Poll: Who strated the war in Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
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Who started the war in S.Ossetia: Georgia or Russia?
Lor Wrote:Worse case scenario - isolation of Russia-West;
-- "Iron curtain" as in Soviet times;
-- Restriction of freedom of information;
--restrictions on freedom of movement;
--Restriction of freedom of speech;
--Restriction of freedom of choice of goods and services;
--Deficit of everything in everywhere;
-- Etc. etc.

P.S. Yet something just passed 20 years. Is it forgotten?


Russians do not really care about some values like freedom, democrazy, human rights etc..
Just look, after moscow so called "terracts" in 99, after two war n Chechnya, after nord ost and beslan they have still the same president..
What kind of freedom of speech, when they have killed journalist Politkovskai, only because she had some provements of Putints criminal activities...(namely she showed that pputin has very cloes relationships with terorist from Nord ost)!!!

From your list, every item is already restricted except freedom of movement..yet..
They have no freedom of speech..
No freedom of human rghts (xadarkovski(
No freedom of products (Embargo on georgian and moldovian products)
No freedom of choice..

But they yhink that they do not need it..
Russians always like some kind of Strict Leader in the head of country..Stalin, Putin..
This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

M.Helen Wrote:What I think is that Georgia started the war, by trying to remove the peacemaking forces from South Osetia.

truthful words, thanks!!!!!!!!

In fact , truth is that georgia answered the fire from the russian side..
..And we always wanted, want, and soon will made it, to change russians so called "peacekeepers" with international forces..
At least it will happen..
This is madness!
This is GEORGIAA!!!

Я Грузин, И пусть навеки враг запомнит, Что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем Грузинский флаг...

SiD Wrote:
Lor Wrote:Worse case scenario - isolation of Russia-West;
-- "Iron curtain" as in Soviet times;
-- Restriction of freedom of information;
--restrictions on freedom of movement;
--Restriction of freedom of speech;
--Restriction of freedom of choice of goods and services;
--Deficit of everything in everywhere;
-- Etc. etc.

P.S. Yet something just passed 20 years. Is it forgotten?

First of all almost all of this restrictions were placed by SU themself. If west want to isolate themselves from Russia it is whole different story. You want to be restricted with something?

I think restrictions will certainly come from both sides, after this war.
Who do you think will suffer more - 26 vs 1?

Do I want to be restricted? Surely depends on what?
If we talk oil - well, as I see it could have some positive effect on science in area of renewable energy.
Less we have - more we think how to be effective, less consuming, more diversifying etc (especially now)
It's apparent that WESTERN technology is moving forward Cars, E-windmills, Solar power, Tide power.

Whoever accounts on natural resources is simply losing this race - calmly counting profits, and stashing money in banks.
As it's been for russians as a whole nation, some oil tycoons keep on buying football teams on stolen money - while country can't even afford to build decent public transportation.

Moscow bureaucrats stupidly wasted 5 billion oil dollars in 2007 on luxury items. You should eat them alive !!!

Depression and suicidal rate for those soldiers who came after the useless Chechnya war is huge, whoever didn't kill themselves started drinking, or shooting drugs...did anybody cared??? hardly!!!

The Russian army is a dangerous place even for russians, even in peace, even miles away from the enemy.( Look how many of your youngsters are hiding from it !!!)

Too many generals - too many drunk soldiers - way too many ambitions.

Read Arkady Babchenko - his books " A Soldier's War "can be bought in English now.
Sobering ....

p.s "almost all of this restrictions were placed by SU themselves" - statement is not deep enough.


Lor Wrote:
SiD Wrote:
Lor Wrote:Worse case scenario - isolation of Russia-West;
-- "Iron curtain" as in Soviet times;
-- Restriction of freedom of information;
--restrictions on freedom of movement;
--Restriction of freedom of speech;
--Restriction of freedom of choice of goods and services;
--Deficit of everything in everywhere;
-- Etc. etc.

P.S. Yet something just passed 20 years. Is it forgotten?

First of all almost all of this restrictions were placed by SU themself. If west want to isolate themselves from Russia it is whole different story. You want to be restricted with something?

I think restrictions will certainly come from both sides, after this war.
Who do you think will suffer more - 26 vs 1?

Do I wont to be restricted? Surly depends on what?
If we talk oil - well, as I see it could have some positive effect on science in area of renewable energy.
Less we have - more we think how to be effective, less consuming, more diversifying itc (especially now) It's apparent that WESTERN technology moving forward Cars, E-windmills, Solar power, Tide power.

