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Quote:Girogi, if you are sure that it is not Georgia-Ossetian conflict but Georgia-Russian, in this case I can approve that it is war between Russia and the USA. Who did supply Georgia whith guns, tools and trained soldiers? Americans! And you can't deny this fact, because the world Mass media is already writing about this, including New-York Times. Notice, American press! I guess you believe them better than Russian. And please, don't be primitive and don't write THERE that Russians payed for this information and this is not truth. The truth is the one! And soon you'll learn it. P.S. Yeah, our soldiers killed georgian, but AFTER YOU ATTACK OUR PEACEKEEPERS AT NIGHT 8th AUGUST!!!
This is open-mindness.... What wonderfull logic you have got.....
Yes Americans helped and what than?... Russians helped Irac, Sadam, by your logic what follows?...
Do not make so simple conclusions... The idea that it was Georgian-Russian war is far more stronger than the idea that it was Russian-American war........
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Ann from Russia Wrote:by Giorgi on Today, 15:15
EDISAN wrote:
Russia the rights because Georgia attack South Ossetia and killed the Russian peacekeepers
This is not Georgia and South Ossetia war, This is Georgia-Russian conflict...
Girogi, if you are sure that it is not Georgia-Ossetian conflict but Georgia-Russian, in this case I can approve that it is war between Russia and the USA. Who did supply Georgia whith guns, tools and trained soldiers? Americans! And you can't deny this fact, because the world Mass media is already writing about this, including New-York Times. Notice, American press! I guess you believe them better than Russian. And please, don't be primitive and don't write THERE that Russians payed for this information and this is not truth. The truth is the one! And soon you'll learn it.
P.S. Yeah, our soldiers killed georgian, but AFTER YOU ATTACK OUR PEACEKEEPERS AT NIGHT 8th AUGUST!!!
Primitivity is that who believes Russian are peacekeepers  lets remind 21 august 1968 in Prague they try to help  to Czech, Russian peacekeepers was keep peace in Chechnya too  , I’ m not going to deep in history. Russian has illness to be a “empire” and not part of civilization as US or EU in 21 century.
This is a PROBLEM. No matter who was killed Russian, Georgian, Ossetia, Chechn or anther this is Russians blame by killing someone for increase of area of control in 21 century.
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Maybe I'm not right, but USSR wanted to encrease territory, not Russia. Today's Russia is totally for peace, but Georgia started this conflict at the start of Olympic Games. :^( Thank you VERY MUCH.
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RusNeko Wrote:Maybe I'm not right, but USSR wanted to encrease territory, not Russia. Today's Russia is totally for peace, but Georgia started this conflict at the start of Olympic Games. :^( Thank you VERY MUCH.
Georgian was always in georgian territory and Russia started this conflict at the start of Olympic Games
to finaly show as Russia is OCCUPANT
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Russia started????? We was hardly surprised when YOU attacked your provinces at the Olympiad Opening daY!! Our army came there to keep peace, and your army killed peacekeepers. Don't blame me Georgi. I know the you're from Georgia and your vision of this problem is the blame of your mass media propagande and desinformation. Open your eyes and understand what are you doing.
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RusNeko Wrote:Russia started????? We was hardly surprised when YOU attacked your provinces at the Olympiad Opening daY!! Our army came there to keep peace, and your army killed peacekeepers. Don't blame me Georgi. I know the you're from Georgia and your vision of this problem is the blame of your mass media propagande and desinformation. Open your eyes and understand what are you doing.
Dear i have open eyes and see Russian is try occupation Georgia again. I think who thinks 58 army is peacekeepers and who has done chechnia is peacekeepers should open eyes & mind sorry its true.
The Russian Federation relentlessly provoked the conflict in every way Former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov says
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",0,1940961.story"> ... 0961.story</a><!-- m -->
its not Georgian propagande its fact RUSSIA IS AGGRESSOR
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it's useless. georgians are blind. american journalists know how to wage informational war. As for europeans they have lost their ability to analize the facts.
