Poll: Do you favor Kosovo's independence? (register to vote)
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Kosovo's independence...
independent Wrote:
Aphrodite Wrote:I wouldn't call it realism.Sounds more like fascism from where I stand..What happened to the opt out choice?

I'm all for countries becoming independent.I have to admit though I'm a tad suspicious about this one.I fear a new area of attrocities will erupt in the Balkans, regardless of whether Kosovo gains its independence or not.

You need to have power to get some real choices - without it You depend of how well Your will
suits to interest of powerful countries. Why You think it is bad if e.g. Balkans don't keep their
present borders ? Because we have interest of our owns there ?
I really don't know what you mean. Who will give you power? Some superpower nation perhaps? And if so ,how long do you think it will last?
Borders are not toys to mess with dear.And until Europe becomes ONE, all member states should continue looking after theirs.
For a brief moment it seemed like Rock n' Roll would inherit the Earth..

I agree wholeheartedly. And even (if ever) everyone becomes a bonafide EU member with all the badges and certifications and euro and all... will still have to guard the borders vigilantly.

Aye Aeneas!
For a brief moment it seemed like Rock n' Roll would inherit the Earth..

Quote:What NATO did in Serbia, it's their bussiness. You ask me how many Serbs were killed in Kosovo? Well, tell me how many Albanians were killed in Kosovo????

Enjoy: http://rs-icty.org/galerija/video/Odred%...hedin8.mpg

... and please tell me have Kosovo ever been conquered by serbs? So what independence we are talking about, it is not independence - it is occupation.


Pershendetje gjithve e ju pershendes shqiptarve me se shumti dhe ju uroj republiken e re dhe shtetin me te ri ne bot. Ne amerikanet e dim shum mir se kush jan serbet dhe ne jeni ende ne serbi. Mesa kemi prevojen ton e dim qe serbet jan populli me i keq ne bot dhe ju pergezoj juve qe keni deklaruar pavarsin e dim qe ju skeni dashur kurr te jetoni me ta.Kosova kurren e kurres nuk do te jet pjes e serbis vetem nese bie ni cop dielli ne Amerik e do shkrihet amerika mund te ndosh qe serbia prap te bej ndoni masaker mirpo athere kosova o te jet shum efort ushtarakisht.Duke marr parasysh fqinjsin e e keqe te serbis ajo eshte duke shkuar drejt kapitullimit te saj sepse sipas informatave qe kemi vojvodina deshiron te ket edhe ajo sovranitetin evet kshtu qe do te mbetet vetem beogradi si i vetmuar me serb e kshtuqe ne e kishim kshillu serbin qe te permisohet shum she te harroj nji her e per gjithmone kosoven e te krijoj kushte me te mira per serbet e mbetur ne bg sepse kshtu nuk do tju pranojn kurr ne evrop se evropa nuk don qe serbija me gjith keta kriminel te fitet ne be e me trazua e ter be,n sepse pik se pari serbia ka shum kushte qete permbush ndaj bashksis nderkombtare.mos te harron edhe borgjin ndaj kosoves qe e ka edhe shum te madh po ashtu ka per tu paditur edhe ne gjykaten nderkombtare te drejtsis per gjenocid pastrim etnik. serbin e kan shkatrruar amerikant dhe prap do te kem nen kontroll sepse e vetmja menyr e tyne eshte qe te kthejn dinjitetin e serbis sepse deri me tani serbia eshte vetem nji ferr qe populli jan shum i varferr dhe qeverija me humbjen e kosoves mundohet qe te buzqesh fetyrat mirpo zemra e tyne e din se qka edhete e verteti.Me ksi politikansh kurr skini per te hyr ne BE sepse jan shum te dobet njeherit ne nuk i kem faj qe ju nuk e kini qeverin efikase per permisimin e jetes te qytetarit dhe te gjitha problemeve qe i kini ministri jeremiq shprehet si te jet nji bari ku e ka marr edhe ndeshkimin e 27 shteteve te evropes ku aj deshiron me hi ne vitin 2020.