Whoever account on natural resources it's simply losing this race - calmly counting profits, and stashing money in banks.
As it's been for russians as a whole nations, some oil tycoons keep on buying football teams on stolen money - while country can't even afford to build descent public transportation.

Moscow bureaucrats wasted 5 billion oil dollars in 2007 on luxury items. You should eat them alive !!!

Depression and suicidal rate for thous soldiers who came after useless Chechnya war is huge, who didn't kill themselves start drinking, or shooting drugs...did any body cared??? hardly!!!

The Russian army is a dangerous place even for russians, even in peace, even miles from the enemy.( Look how many are running away from it !!!)

To many generals - to many drunk soldiers - way to many ambitions.

Read Arkady Babchenko - his books " A Soldier's War "can be bought in English now.
Sobering ....

p.s "almost all of this restrictions were placed by SU themselves" - statement not deep enough.

Lor do you think what you are writing? Science is a VERY expensive thing. No money no progress. Natural resources are cheaper and far more effective than all other stuff this day. Do tou think you can do such changes in months? Go back to reality. No energy no industryal goods and that leads to all kind of funny things. Even during cold war we sold resourses. So do not be rediculus. You want to make west big enemy for Russia? You wont like the results. It is 21st century. Different treats you know. Now the country could be attacked even by small group of fanatics with terrible results. And do not worry about our army ewen as it is it is still combatworthy. Too bad that you cant ask Napoleon or Hitler, they were on the horse untill fatal mistake. So before talk about sanctions and isolation one must think about consicuences. And results of such things could be tragick for everyone. Europe and US are not whole world remember that and check out for your enemies before you try to add anather one. This world HAS CHANGED. And you should check modern treats wich Russia can help to confront or make even worse.

IamGEORGIA Wrote:In fact , truth is that georgia answered the fire from the russian side..
..And we always wanted, want, and soon will made it, to change russians so called "peacekeepers" with international forces..
At least it will happen..

You sound stupid, like your mentally unbalanced president. I call him like this, because what he did to Georgia in the first place - was a provocation, which turned into tragedy for Georgia. I don't know, what did he count on when he was saying that Russia attacked Georgia. Of course, Russian TV channels may lie, separate journalists may lie, Russian military may lie. But thousands of eyewitnesses, including journalists from independent anti-Kremlin newspapers, an american journalist, a Ukrainian journalist (though Russian-speaking, sorry, but all Ukrainians speak Russian freely). They all were in Tshinvali when the Georgian assault started after several hours of absolute silence from both sides. It is very easy to prove, that Russian troops were not even in South Ossetia on the 7th August. They arrived almost 24 hours after the Georgian assault started. You either don't know the truth, or just keep lying to our western friends. I'm writing a detailed view, based on the info from independent media. When I'll finish it and publish it - you'll be surprised. And meanwhile, think about this - why Saakashvili banned the Russian TV and wesites? If he is right, what is he afraid of then?

Reply to the Topic:

The longer Russian forces are occupying an independent country and destroying it, the less importance has the thing "who started the war". Even if Georgia was considered to having started it, the casualties caused by Georgia might be MUCH LOWER than those caused by Russian army (bombings) and "irregulars" (looting...)

And people will remember this crisis not because of the Tskhinvali victims, but because of Russia's occupation of Georgia.

By the way, exactly 40 years ago, another European country was invaded: Czechoslovakia. By whom? By USSR (and its allies') tanks. Why? Because Czechoslovakia wanted to follow another political way than Russia/USSR. Some similarities somewhere? Wink

Before the usual complaints "USA did it too", I say: I agree. The intervention in Chile (1973) was probably the worst, and there were others also. Iraq 2003 was of course true too. The world would be a better place without super-powers. Also China has done this: Tibet in the 1950's, and it is still not independent, will it ever be again? Sad

Lor Wrote:Surely I do, if I wouldn't think why you are still interested in conversation?

"Science is a VERY expensive thing." - You are absolutely right SID[orov]

That is why we just built 9 billion euros Atomic-collaider - Continuing investing in space more billions, researching medical science and founding the world's biggest renewable energy products.

What do you do - ? Even your space program got shut down- couse no money. shame
Keep growing rapseeds ... getting to work on broken "Marshrutkaz"

While your "elite" keep on wasting YOUR money !!! I am telling you EAT THEM if you want to survive!!!
They forgot you and your small lives - living large! Well go collect some crumbs !