Open your eyes men. Georgia is totalitarian and agressive state. USA are world terrorists. Russia saved europe against Napoleon and Hitler. now russia have to save the world against usa
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I'm Russian, giorgi, so I know that Kassyanov ever said lies. Eugene, Thank You! You're right.
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Eugene from Belarus Wrote:it's useless. georgians are blind. american journalists know how to wage informational war. As for europeans they have lost their ability to analize the facts.
Open your eyes men. Georgia is totalitarian and agressive state. USA are world terrorists. Russia saved europe against Napoleon and Hitler. now russia have to save the world against usa
Really you think Russia will save the world from "US & EU terrorists"  may be you should say this in fun hot topics forume
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Russia wants PEACE.
USA wants WAR.
Georgia listens to USA.
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Giorgi Wrote:Eugene from Belarus Wrote:it's useless. georgians are blind. american journalists know how to wage informational war. As for europeans they have lost their ability to analize the facts.
Open your eyes men. Georgia is totalitarian and agressive state. USA are world terrorists. Russia saved europe against Napoleon and Hitler. now russia have to save the world against usa
Really you think Russia will save the world from "US & EU terrorists" may be you should say this in fun hot topics forume I have never said that EU are terrorists. As for USA - yes, they are terrorists. it's obvios to everybody who read not only american newspapers. For example, what do you think about aircrash in Kirgizia last month?
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Serbia was bombed not only by Americans. Countries taking part in that crime are also world terrorists
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RusNeko Wrote:Russia started????? We was hardly surprised when YOU attacked your provinces at the Olympiad Opening daY!! Our army came there to keep peace, and your army killed peacekeepers. Don't blame me Georgi. I know the you're from Georgia and your vision of this problem is the blame of your mass media propagande and desinformation. Open your eyes and understand what are you doing. # :oO
I just think the ways to dehipnotising idiviuals like you. I ve thought of none so far.
how do you get so blingfolded?
read, listen, look:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... bout-1.php</a><!-- m -->
Quote:...Georgia didn't start it on August 7, nor on any other date. The South Ossetian militia started it on August 6 when its fighters fired on Georgian peacekeepers and Georgian villages with weapons banned by the agreement hammered out between the two sides in 1994. At the same time, the Russian military sent its invasion force bearing down on Georgia from the north side of the Caucasus Mountains on the Russian side of the border through the Roki tunnel and into Georgia. This happened before Saakashvili sent additional troops to South Ossetia and allegedly started the war.
"Europe should switch to nuclear and use the old gas pipes as sewers. The destination should be the Kremlin." @ a reader at
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Georgians, stop lying here trying to conceal the crimes of you army in S Ossetia.
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EU1 Wrote:Georgians, stop lying here trying to conceal the crimes of you army in S Ossetia.
The answere will be given on this issues in Haague. And we will have exact information whous crimes were there Georgians or Russians and/or Ossetians.
So this question will be answered soon.
And emotional disscussions and insulting of each other i suppose will stop finally.
After 2-3 weeks the court will clarufy issue of genocide of Goergiens is Sida Kartli and Abvxazeti beggining from 1992.
I have a question: way Russians did not apply to Haague for genocide issue if they feel they are right? and please answere this question. You, all Russians are not answereing questions and are repeating the same as parrots without any analize of situation.( russian peacekeappers, referendum, support of the world to "recognition process" Chechnia and Ingushetia and reacently Bashkortostan independance and many other questions). I understand that you are under have propagnda , but this forum gives you opportunity to get information from us - eye witness of the process, so its wonderfull opportunity to get infornmation from first hand and its very sad that you can not understand nothing.If you will ask yourselfs way, how, when and maybe? such questions will help your brains to extract some truth but unfortunatlly your brains are not doing this job.
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Your questions were answered many times. You have chosen wrong person as your leader that could not awoid war. Are georgiabs have some difficulties dealing with reality? You are more dreamers.
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Dear Georgians!
