembly of Kosovo's Serbs.
The opening session took place on St Vitus day, when Serbs remember their defeat by invading Ottoman forces in 1389 - an event that lies at the core of the Serb claim to Kosovo.
The assembly was formed by hardline Serb politicians in Kosovo and was set up to help "co-ordination" with the Serb authorities in Belgrade, officials said.
The Serbs insist that Kosovo is still part of Serbia, and that no-one has the right to stop them flexing their democratic muscles. :evil

I see, you simply trying to steel a piece of cace from Kosova Republik!

Murs odavde, murcina jedna!
----- Smile Smile Smile NEWBORN Smile Smile Smile ------

..[Image: albanian5zo0em.png]

You are wellcome to know the truth about Albanians!

Instead of acting like fim, i will "spit out" some facts about Kosovo's (that's "kosovo" with a "O") "independence":

First let's check the legality of the independence:
I quote UN Resolution 1244:

Quote:Authorizes the Secretary-General, with the assistance of relevant international organizations, to establish an international civil presence in Kosovo in order to provide an interim administration for Kosovo under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and which will provide transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants of Kosovo;

Quote:Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

This means that kosovo stays a AP within Serbia (Because Serbia is the successor state).Which means "Kosovo's Independence" is illegal.

2. Battle of Kosovo

Many Albanians say that kosovo was Albanian forever.That is not true, as Albanians didn't fight with the Attacking Turks in the Battle of Kosovo.I tried to find an Albanian article on wiki, as i don't actually know Albanian Wink .

3.Ethic Cleansing (Etnicko Ciscenje) :

We actual needed to make a new word/phrase in our language to explain what happened in kosovo, Croatia and Bosnia.Serbs were a majority in kosovo in the medieval Serbia, then after The battle of kosovo Turks replaced Serbs with Albanians (Because Albanians were loyal to Turks (except for Djordje Kastriot Skenderbeg, he fought against Turks)), then Serbs came to kosovo again, and in ww1 Albanians (Loyal to the occupator once again) pushed Serbs out.And after ww1 Serbs returned to kosovo.And in ww2 Albanians pushed Serbs out with the help of Nazi Italians (also a interesting fact: Albanians constantly call Serbs Nazis, but a SS Division was made out of ethic Albanians called "SS Scenderbeg").And after ww2 even more Albanians came to kosovo with the help of communist dictator Tito.And in the 1999 conflict, the KLA finished of about the remaining 10% of Serbian population, leaving us with just 5% of Serbs in kosovo.

4.A short one:
Only 43 out of 192 UN recognized nations recognized kosovo.

There are much more facts like these four, but i think this is enogh. :livre

Goodbye, have a nice day ^^.

Well, I have something to say to all you Albanians;

You all think you are untouchable, well that's not the real truth. The great USA (3/4 of Albanians can't find it on the map, it is the same with Americans in finding Albania) your friend is saying goodbye to lovely George Bush, and saying hello to a new president. I don't think he will care so much about Kosovo. Actually, I know USA won't be world's leading country anymore, but guess what country will? The yellow ones are coming. And guess another thing; THEY DO NOT RECOGNIZE KOSOVO AS AN INDEPENDANT COUNTRY!

Wow, not such a good thing is it. Well, what goes around comes around.

And fim, you live in Serbia, you could really learn the language which is spoken by the mayority!

And don't bullshit me with Kosovo being an independant country, i don't see it in the United Nations yet and guess what; it is not going to have its seat till :ange Russia :ange and :ange China :ange leave the UN Security Council...

Read this and be disappointed :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

"Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations.
The admission of any such state to membership in the United Nations will be effected by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council."

I think there isn't going to be Kosovo in the UN...

What do you think? huh? can't speak???

I'm sorry fim, but I made "copy and paste" from BBC... Smile
I don't speak Serbian, but today I'm starting to learn Albanian, because I want this summer to visit your lovely country. Tell me, please, I need visa for that, because I'm not American or Serbian ? The guns are still allowed in kosova Republik? :nonnon

Ups, Serb invasion in web-media with their illusive wish throe propaganda and lies!

How about, I got something very interesting in here for you Serb-bandit's,
but please for security reason, put some air-bags around your computer, and around your self,
so just in case you don't get hurt, even you have evil mind attitude anti-western and anti Albanian! :langue


So you Albos have absolutely no arguments on my comment?Why don't you try your nazi uniforms, maybe they still fit ya! :haha

BTW, i found this site about our democratic, peace loving, domestic albanians! : :livre

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.kosovoliberationarmy.com">http://www.kosovoliberationarmy.com</a><!-- w -->

Quasi-independence´s economical base

So Kosovo had proclamation of it´s constitution. The mainstream media has highlighted conflicts of administration between UN and Kosovo institutions as well between UN and EU. The fact is anyway that the highest authority is the UN resolution 1244, which says that Kosovo is part of Serbia
(ex-Yugoslavia). Indepence declarations, local constitutions, Ahtisaari plan and EULEX are only at secondary level.