This "elite" will run away from mother russia FIRST !!!
I bet your generals - treat their wifes with trips to EU, buying fancy clothes and large apartments
(just in case)

Your resources ?!- wake up - it's Turkmenistan resources!!! You just a reseller a middleman !!!
Few years ago Kremlin shit in pants , thinking there can be the same revolution in Turkmenistan as in Ukraine.

Besides there is another thing that you don't like - diversification. Boooooo
If worse come to worse you think there is no other places to buy oil from? Even in cold war - don't be ridiculous !

You got the gas - guess who got the banks and technology along with goods.

Isolation means - grater number cut any relations with smaller number - in your case 1 vs 26 at least?
Who did support you in this war ? Even neutral Sweden compared you to Nazis....
Do you want to have more enemies? Didn't you learn a BIG lesson 20 years ago?

Surely you did lost one cold war already, what's makes you think you got smarter? or stronger today?

I tell you what you got today - only Ambitions, you lost one game - I understand it hurts you greatly.
Are you up for another one? I doubt it !!!

Build schools instead of war. fools.


Lor your view is narrow one 26 against one? How many countries were is in the world? How many developing countries are waiting for thier time to come? But you imprisoned in your little world of 26 countries. If you were in best position to post sanctions they would be already posted.
Quote:While your "elite" keep on wasting YOUR money !!! I am telling you EAT THEM if you want to survive!!!
They forgot you and your small lives - living large! Well go collect some crumbs !
There was once idea in Russia to take from rich and give it to all, whos idea was it?
So as i said there are far more sirius treats in this world and while we will try to eat each other they will grove even more dangerous. Do you know what unspreading of WMDs means? Think can counter this problem without Russia? I ll watch. Wenn every crazy fanatic will have ability to kill tens of tousands instead of hundreds all economys, banks and goods will be worth nothing, as civil liberties and freedom. It is 21 st century baby. Time to see something further than your nose.

Lor Wrote:Isolation means - grater number cut any relations with smaller number - in your case 1 vs 26 at least?
Who did support you in this war ? Even neutral Sweden compared you to Nazis....
Do you want to have more enemies? Didn't you learn a BIG lesson 20 years ago?

Surely you did lost one cold war already, what's makes you think you got smarter? or stronger today?

I tell you what you got today - only Ambitions, you lost one game - I understand it hurts you greatly.
Are you up for another one? I doubt it !!!

Build schools instead of war. fools.

See historybooks and tell me did we win ww1? Now read what happened after ww2. From civil war torn agricultural country to super power. It is lesson either.

actually when losing something you only get stronger. You begin to learn more things about your lack and no success.

The occupation of Ukraine by Russia - 1650s
Russia - Crimea - 1783
Russia - Poland - 1795
Russia - Eastern Georgia - September 21, 1801; April 1802
Russia – Georgia (1810-1864)
Mass murdering of 1 Million Caucasians by Russia - 1859-1880
Russia - Japan - 1905-1905
Russia -Poland - 1920
Russia - Azerbaijan - 1920
Russia - Armenia - 1920
Russia - Poland -1939
Russia - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia - 1940
Russia (USSR) - Finland - 1940
Russia (USSR) - Hungary - 1956
Russia (USSR) - Czechoslovakia - 1968
Russia (USSR) - Afghanistan - 1979-1989
Russia - Georgia - 1919, 1920 (April-May), 1921, 1924, 1991-93
Russia - Georgia - August 2008....................................... ????????????
Russia -....................?

I still wonder whether Vladimir Vladimirovic is the best Russian leader EVER, or the title goes to Ivan Vasiljevic IV Rurik.

Balkaneese Wrote:I still wonder whether Vladimir Vladimirovic is the best Russian leader EVER, or the title goes to Ivan Vasiljevic IV Rurik.

No, very far to Stalin.
V.V. is a dummy compared to Y.V.
"Europe should switch to nuclear and use the old gas pipes as sewers. The destination should be the Kremlin." @ a reader at timesonline.co.uk

SiD Wrote:
Lor Wrote:Isolation means - grater number cut any relations with smaller number - in your case 1 vs 26 at least?
Who did support you in this war ? Even neutral Sweden compared you to Nazis....
Do you want to have more enemies? Didn't you learn a BIG lesson 20 years ago?

Surely you did lost one cold war already, what's makes you think you got smarter? or stronger today?