If you are truly independent, why many army's are still present in your country :quoi

mister x Wrote:If you are truly independent, why many army's are still present in your country :quoi

What army's? You mean Albanian National Army?? That's an illegal movement, which is going to be shut down soon. And there are NO army's in Kosovo.

Aphrodite Wrote:
independent Wrote:
Aphrodite Wrote:I wouldn't call it realism.Sounds more like fascism from where I stand..What happened to the opt out choice?

I'm all for countries becoming independent.I have to admit though I'm a tad suspicious about this one.I fear a new area of attrocities will erupt in the Balkans, regardless of whether Kosovo gains its independence or not.

You need to have power to get some real choices - without it You depend of how well Your will
suits to interest of powerful countries. Why You think it is bad if e.g. Balkans don't keep their
present borders ? Because we have interest of our owns there ?
I really don't know what you mean. Who will give you power? Some superpower nation perhaps? And if so ,how long do you think it will last?
Borders are not toys to mess with dear.And until Europe becomes ONE, all member states should continue looking after theirs.

In this case I mean power as ability to protect Your country or correspondingly ability to insist
other countries to accept Your will. Borders has always been temporal - and will be so also in future.
Power is never permanent - so borders can't be either.

you all know that the history is written from the strongest!!
so, if serbians said years ago that Kosova was a part of their state, the world believed to them, cause they didn't had a second voice who would tell the other true ( the real true). but now things have changed, it is now when the kosovars are able to write their own history, the history of facts!!
so, please let us be free, like we deserve to be!!

There is no "other true" or "real true" there is just truth. And truth is that Kosovo WAS and for some countrys IS part of Serbia. Your denial of this is example that you are writing not history of FACTS but history that suits you.

have u ever read the albanian history, if not, u should!!
it is there where u will find facts.
now that we can make our own archeologic revelation, we are proving to the world the truth that serbians couldn't destroy!! you mentioned that in kosova are to many buildings of serbian culture, but could u name a country that was once occupated, and the occuopator havent let their trace behind. i also should say that all of this is a part of a very clever strategy.

but no one can figure out why the serbians have made all of their crimes, and i am not saying just in kosova!!
hitler was a racist, how should we call milloshevic!!

Is there a push for a GREATER ALBANIA NATION in the Balkans region?

This is something thats come up recently and I thought maybe people from the countries involved would know more about it.

With Kosovo's independence and Bosnia before that it seems like it could be true.

The western part of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) is an area with a large ethnic Albanian minority. The Albanian population in FYROM is variously estimated to make up 25% of the population. At one stage I'm sure there was a push for the Republic of Ilirida's independence from FYROM.

Montenegro also contains sizeable Albanian populations mostly concentrated in areas such as southern Malësia, the Podgorica , Ulcinj municipality on the coast, the Tuzi area near Podgorica, and parts of the Plav, Gusinje and Rožaje municipalities.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://mondediplo.com/2006/07/14albania">http://mondediplo.com/2006/07/14albania</a><!-- m -->

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/02/21/europe/EU-GEN-Greater-Albania.php">http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/02/ ... lbania.php</a><!-- m -->

yllka Wrote:have u ever read the albanian history, if not, u should!!
it is there where u will find facts.
now that we can make our own archeologic revelation, we are proving to the world the truth that serbians couldn't destroy!! you mentioned that in kosova are to many buildings of serbian culture, but could u name a country that was once occupated, and the occuopator havent let their trace behind. i also should say that all of this is a part of a very clever strategy.

but no one can figure out why the serbians have made all of their crimes, and i am not saying just in kosova!!
hitler was a racist, how should we call milloshevic!!