Dont your ever forget, that USA is democratic country and not the Bush imperia. Look at what unbiased americans telling to you:
"American intelligence confirms that the latest military actions in South Ossetia were started by Georgia and Russia’s position in the conflict was correct, says Republican California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.
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Lenus Wrote:RusNeko Wrote:Russia started????? We was hardly surprised when YOU attacked your provinces at the Olympiad Opening daY!! Our army came there to keep peace, and your army killed peacekeepers. Don't blame me Georgi. I know the you're from Georgia and your vision of this problem is the blame of your mass media propagande and desinformation. Open your eyes and understand what are you doing. # :oO
I just think the ways to dehipnotising idiviuals like you. I ve thought of none so far.
how do you get so blingfolded?
read, listen, look:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... bout-1.php</a><!-- m -->
Quote:...Georgia didn't start it on August 7, nor on any other date. The South Ossetian militia started it on August 6 when its fighters fired on Georgian peacekeepers and Georgian villages with weapons banned by the agreement hammered out between the two sides in 1994. At the same time, the Russian military sent its invasion force bearing down on Georgia from the north side of the Caucasus Mountains on the Russian side of the border through the Roki tunnel and into Georgia. This happened before Saakashvili sent additional troops to south Ossetia and allegedly started the war. Georgian generals tomorrow said in NATO sittings that it was Saakashvili who gave order to bomb Tshinval/ And that they were against this aggretion. German newspapers first who wrote about that!!! i wonder if other contries will publish this information tomorrow.
Saakashvili is lier. 06/08/2008 he said that he won't use weapon against S.Osetia. the next day he ordered to bomb Tshinval. One of his general said standing in front of camera that is an operation of reinstatement of georgian unity. 2 days later Saakashvili sais that georgia bomb not Tshinval but Rocksky tonnel. osetians at this time bury dead bodies in their backyards. Then Saakashvili said that russia bomb citizens in Gori, Poti and Tbilisi. But this sities are not destroyd. EU delegats find than destrucktions are insignificant. Saakashvili said that russia bomb gas- and oil pipe lines. Turkey say that they still get gas and oil. Saakashvili eat his tie and hide from airplain - he obviously play with camera. CNN shows us ruins of Gori. Russian journalists come to Tshinval and shows live that it's not Gori. Fox news shows pictures of pure old wooman who cry over the body of her civil son. Osetian woman show on russian TV picture of her with this old woman. it's her appear to be mother, who cry over the body of her son. BUT HER SON WAS OSSETIAN AND WAS KILLED BY GEORGIANS IN 1991. No Tshinval on western TVs, no osetians, no pictures of dead girls who were burned by georgians alive, no pictures of osetian officer without head, no pictures of killed pregnant woman who ascend from the basement couse she was thirsty, no pictures of dead people who were hiding in basement while georgian soldier throw there grenade, no pictures of georgian tanks shooting buildings in osetia...
Russia could easely occupy all Georgia (who have any doubt that USA would do this) but they stopped in Gory - the territory that should remain free from any army under 1991 treaty.
too many lie. But truth will come up in the neerest future. i'm sure
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Eka Wrote:I have a question: way Russians did not apply to Haague for genocide issue if they feel they are right? russian lawyers are prepareing the case. they shoul gather a lot of proofs to persuade the biassed Tribunal (the word "biassed" was used by Carla del Ponte in her book that is forbidden in USA. del Ponte as you know was head of Tribunal on Jugoslavia. In her book she describe how americans forbid her to publish facts about atrocities made by cosovars). so russia just need some time
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Eugene from Belarus Wrote:Lenus Wrote:RusNeko Wrote:Russia started????? We was hardly surprised when YOU attacked your provinces at the Olympiad Opening daY!! Our army came there to keep peace, and your army killed peacekeepers. Don't blame me Georgi. I know the you're from Georgia and your vision of this problem is the blame of your mass media propagande and desinformation. Open your eyes and understand what are you doing. # :oO
I just think the ways to dehipnotising idiviuals like you. I ve thought of none so far.
how do you get so blingfolded?