I tell you what you got today - only Ambitions, you lost one game - I understand it hurts you greatly.
Are you up for another one? I doubt it !!!

Build schools instead of war. fools.

See historybooks and tell me did we win ww1? Now read what happened after ww2. From civil war torn agricultural country to super power. It is lesson either.

Sid - go and remind this history facts about ww2 to your local authorities - when you are trying to fix your roof or water. (don't mention lost wars like Afghanistan, WinterWar , Japan war or World War I )

Only I am afraid it wont help you. (sadly)

Your government NEVER really cared about small people - not yesterday-not today - what they cared it's their own wealth and political games to profit from.

Tell me you don't feel mad when you read about all Rich people leaving Russia after big gas deals? You think Kremlin has nothing to do with it?
Tell me in Soviet Time how bad common people lived, while Tops being modest on TV - rwere enjoying the best.
Tell me have you personally benefit from this oil money? I doubt!

........This fast money cloud your national judgment - you rapidly start showing muscles instead of constructing.

SID step farther then "our army still fightworthy"

I tell you I am not anti-russian, I strongly believe that you have 2 types of people.
........Ether really-really-really good ones or absolutely bad ones.
Maybe extremes are part of your soul? I think so - to me it's not a mystery.

I just hope that good ones will take over someday.
Sadly good ones always being sent to Siberia or Killed or Expelled - Soljenicin, Politcovskaya, and millions of common others.

.........Go ahead and try to oppose what ever contradicts to Kremlin views - you will be silenced in no time.

I don't even blame RF soldier for looting anymore...I simply understand what is waiting for them at home - depressive streets, drunkolds in the bus, muddy outskirts, lack of jobs - and that goes for the largest part of the country.
So maybe it's the only positive thing they can take from this war, however twisted this can be.

I don't see your "Tops" sending sons to Chechnya or Georgia, it's more otherwise - giving them good cars, blings, Moscow flats, girls....
Tell me if I am wrong...

Salomo said some right words - "And people will remember this crisis not because of the Tskhinvali victims, but because of Russia's occupation of Georgia".


Hello everyone!
Svens Wrote:Remember:
The occupation of Ukraine by Russia - 1650s
Russia - Crimea - 1783
Russia - Poland - 1795
Russia - Eastern Georgia - September 21, 1801; April 1802
Russia – Georgia (1810-1864)
Mass murdering of 1 Million Caucasians by Russia - 1859-1880
Russia - Japan - 1905-1905
Russia -Poland - 1920
Russia - Azerbaijan - 1920
Russia - Armenia - 1920
Russia - Poland -1939
Russia - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia - 1940
Russia (USSR) - Finland - 1940
Russia (USSR) - Hungary - 1956
Russia (USSR) - Czechoslovakia - 1968
Russia (USSR) - Afghanistan - 1979-1989
Russia - Georgia - 1919, 1920 (April-May), 1921, 1924, 1991-93
Russia - Georgia - August 2008....................................... ????????????
Russia -....................?
Don't we remember:
1)US - Nuclear bombing of Japan
2) US - Korea
3) US - Vietnam
4) US - Yugoslavia
5) US - Afganistan
6) US - Cambodia (overt and covert)
7) US - Lebanon (twice)
(8) US - Panama
(9) US - Guatemala (covert)
(10) US - Nicaragua (covert)
(11) US - Chile (covert)
(12) US - Colombia (covert)
(13) US - Cuba (semi-covert and continuing)
(14) US - San Salvador (covert)
(15) US - Venezuela (covert)
(16) US - Haiti
(17) US - Grenada
(18) US - Iran (twice–covert and overt)
(19) US - Philippines (covert)
(20) US - Laos (overt and covert)
(21) US - Iraq 2003
(22) US - …………………………………
And I guess quite few of US “Police operatons” resulted in 100s or 1000s of civilians killed.
Quite possible we feel the miss of WW3??????

I can`t believe that some pople still think that georgia has started the war. Of course it was Russia. They have been preparing for this for a long time.



boka Wrote:I can`t believe that some pople still think that georgia has started the war.

Well, some of us do read news and use brain.


August 8, 2008, Georgia's Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilains attack on S. Ossetia.

1990, Georgia's Gamsahurdian's attacked S. Ossetia.

Balkaneese Wrote:

August 8, 2008, Georgia's Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilains attack on S. Ossetia.

1990, Georgia's Gamsahurdian's attacked S. Ossetia.