More important factor by my opinion for future of Kosovo is the economical base of this province. Official statistics from year 2006 shows that export from Kosovo amounted to 71.3 millon Euro while import increased to 1,241.7 million Euro (u by 802 million Euro compared with 2005). So the increase of import was more that the whole export.

From where is money coming to this consumption. The estimate is that when export brings mentioned 71 million Euro the organised crime (mainly drug trafficing) brings 1 bilion Euro, diaspora gives 500 million Euro and international community 200 million Euro.

If border control will bemore effective and when donations rom diaspora and international community are decreasing (like they have during last years) the basic question is how to reinforce the economical base of province.

Public debatte between UN and local politicians or between UN and EULEX is covering mentioned economical fact under. In my opinion Kosovo needs more economical development mission than rule and law mission. The later can be implemented trough UNMIK and Interpol. The future self-governance in Kosovo should have healthy economical base.

Morecomments one may find from my BalkanBlog: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://arirusila.wordpress.com">http://arirusila.wordpress.com</a><!-- m --> :bombe

AriRusila Wrote:The fact is anyway that the highest authority is the UN resolution 1244, which says that Kosovo is part of Serbia (ex-Yugoslavia).
AriRusila Wrote:In my opinion Kosovo needs more economical development mission than rule and law mission.

I agree with you, Ari Smile

[Image: 300px-Illyricum.jpg]

Name and etymology
Living on the border between Thracian and Illyrian influence, the Dardani appear to have been a prototypically "balkanized" Thraco-Illyrian tribe.[4]

Beginning with Johann Georg von Hahn in 1854, 19th century historical linguistics speculated that Dardanoi and Dardania may be related to a proto-Albanian word meaning pear tree (dardhë in modern Albanian). Opinions differ whether the ultimate etymon of this word in Proto-Indo-European was *g'hord- (which would make it related also to Greek achrás 'wild pear'), or *dheregh-.[5].

The distribution of ancient names found inscribed in Dardania are one of the main evidences that support the idea that the Dardani were Illyrians commingled with Thracians. Thracian names are found mostly in eastern Dardania, from Scupi to Naissus and Remesiana, although some Illyrian names occur. Illyrian names are dominant in the western areas, where Thracian names are not found[6].

Robert Graves connected Greek δάρδανος "burned up" (from the verb δαρδάπτω dardapto "to wear, to slay, to burn up").[7].

[edit] Greek mythology
In Greek mythology "Δάρδανος" (Dardanus), one of the sons of Illyrius (the others being Enchelus, Autarieus, Maedus, Taulas, and Perrhaebus) was the eponymous ancestor of the "Δάρδανοι" (Dardanoi) .[8]

Some Roman writers proposed a connection between these Dardani of the Balkans and the Dardans (Trojans) of the Troad, the popular version of the story being that a group of Dardan colonists had settled in the Balkans and had degenerated in their new Balkan home to a state of barbarism[9], becoming the Dardani.[10].

[edit] History
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The Dardani were an Illyrian tribe. They seem to have often been a threat to the Greeks in the kingdom of Macedon. Dardania's largest towns were those of Ulpiana (Pristina), Naissus (Niš), Therranda (Prizren), Vicianum (Vučitrn), Skopi [11] (Stoc, Skopje), and its capital was Damastioni.

List of the rulers of Dardania:

Bardyllis,king,4th century BC
Longarus, king, 3rd century BC
Bato, king, 3rd and 2nd century BC
Monunius, king, 3rd century BC
Teuta or Etuta, queen, 3rd century BC[12],
Dardania was conquered into the Roman Empire in AD 6 by Gaius Scribonius Curio, and became part of the province of Moesia Superior[13][14] in AD 87. Emperor Diocletian later c. 284 made Dardania into a separate[15] province with its capital at Naissus (Niš).