read, listen, look:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... bout-1.php</a><!-- m -->
Quote:...Georgia didn't start it on August 7, nor on any other date. The South Ossetian militia started it on August 6 when its fighters fired on Georgian peacekeepers and Georgian villages with weapons banned by the agreement hammered out between the two sides in 1994. At the same time, the Russian military sent its invasion force bearing down on Georgia from the north side of the Caucasus Mountains on the Russian side of the border through the Roki tunnel and into Georgia. This happened before Saakashvili sent additional troops to south Ossetia and allegedly started the war. Georgian generals tomorrow said in NATO sittings that it was Saakashvili who gave order to bomb Tshinval/ And that they were against this aggretion. German newspapers first who wrote about that!!! i wonder if other contries will publish this information tomorrow.
Saakashvili is lier. 06/08/2008 he said that he won't use weapon against S.Osetia. the next day he ordered to bomb Tshinval. One of his general said standing in front of camera that is an operation of reinstatement of georgian unity. 2 days later Saakashvili sais that georgia bomb not Tshinval but Rocksky tonnel. osetians at this time bury dead bodies in their backyards. Then Saakashvili said that russia bomb citizens in Gori, Poti and Tbilisi. But this sities are not destroyd. EU delegats find than destrucktions are insignificant. Saakashvili said that russia bomb gas- and oil pipe lines. Turkey say that they still get gas and oil. Saakashvili eat his tie and hide from airplain - he obviously play with camera. CNN shows us ruins of Gori. Russian journalists come to Tshinval and shows live that it's not Gori. Fox news shows pictures of pure old wooman who cry over the body of her civil son. Osetian woman show on russian TV picture of her with this old woman. it's her appear to be mother, who cry over the body of her son. BUT HER SON WAS OSSETIAN AND WAS KILLED BY GEORGIANS IN 1991. No Tshinval on western TVs, no osetians, no pictures of dead girls who were burned by georgians alive, no pictures of osetian officer without head, no pictures of killed pregnant woman who ascend from the basement couse she was thirsty, no pictures of dead people who were hiding in basement while georgian soldier throw there grenade, no pictures of georgian tanks shooting buildings in osetia...
Russia could easely occupy all Georgia (who have any doubt that USA would do this) but they stopped in Gory - the territory that should remain free from any army under 1991 treaty.
too many lie. But truth will come up in the neerest future. i'm sure
You miss in this .ru information EU & US support georgia, after Russia stop continue total occupation of georgia
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Eugene from Belarus Wrote:Eka Wrote:I have a question: way Russians did not apply to Haague for genocide issue if they feel they are right? russian lawyers are prepareing the case. they shoul gather a lot of proofs to persuade the biassed Tribunal (the word "biassed" was used by Carla del Ponte in her book that is forbidden in USA. del Ponte as you know was head of Tribunal on Jugoslavia. In her book she describe how americans forbid her to publish facts about atrocities made by cosovars). so russia just need some time
"russia just need some time" to renovation CCCP and the world will be hell with russia peacekeeper, Haague will have Tribunal in CCCP court  .
You can have dream no one dying by dream
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SiD Wrote:Your questions were answered many times. You have chosen wrong person as your leader that could not awoid war. Are georgiabs have some difficulties dealing with reality? You are more dreamers.
dreamers are better than Putins=Medvedev's slave
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Dont your ever forget, that USA is democratic country and not the Bush imperia. Look at what unbiased americans telling to you:
"American intelligence confirms that the latest military actions in South Ossetia were started by Georgia and Russia’s position in the conflict was correct, says Republican California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.[/quote] SiD Wrote:Your questions were answered many times. You have chosen wrong person as your leader that could not awoid war. Are georgiabs have some difficulties dealing with reality? You are more dreamers.
Sid , please if you can provide with source as it must be usualy done. ( Dana Rohrabacher) It will be interesting.
And please answer this question about Haague - why Georgia applys to court but not Russia if its sure that Georgians killed 2000 osertians?