And You think someone would bilieve that false?

Lenus really brought a good example - when jury tries to bring out the truth and there is two different opinions they look at track record - here is just minor of yours))))

The occupation of Ukraine by Russia - 1650s
Russia - Crimea - 1783
Russia - Poland - 1795
Russia - Eastern Georgia - September 21, 1801; April 1802
Russia – Georgia (1810-1864)
Mass murdering of 1 Million Caucasians by Russia - 1859-1880
Russia - Japan - 1905-1905
Russia -Poland - 1920
Russia - Azerbaijan - 1920
Russia - Armenia - 1920
Russia - Poland -1939
Russia - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia - 1940
Russia (USSR) - Finland - 1940
Russia (USSR) - Hungary - 1956
Russia (USSR) - Czechoslovakia - 1968
Russia (USSR) - Afghanistan - 1979-1989
Russia - Georgia - 1919, 1920 (April-May), 1921, 1924, 1991-93
Russia - Georgia - August 2008.......................................

Tatiana_Kirovsk Wrote:Hello everyone!
Don't we remember:
1)US - Nuclear bombing of Japan
2) US - Korea
3) US - Vietnam
4) US - Yugoslavia
5) US - Afganistan
6) US - Cambodia (overt and covert)
7) US - Lebanon (twice)
(8) US - Panama
(9) US - Guatemala (covert)
(10) US - Nicaragua (covert)
(11) US - Chile (covert)
(12) US - Colombia (covert)
(13) US - Cuba (semi-covert and continuing)
(14) US - San Salvador (covert)
(15) US - Venezuela (covert)
(16) US - Haiti
(17) US - Grenada
(18) US - Iran (twice–covert and overt)
(19) US - Philippines (covert)
(20) US - Laos (overt and covert)
(21) US - Iraq 2003
(22) US - …………………………………
And I guess quite few of US “Police operatons” resulted in 100s or 1000s of civilians killed.
Quite possible we feel the miss of WW3??????

How come, all the people from the above mentioned countries,keep on emigrating to the US? They saw US as a chance to have a better life??

How come people in countries oppressed by Russia during history do NOT even wish to move to Russia?

I PERSONALLY spoke to refugees from Different countries. I know people that WALKED from San Salvador to Washington DC, which took them moths. I met lots of people from ALL the countries that you mentioned. I know people from Sudan that kissed the American ground!! American Government gave them political asylum and welfare to start a new life.
WHAT DID YOU GIVE TO PEOPLE IN GEORGIA, MOLDOVA, UKRAINE,ETC??? You can't even give ANYTHING to your own people!!! Rich get richer, poor get poorer!! SHAME.

Tatiana_Kirovsk Wrote:Dear Frederic !
Can you read?
Tatiana_Kirovsk Wrote:Dear Lor!
I’m Russian, and I’m AGREE with George Friedman, so yuu may take all answers in here (if you really needs them)
Go ahead –
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/russo_georgian_war_and_balance_power">http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/russo_ge ... ance_power</a><!-- m -->
P.S. I agree with you that well bred and ill-bred people can be found everywhere

Dear Tatiana,
Maybe I am not as smart as you, but I could not find answers to my questions in the article you provided me with. I respect Mr. Friedman`s views but I asked for yours. Anyway I had 13 concrete questions and need answers on them. You can highlight the parts of Mr. Friedman`s artcle and indicate to which of my questions they correspond, in case you don`t have your own answers and ideas.
Thank you in advance,
1. Why does anybody talks here about the events that preceded the conflict. Namely, Heavy russian military presense near the borders of Georgia, deployment of russian raylway forces in Abkhazia and subsequent transfer by newly reconstructed raylway lines of Russian tanks and armoured vechicles in Abkhazia, issuing of Russian passports in a hastily manner and in very large amounts to South Ossetian residents, military trainings Kavkaz 2008 near Russian- Georgian Border, full battle readiness of russian Black Sea Fleet.
Don`t you think that these were the signs of planned military actions from russia?
2. Why does any of pro russians here expresses its concern about heavy Georgian civialian casualties?
3. How it turned out that initaiallly declared number of 2000 civilian casualties in Ossetians decreased to 133(human rights watch confirms only 44)? Do you think it is moral to get into the race of numbers of deaths?
4. Do you know how manu civilians were killed in Chechnia?
5.Why Russian troops have not opened humanitarian corridor so far? Don`t you think they are falsificating some facts in Tskhinvali, aiming to use body's of Georgians to increase the number of civilian casualties to initially declared number?
6. Why did russians used prohibited claster bombs in their attacks on Gori residential districts? (Dutch journalist fall victim of such bomb.)
7. Why Russia is not fullfiling its commitment to withdraw forces, occupying the areas far away from the conflict zones?
8. Why none of you is concerned over the huge number of Georgian refugees, humanitarian catstrophe in Georgia, absolutely destroyed civilian infrastructure?
9. Why Russian soldiers are still looting and why did they let in ossetian and north Caucasian militias to rob and kill Georgian civilians?
10.Don`t you think that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are now absolutely ethnically cleansed regions, where not a single Georgian resides?
11. Why russians are destroying eco system of Georgia, bombing with fire bombs unique bio reserve, which is under fire now and will impose eco catastrophe in the whole region?
12. What is so special about Checnia that they have no right to demand anything and be killed without any justification?
13. Don`t you think that the future status of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could be determined only with the participation of all the residents of this regions, including Georgians who fleed out of their homes?
Please give me concrete answers on these concrete questions.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sosgeorgia.org/">http://sosgeorgia.org/</a><!-- m -->