[edit] References
^ Dardanioi, Georg Autenrieth, "A Homeric Dictionary", at Perseus
^ The Thracians by Ralph F. Hoddinott,1981,ISBN 050002099X,Chapter "The Odrysian state",section "The Roman intervention",page 223,"An invasion of the Thraco-Illyrian Dardanians"
^ Strabo: Books 1‑7, 15‑17 in English translation, ed. H. L. Jones (1924), at LacusCurtius
^ "Not one of the peoples with whom we have to deal in this book has such a claim to the epithet "Balkan" as the Dardanians... because they appear as the most stable and the most conservative ethnic element in the area where everything was exposed to constant change, and also because they, with their roots in the distant prehomeric age, and living in the frontiers of the Illyrian and the Thracian worlds retained their individuality and, alone among the peoples of that region succeeded in maintaining themselves as an ethnic unity even when they were militarily and politically subjected by the Roman arms...and when at the end of the ancient world, the Balkans were involved in far-reaching ethnic perturbations, the Dardanians, of all the Central Balkan tribes, played the greatest part in the genesis of the new peoples who took the place of the old" Papazoglu, Central Balkan Tribes, p.131
^ Elsie, Robert (1998): "Dendronymica Albanica: A survey of Albanian tree and shrub names". Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 34: 163-200 online paper
^ Durham, M. Edith, Dardania and Some Balkan Place-Names, Man, Vol. 23 (Mar., 1923), pp. 39-42
^ The Greek Myths by Robert Graves, ISBN 0140171991
^ Appian, The Foreign Wars, III, 1.2
^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes, 1992, ISBN 0631198075,page 220,"... Leaving aside Strabo's comment on the dirty habits of the Dardanians, there is little on which to judge the general health of the Illyrian population. ..."
^ Macurdy, Grace Harriet, The Wanderings of Dardanus and the Dardani, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 46 (1915), pp. 119-128
^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes, 1992, ISBN 0631198075,Page 49,"... historic Lychnitis around Ohrid and in Dardania around Skopje in the upper Vardar basin. Among the many tumuli surviving in Pelagonia only Visoi has so far been ..."
^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes,1992,ISBN 0631198075,Page 86,"... including the names of Dardanian rulers, Longarus, Bato, Monunius and Etuta, and those on later epitaphs, Epicadus, Scerviaedus, Tuta, Times and Cinna. Other Dardanian names ..."
^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes, 1992, ISBN 0631198075,,page 210,"... Here the old name of Dardania appears as a new province formed out of Moesia, along with Moesia Prima, Dacia (not Trajan's old province but a ..."
^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes,1992,ISBN 0631198075,page 210, "... 210 Roman Illyrians Skopje. Though its line is far from certain there seems little doubt that most of the Dardanians were excluded from Illyricum and were to become a part of the province of Moesia organized in the reign of ...
^ The Illyrians by J. J. Wilkes, 1992, ISBN 0631198075,,page 210,"... Here the old name of Dardania appears as a new province formed out of Moesia, along with Moesia Prima, Dacia (not Trajan's old province but a ..."
Grace Harriet Macurdy. The Wanderings of Dardanus and the Dardani, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 46 (1915), pp. 119-128
András Mócsy, Sheppard Frere, Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire, Routledge (1974), ISBN 0710077149.

[edit] See also
Prehistoric Balkans
List of Illyrian tribes




In Greek mythology, Illyrius was the son of Cadmus and Harmonia who eventually ruled Illyria and became the eponymous ancestor of the whole Illyrian people.


The Illyrians are said to have made their appearance on the Balkan peninsula sometime around 1300 BC in the land that would become known as Illyria. The appearance of the Illyrians restrained the Thracians, who until then, were the only northern neighbors of the greeks just to the east.Their lands spanned the coast of the Adriatic and stretched inland, and crossed, the Danube. "Illyrian" tribes, such as the Messapians, are also said to have settled around the eastern shore of Italy. There are even references that show an Illyrian presence in Sicily. For at least the next millennium, they occupied the lands from the Danube, Sava, and Morava rivers to the Adriatic Sea and the Sar Mountains. Illyria was composed of a number of tribes – the Autariatae, Enchelae, Chelidones, Taulanti, etc. – who are considered by scholars to be the Illyrians proper, whereas the many groups to the north – Pannoni, Dalmatae, Liburni, Lapodes – are considered to be a bit distinct from the Illyrians of the south. They are mentioned few times ancient Greek history, one of the first was by Anaximander around the 6th century BC who created a "world map" and included "Illyris" as the territory north-west of Hellenic lands of Epirus and Macedon.


jellou Wrote:KOSOVO IS SERBIA!!! 4EVER

Yeah, like it is Bosnia and Croatia. They're also Serbia, right? Big Grin

Car_Dusan Wrote:If Kosovo wasn't Serbs Orthodox Church born place, the Serbs would easily let Kosovo get their independance.

Oh, Please!
Don't take that as an excuse for Kosovo's land, because serbians were always hungry for other lands.

The fact that Montenegro recognized Kosovo as an independent state means that the latter has consolidated solidly its positions as an independet state.