I can not found your answer on my main quistion - Why russia , Kokoiti and Bagapsh are against referendum with ALL IDPs from there to clarufy finnaly independance issue of these regions?
Your last argument when you have no reall ones to present is - dreamers.Its not a serios argument in disscussion. For exzample I can say that Russians are alcoholics thats way they behaive in such a strange way, but it will be not an argument . Its only will be my opinion about Russia nothing more.So are we dreamers or are you alcoholics with ideas to restore empaire, this are not arguments.
My main argument is that Sida KArtli was is and will be georgian teritory historically and politically. Population there was suffering from terorists and separatists ( both Osetians and Georgians), when we try to restore order and law there Russian Army rushed thry georgian border and occupied our teritory and then presidents( P and M) declere " indepedance' of 2 regions. After this only KUBA and NIKARArAGUA, xamas and hesbola backed Russia. There partners form East and from some western countries( Chex, Hungary and ... I dont remeber who else) even they OFFICALY does not support them.Unoffilcal support does not mean nothing for political elits in the world.Thousands of Georgians were dispalaced from region and nearby teritories.Georgia applied to Haagua court, while Russia has not done this.
About choosing appropriate person - maybe you gays will help with advice or maybe even you can send as some appropriate persion to choose or maybe directly to "put" him as president ? It will be great! you are choosing so corectly because have planty of former and acting FSB gays there.Can you rent as 1 or 2. We have shortage at this moment ( most of them are out of game now here).
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Eka Wrote:Dont your ever forget, that USA is democratic country and not the Bush imperia. Look at what unbiased americans telling to you:
"American intelligence confirms that the latest military actions in South Ossetia were started by Georgia and Russia’s position in the conflict was correct, says Republican California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. SiD Wrote:Your questions were answered many times. You have chosen wrong person as your leader that could not awoid war. Are georgiabs have some difficulties dealing with reality? You are more dreamers.
Sid , please if you can provide with source as it must be usualy done. ( Dana Rohrabacher) It will be interesting.
And please answer this question about Haague - why Georgia applys to court but not Russia if its sure that Georgians killed 2000 osertians?
I can not found your answer on my main quistion - Why russia , Kokoiti and Bagapsh are against referendum with ALL IDPs from there to clarufy finnaly independance issue of these regions?
Your last argument when you have no reall ones to present is - dreamers.Its not a serios argument in disscussion. For exzample I can say that Russians are alcoholics thats way they behaive in such a strange way, but it will be not an argument . Its only will be my opinion about Russia nothing more.So are we dreamers or are you alcoholics with ideas to restore empaire, this are not arguments.
My main argument is that Sida KArtli was is and will be georgian teritory historically and politically. Population there was suffering from terorists and separatists ( both Osetians and Georgians), when we try to restore order and law there Russian Army rushed thry georgian border and occupied our teritory and then presidents( P and M) declere " indepedance' of 2 regions. After this only KUBA and NIKARArAGUA, xamas and hesbola backed Russia. There partners form East and from some western countries( Chex, Hungary and ... I dont remeber who else) even they OFFICALY does not support them.Unoffilcal support does not mean nothing for political elits in the world.Thousands of Georgians were dispalaced from region and nearby teritories.Georgia applied to Haagua court, while Russia has not done this.
About choosing appropriate person - maybe you gays will help with advice or maybe even you can send as some appropriate persion to choose or maybe directly to "put" him as president ? It will be great! you are choosing so corectly because have planty of former and acting FSB gays there.Can you rent as 1 or 2. We have shortage at this moment ( most of them are out of game now here).  [/quote]
Answers to your questions are scattered in this forum you can find if you want.
OOh you tried to restore order and law in S Osetia but are condaming us for same in Chechnya? I see. You would gladly done something bad to us but you simply cant. Why should we bother explaining then?
You are dreamers. You dream that there will come some US or EU politic on wise horse and bring you everything you need.
Dont you think Saakashvili could make something to improve relations with Russia? If you dont need it so face consiquences and stop blaming us.