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The Gypsies in Italia -‘problema zingari' (‘Gypsy problem')?
Guest Wrote:
Terry Wrote:evryone is so smart here, but tell me, has anybody ever been hurt by a Gypsy? Why are you so angry on them people?

I sure have. Zingari don't want to become normal working people. One thing is work migration. Another thing is moving piazza to piazza begging for money and then breaking cars if you don't .

Join the damn army if you are out of a job!

I agree, Gypsies are lazy. It's in their blood. They do nothing but want everything. Still, there are hard-working people among Gypsies, but they can rarely be met. Just try not to pay much attention to them, even when they beg. Pretend you don't see them.

I will not tell you about Russian Gypsies, it is terrible thing, they have connections with drugs, many of them are thief, and in Russia 95% of them are criminals. Be careful Italy, soon they will demand an independent state like Albanians in Serbia
The best political regime for the nation is a regime which was saved this nation like an entire one. (M. Montein)

Newrussian town Wrote:I will not tell you about Russian Gypsies, it is terrible thing, they have connections with drugs, many of them are thief, and in Russia 95% of them are criminals. Be careful Italy, soon they will demand an independent state like Albanians in Serbia

hey, it's not only about Russia... Gypsies are the same wherever they are... yet, I wouldn't say that 95% of them are criminals. Most of them deal with professional begging, and this is the worst part.
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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Italy has to arrange it's parliament
Berlusconi recently came up on a fight against Malta for not taking immigrants from Lampedusa(Italian island), and by all standards it was Italy's fault

The Gypsy problem can be solved on it's they are nomads and will shortly leave Italy, if not, then the law will take care of it

Having one child after another to reap the welfare benefits of the country while being unemployed will Not bring anyone a lot of sympathy.They have to integrate into the country they live in and start contributing to the society. Instead of blame th Society, try to come up with a solution. Solution for gypsies: Learn, go to school, get education how to be civilized part of any country's any society. Do not steal from others, work, pay taxes, feed your children, clean yourself, take a shower, clean your yard and house. There are many efforts to provide them housing, jobs,with little or no results. Most of them prefer their own tribal outsider subculture, and unwilling to make an effort to integrate. Anyway,gypsies think they superiors to others, because they demand subsidies but don't obey their responsibilities. They do not want to work in any case, that's the big problem.

Gypsies could be trained in learning with us in the Europeam cities. Yes they are nomadic people yet we must remember that the Turks were nomadic people in the past too. Bur Sons of Omeyye and Roman Empire has taught them to live in civilized countries and even to make contributions to civilization.
Today a proper Hodja-named Fethullah Gulen is one the greatest friends of the West!

solzhenitsyn08 Wrote:Gypsies could be trained in learning with us in the Europeam cities. Yes they are nomadic people yet we must remember that the Turks were nomadic people in the past too. Bur Sons of Omeyye and Roman Empire has taught them to live in civilized countries and even to make contributions to civilization.
Today a proper Hodja-named Fethullah Gulen is one the greatest friends of the West!

I'm disagree with you...if turks become civilized why they did not do the same? because they like to live so, by own rules, were they want...All most all of them are cheating, stealing and....and lie...they was, are and will be so...
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."

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The central Italian city of Pisa have found a new way to resolve much-disputed " Roma-gypsy" problem by sending them back to Romania if they agree to do so. This latest initiative by local authorities is completely legal. Nomadic gypsies are being offered 500 euros and a bus ticket back to Romania on condition that they stay out of Italy for at least one year.

I think the reason why people don't like gypsies because they have a powerful negative stereotype. Many people hated and feared gypsies because they had a reputation for flouting conventional moral standards by lying, cheating, and stealing from people who were not of their own kind. However, we cannot condemn all gypsies because in every ethnic groups their are bad and good and it's wrong to condemn an entire culture based on stereotypes. We cannot blame people who had a bad experienced with the gypsies for hating them.

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