AuLoNa Wrote:Milos form Greece, you should talk about business and prostitution. I remember when I came in 1990 which were the early years and not too many albanians had put foot in Greece yet. What can I see, but in every corner of Athens there was a whore hose (burdello) with greek women. Now let forget who's more whore than whom, at least we albanians don't hold the title of Capital of Homosexuality. Again I did not want to go down this road, but since you open Pandoras Box, then everything has to come out not just one sided..Wink

Now we know history, the world knows history, I think you just like the serbs have education only from the Orthodox church and that's how much your level of knowledge is equal too.

Now these are just some that came to my mind cause there are many. Please sweetie pie, don't albanian children are the first in the greek schools. Now run along and learn some real history, cause if you claim otherwise than the whole world will laugh at you just like they are doing with the serbs. Cause fortunately the books on Albania and it's origin are not only in our hearts and our knowledge from our ancestors, but also in Vatican, Turkish Library, England, which saw it resenable to finally open them and let the truth out. The truth in the end always prevails my friend no matter how much you try to keep it chained.

Have a nice dayWink

where did milos said he is from greece....??and why are you attacking greece...?? inferiority issues ...??he did not attack albanian people,or it's culture or history so what are you trying to prove here...??
jesus some people .....

each country is free to decide on it's own if it wants to recognise kossovo or not...and when...so all albanians stop making noise please and accept the procedures..it will take time until the issue is settled.....in politics,nothing is as easy....chill...
we fear what we do not understand,we fear the uknown,we fear what is different from us....but our greatest fear is yet unavoidable...so why do we need all others....??

I think the Key word here is Independence..
But Independence from whom exactly? From the Serbs?
Kosovo is already independent from Serbia.
But is it really independent? (taking into account what the term independence actually stands for)
How exactly is a state independent when it depends on other countries' money to make a living so to speak?

The British government has confirmed a three-year aid package worth £23 million to help Kosovo's move to independence - one of dozens of pledges expected to top £800 million at a donor conference in Brussels.
International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander, attending the donor conference, said in a statement: "The UK congratulates the government of Kosovo on this first international donor conference.
"We are ready to help the government with this vital step on the path towards the European Union. On 18 February 2008 our Prime Minister announced the UK's intention to provide up to £23 million over three years in development assistance.

And then you have the American University in Kosovo.

The American University of Kosovo is committed to assisting students whose academic merit and/or need warrant support. The University aims to give every student the opportunity to take advantage of a high quality AUK education and, accordingly, offers different financial aid options.

Last but not least,let's not forget what the EU has spend in aid to countries like Kosovo.

The European Union's executive arm agreed on Monday how to spend 4.5 billion euros ($6.5 billion) in aid to the bloc's candidate countries in 2008-10, giving priority to improving governance and the rule of law.
The European Commission's decision brings closer the release of the EU funds to Croatia, Turkey, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo.
"The road towards the EU is paved with reforms to improve the everyday lives of citizens and to comply with the strict EU accession criteria," EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said in a statement.

I'm sorry I can't post the links to the above articles as I haven't got the 15 posts required to post links .
I can provide the links to the articles any time though.
For a brief moment it seemed like Rock n' Roll would inherit the Earth..

By gaining independence from one state (here Serbia), the separated region is only allegedly independent. How can a newly-born state like Kosovo be independent? EU offers supports of millions to this young state, and thus, this means Kosovo will have to represent in the future the EU's interests. Shall we call this independence? I don't think so.

Kosovo became independent because USA was interested in it. NATO inflamed nationalism, provided separatists with weapon, money and later by UN troops presence (also there was support of albania, Iran, etc), who acted only against serbs not albanians, so serbs was not able to do something to protect themselves and albanians easily killed thousands of Serbs.

Kosovo has always been Serbia, actually it is the hart of Serbia. Now albanians are destroing christian churches built in 15 century and killing serbs here.

The fact is that USA has always supported terrorists worldwide where USA had interests, includind Mojahedins in Afgan (who later transformed into Al-Quaeda and made 9/11). There are some sources telling that albanians in Kosovo were pretty happy when 9/11 happened because it was the "triumph of Islamic world".

The same took plase in Kroatia where 10000 serbians houses were destroyed and 300 000 serbs were forced to leave Croatia.

Well, ours in a pretty hostile neighbourhood.. Albanians against Fyromians Serbians and Greeks, Fyromians against Bulgarians and Albanians, Greeks against Fyromians and Turks..
And the US have only added to this hostility by interfering and taking sides.
I wish we could settle all issues between us but it would be naive of me to believe it will happen any time soon.
For a brief moment it seemed like Rock n' Roll would inherit the Earth..

It's interesting what attitudes will Obama take towards Kosovo... He could manifest total different policies which might affect Kosovo's independence and it could further receive no help and support from USA.
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