AlexanderBB Wrote:
Balkaneese Wrote:

August 8, 2008, Georgia's Suck'a-a-a-AAA-sh-vilains attack on S. Ossetia.

1990, Georgia's Gamsahurdian's attacked S. Ossetia.

And You think someone would bilieve that false?

No. Why would anyone believe it's false when it's true? Big Grin

AlexanderBB Wrote:The occupation of Ukraine by Russia - 1650s
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

You forgot to list occupation of Moscow before that Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Lor Wrote:Sid - go and remind this history facts about ww2 to your local authorities - when you are trying to fix your roof or water. (don't mention lost wars like Afghanistan, WinterWar , Japan war or World War I )

Only I am afraid it wont help you. (sadly)

Your government NEVER really cared about small people - not yesterday-not today - what they cared it's their own wealth and political games to profit from.

Tell me you don't feel mad when you read about all Rich people leaving Russia after big gas deals? You think Kremlin has nothing to do with it?
Tell me in Soviet Time how bad common people lived, while Tops being modest on TV - rwere enjoying the best.
Tell me have you personally benefit from this oil money? I doubt!

........This fast money cloud your national judgment - you rapidly start showing muscles instead of constructing.

SID step farther then "our army still fightworthy"

I tell you I am not anti-russian, I strongly believe that you have 2 types of people.
........Ether really-really-really good ones or absolutely bad ones.
Maybe extremes are part of your soul? I think so - to me it's not a mystery.

I just hope that good ones will take over someday.
Sadly good ones always being sent to Siberia or Killed or Expelled - Soljenicin, Politcovskaya, and millions of common others.

.........Go ahead and try to oppose what ever contradicts to Kremlin views - you will be silenced in no time.

I don't even blame RF soldier for looting anymore...I simply understand what is waiting for them at home - depressive streets, drunkolds in the bus, muddy outskirts, lack of jobs - and that goes for the largest part of the country.
So maybe it's the only positive thing they can take from this war, however twisted this can be.

I don't see your "Tops" sending sons to Chechnya or Georgia, it's more otherwise - giving them good cars, blings, Moscow flats, girls....
Tell me if I am wrong...

Salomo said some right words - "And people will remember this crisis not because of the Tskhinvali victims, but because of Russia's occupation of Georgia".


Lor what th... do you want me to do with oil money or gas money or wathever? To expropriete them? Do you heard about bolshevism?
Quote:I just hope that good ones will take over someday.
Sadly good ones always being sent to Siberia or Killed or Expelled - Soljenicin, Politcovskaya, and millions of common others.
How many millions? million more million less, you do not care? It is real people you try talking about. As i heard from man i respect when someone is reading morals with such manner he is not worth hearing.
So if you have something constructive to say be my guest if you want to tell me about problems i already know than save your breath. Better turn your concerned attention to problems in your own home. For example what i was mentioned earlier mistreatment of minorities and nazi in some states (no need to point every one). And wenn you will have no more your own problems parhaps you will help us to solve ours.
By the way we have nice say : "Goodness must have fists."
Quote:Salomo said some right words - "And people will remember this crisis not because of the Tskhinvali victims, but because of Russia's occupation of Georgia".
Better so than people forget that it was such people living ther and called S Osetians. Not for you as it seems.

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