You mean UN resolutions, sovereignity, international law and other things are now just in history to be found? If so than you are correct. Nowdays might makes right and whole this human rights and freedom stuff is just instruments.
Do not mess with history becouse it is bag of worms no one wants to open even those who supported separatists in Kosovo. If Kosovo wasnt always serbian it doesnt mean it doesnt belong to them.
Crimes were commited from both sides and dont you forget it. And how to call Milishevic it is for serbs to deside.

Yllka , one question for you. Did you ever heard for people called Cincars? Do you now where they was lived and what happened with them? This is too part of Albanian history. Second, what happened with Serbs who lived in Albania after WW II, under a regime of communist Enver Hoxha?

Any recognition of a unilateral declaration of a division of a European country (i.e. Serbia) is not just ill advised, but will pose real dangers for Europe down the road. Scant consideration has been given to the result, or indeed the legitimacy of the recognition of Kosovo as a state by those countries offering such recognition. Kosovo is part of Serbia and while it may be possible to come to agreement on some form of autonomy, the current situation will have negative effects on Europe generally and in particular for the entire Balkan region.

Voleo bih da mi neko od prisutnih albanaca napise kratki istorijat o njihovom ilirskom poreklu. Pre neki dan sam prvi put na wikipediji video to za ilirsko poreklo i iskidao sam se od smeha, mislio sam neko se sprda, ali onda mi je izaslo jos 1000 klipova sa istim prilogom. Tada sam shvatio da oni stvarno veruju u to!!!
Unapred zahvalan MUSLIMAN iz BEOGRADA.

Fim if i ever find you,I promise we will have a civilized discussion about the subject and then I will -abuse censored by admin-
I am a French man born in France,and my father was French and so on...
It disgusts me to think that we live on the same continent!
It is obvious that Serbs are in the right here!
If you ever come to France come and look for me,I live in Paris Bulevar Ney number 4 apartment 15.
Viva la France et Serbia.

ooo vi ste barbari koji ne mogu da prihvate historiske pravde ali zivite u fantazima !!!
Serbia nece biti ni nije bilo ista nikada to sto vi ovde pokazujete sirbi su pirvo svoju familiju klali pa da imaju hrabrosti da se bore protiv albanaca sirbi su samo po poreklom rusikih belih cigana :banghead uzmite kakotreba knjige historije i naucite ko su iliri arbresi dardani pa onda brblajte a jos nesto tebi budalo bosnjaku ti si musliman dok su sirbi vasu majku jebali bili su losi a sad zivis sa njima i nemas guzu da otvoris usta bukvo jedna jadan ti prodana dusa i guzica vi ste samo muslimani koi su postali ispod maca sultana osmanskog carstva 500 godina ti jedes svinjetinu a molis se allahu sikmisler sizleri hepinizi osmanli devleti hiyar sopasi sikim sizin kaninizi gyaur götler.
Kosovo je Albanski Teritorium nije ni vas sirba bilo. :evil:

I wish to express my support to my brothers, Serbs! We are strong as we stay united! Russians, Ukrainian, Serbs or other Slavs are all the same Slav nation so we overcome any challenge while being united.

The US, UK and other anglo-saxon countries have already tried and will try to separate us by sending into our countries their spies (nationalists like Viktor Yushchenko ).

I say I never sell my brothers for anything. I wish USA would put its spy dollars into their arse hole and stop playing unfairly in Europe

yllka Wrote:you all know that the history is written from the strongest!!
so, if serbians said years ago that Kosova was a part of their state, the world believed to them, cause they didn't had a second voice who would tell the other true ( the real true). but now things have changed, it is now when the kosovars are able to write their own history, the history of facts!!
so, please let us be free, like we deserve to be!!

Yes you are free, you have youre own state, it's name is Albania, don't bullshit here how you are some other poeople. Soo if you want youre own state, go to Albania!!!

Russian2009 Wrote:I wish to express my support to my brothers, Serbs! We are strong as we stay united! Russians, Ukrainian, Serbs or other Slavs are all the same Slav nation so we overcome any challenge while being united.

The US, UK and other anglo-saxon countries have already tried and will try to separate us by sending into our countries their spies (nationalists like Viktor Yushchenko ).

I say I never sell my brothers for anything. I wish USA would put its spy dollars into their arse hole and stop playing unfairly in Europe

My brother, it's good to see that we are not alone.
As Albanian concer, trough the history we saw which kind of people are they. In Serbia we say "VERU ZA VECERU"------"FAITH FOR THE SUPPER"

Kosovo independence is the menacing incident. All the violent ruination of Yugoslavia is the menacing incident.
And for all the Slavs it appeared to become the very insulting and offensive act.
Serbia! Ukraine and Russia are with you.
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules - and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.

replika "shadow"-u:

"ooo vi ste barbari koji ne mogu da prihvate historiske pravde ali zivite u fantazima !!!"
- ovakvo misljenje imamo i mi o vama. Obzirom da je ovo forum, a ne sudnica, necu izvoditi dokaze, ali garantujem da su isti na nasoj strani.

"Serbia nece biti ni nije bilo ista nikada to sto vi ovde pokazujete sirbi su pirvo svoju familiju klali pa da imaju hrabrosti da se bore protiv albanaca"
- sta ce Srbija biti...samo nas gledaj! Borbe izmedju albanaca i Srba je bilo na prostoru KiM. O periodu za vreme i posle drugug svetskog rata da ne pricam...tu se videla i snaga i hrabrost. Samo... sjebali smo se kad vas je tito pustio u naletima!

"sirbi su samo po poreklom rusikih belih cigana"
- Rusi i Srbi su isti narod, vekovima jezicki i kulturno odvojeni. Rusima su ime dali Srbi, ako te to zanima treba prvo da znas sta je Raska (eng. Rascia)...

"uzmite kakotreba knjige historije i naucite ko su iliri arbresi dardani pa onda brblajte"
- i tebi ja preporucujem da proucis ISTORIJU Ilira, a ne FANTAZIJU projektovanja vas albanaca u istoriju Ilira.

"a jos nesto tebi budalo bosnjaku ti si musliman dok su sirbi vasu majku jebali bili su losi a sad zivis sa njima i nemas guzu da otvoris usta bukvo jedna jadan ti prodana dusa i guzica vi ste samo muslimani koi su postali ispod maca sultana osmanskog carstva 500 godina ti jedes svinjetinu a molis se allahu sikmisler sizleri hepinizi osmanli devleti hiyar sopasi sikim sizin kaninizi gyaur götler."
- matori nisi ti kriv sto su tebe lose ucili, vas nisu ucili da smo mi, Bosnjaci, Srbi muslimanske vere. Srba ima velik deo i katolika...jel ti to zvuci poznato??? Za ovaj drugi deo, izvini ali ja moram tebi da postavim jedno vrlo ozbiljno pitanje, za koje se nadam da ces mi odgovoriti: Jel ima kod vas da se kupi Tuborg? Smile

"Kosovo je Albanski Teritorium nije ni vas sirba bilo."
- kakve veze imaju albanci sa siciliom?..pa vas ranije nije bilo ni na teritoriji albanije. Zasto bi se boj na kosovu odvjiao na kosovu ako tamo niko nema za koga da gine?..razmisli. Kosovo je nazvano po podrucju na kom se nalazi veliki broj jedne vrste ptice koja se u Srpskom jeziku zove KOS, te je stoga oblast dobila ime po pripadnosti ptici - KOSOVO. Kako vi nazivate Metohiju? Srpskog Cara Dusana Nemanjica je prestonica bila Skoplje, gde ste jos malo pa vecina...jel to znaci da nas ni tamo nije nikad bilo?

Za kraj, druze moj siptarski, malo rime:

"Kad vam ne bude amera Bossova,
bezacete siptari s` Kosova"

Emir Kusturica voted NO to independence!

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